How you feel about internet of things?

How you feel about internet of things?

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Botnet of things is an excellent free resource for russians who want to make a living selling DDOS services and ransom threats.

There is no internet of things. Just shit connected to a server, terribly insecure most of the time.

It'd be ok if the security was better

How to spy on people for dummies.

on the one hand it can be really cool and give you a wonderful insight into and control of your environment, on the other hand I'd love to make some shit like that, tho more for LAN of things.

>insecure most of the time.
That's good though. More security work for the rest of us.

If it's not a raspberry (or any other SOC running some kind UNIX), then its botnet material.

Seriously any board with GPIO, USB or serial output can connect to an arduino relay shield and do the same shit for less than a commercial solution, as for voice recognition, it has been done with the raspberry with the advantage of not having an active listening device connected to google/amazon servers for "Analysis".

Massive Botnet DDOS waiting to happen.

Security nightmare and a huge liability


Complete botnet.
NSA in your bedroom.

I hope someone finds a way to jam it.

not only it's a meme technology that most of the time is useless (see that juice thing, they just love to add internet to a toaster because it's the new cool thing), and since these thing are often coded by monkeys that have never heard of the word security in their lives, they are extremely insecure (internet connected cars... what could go wrong?).

I mean, fuck, we still haven't managed to build secure consumer routers! Security blogs that post about router firmware exploits are more comedy that technical writing!

>internet of botnets

C...can this be real?
Is Sup Forums actually agreeing on something?

it's something so stupid that even the normiest newfriend can see it's dumb

This thing is a nuclear timebomb that is currently leaking.

We all agree because we know this will be a huge problem.

Biggest meme ever and completely useless for anyone that isn't disabled.
People using this shit is like walking into the grocery store and using the motorized scooter. Anyone that sees you will think you're a retarded lazy cunt.

While remote control is nothing new, installing an app that controls your sockets seems a little sketchy.

You mean the Internet of Get Your Shit Hacked By Russians And US Intelligence Agencies?

Developing IP stack for major IoT company. Pretty good stuff, when 802.15.4 chips will cost less than decent capacitor.

Yes, also all know that Emacs is better than Vim.

>"i thought you were a real TECHIE, user? you don't even have the wifi light bulbs? get with the times man!"

it's so delightfully ironic how pointless tech like this with gaping security holes is gobbled up the fastest by the least technologically literate

>sergei vladovistovich hacks into your network because your fucking LIGHT BULB FIRMWARE stores your network password as plaintext
>takes a video of you cranking off to tranny porn
>send me 1000 buttcoins or i show your wife

i fear the day when ww3 breaks out and the first thing that happens is they shut off the IOT and there's bloody riots because nobody knows how to do anything anymore

Without memeing, 100% I believe that it is the start of a real botnet. Not the blown-out-of-proportion "Windows records my data" botnet, but an oppressive global net of surveillance and oppression.

Go ahead, call me a tinhat nigger

Somethings, like OP being a faggot, are universally true.

>takes a video of you cranking off to tranny porn
>send me 1000 buttcoins or i show your wife
>you only have 2d waifu, so ok with that

I want it to become popular and cause a wave of disasters. Then maybe, just maybe technology companies will start being held accountable for their fuckups.

in 10 years, analog devices will be an extremely niche product that only the rich can afford to buy and service

accused of a crime? google or microsoft or amazon or whoever just flips a switch and your whole house goes dark. doors lock, windows shut, cops en route. game over

smartphones are just a prototype of this.

you missed the point, it's normie idiots that this will happen to

>i fear the day when ww3 breaks out and the first thing that happens is they shut off the IOT and there's bloody riots because nobody knows how to do anything anymore

Pretty much this. Each year people rely more and more on "do everything for me" type software and megacorps.
Lately I've become quite depressed because of this fact. You barely can start a conversation about technology. People will think you are hacker for knowing the simplest of things and simply shut off their brain saying things like "i dont understand that stuff"

It would be awesome to see my toaster DDOSing america

Honestly, it's the new "cloud", new "web 2.0", new "deep learning", new "VR" - a hot buzzword meme for that dumb VCs/investor money.

>"i dont understand that stuff"
Fucking lame. Hate this so much.

It's fucking trash. One of the worst things that ever happened to humanity.

You're delusional. In 10 years Chinese factories will be making the same analog, cheap-ass chink shit they've been making for decades. You sound like those idiots that were spouting the crap about European Union making light bulbs illegal or something.
>Waah, in 10 years you won't be able to buy real light bulbs anymore!

Well, guess what fucktards, you can buy traditional light bulbs just like you could for decades. Literally nothing changed.

I swear you tinfoilers, maybe instead of protecting your brains try using them for once?

it's not that the components will be inaccessible, but with the skyrocketing housing costs, and consolidation of property in the hands of a few wealthy landlords, they will begin to install this bullshit to "protect their investment". maybe they will get some rebate from the company that makes it, maybe they want to feel like they can control everything in their many many houses

the average bloke lives paycheque to paycheque and won't have a choice but to live in these pre-bugged homes. and if they want to put in regular light bulbs? nope, too bad, that's a violation of the rental agreement, peasant

the problem is that these devices are becoming cheap enough that they can now be manufactured and deployed at almost the same rate as the "cheap-ass chink shit" it's replacing

>spouting the crap about European Union making light bulbs illegal
But it is illegal, even in Russia.

In theory: it's absolutely amazing and the next step in the evolution of home automation.

In practice: it's dogshit that needs to die in a flaming fire. IoTs treat security as a non-factor in their implementation. Their reliance on phoning home to the mothership means they will be deadweight if the host company dies or decides to pull the plug on the server, fine for something like a light bulb, unacceptable for a fridge or washing machine. You don't really know what else these devices are shipping back ton the manufacturer; smart TV manufacturers pretty much admit to data mining their users.

All these gaping holes in our life in exchange for a tiny amount of convenience and the ability to try to fart along in life out of a smart phone. The government doesn't even have to fight with us, we have handed our civil liberties to these companies in exchange for the illusion of convenience and all Uncle Sam has to do is issue a no-squeal subpoena and your privacy is over.

Dramafagging aside, home automation is something that has been something that peaked in the 60's and 70's, but it wasn't a practical value added to the consumer. Power line standards like X11 and other automation networking stuff has been around for ages.

You're literally a conspiracy theorist.

kek, I'm gonna DDOS your Juicero machine!
now you won't have the ability to squeeze overpriced juice pac-- oh t nevermind.

people thought it was crazy to believe that the NSA had a comprehensive database of almost every digital communication in america and was actively using it to spy on their own citizens

there was a time when i would be on your side, but now that pandora's box turned out to be very real and very open, i have a hard time not being cautiously skeptical of anything

the problem is that you can get inside someone's network (and from there potentially get root access to another system) due to garbage security written by pajeets for 2$ an hour

I'm not going to get all autismal over it, not when there's literally millions of mongoloids out there using unsecured Windows machines.

It's not just a security issue. There's not enough raw materials to produce the number of IoTs that supposedly will be used. They (the manufacturers mostly) also claim that IoTs will have absurd lifespans.
The truth is, they will last a year or so before being considered ancient garbage, you will have short support if you buy them.
For the programmer though, it means a lot of bux because a lot of people want to eat this shit up.

Turns out that we already have malware that permanently destroys IoT devices.

>as the second one is targeting any Linux-based system—not only embedded, BusyBox-based Linux with flash storage. What motivates people to randomly destroy things?
Probably discovered that too many IoT devices were managing to slip through the net by just limiting to embedded Linux.

It's an affront to personal property ownership, privacy and security. It's a massive liability for society as it's produces thousands of poorly secured devices (that are necessarily installed by people with little to no computer security expertise). It needs to die.

Unnecessary desu

>How you feel about internet of things?

It will be -- by far -- the greatest security disaster of the internet era.

Pressure will be intense to make sure that every new dishwasher, refrigerator, TV, etc. will be online. Most of it will be rolled out without giving a second thought to security.

Pressure will also be intense to roll out some kind of zero-config WiFi solution so that you don't need to update 20 appliances just because you changed your WiFi password. Changing your WiFi password will eventually be considered a hostile act by the manufacturers, so they will insist on some kind of bypass that will take you out of the loop and ensure that "their" appliance is always on the net.

And I wouldn't be surprised if they take the simpler approach and just make the appliance seek out any unsecured WiFi it can find to connect to. In dense urban areas, they could probably get 90% of the appliances online that way. They'll justify it as a "convenience feature", pay off the congressmen to make it legal, and the average user won't give a shit anyway.

DOS attacks will probably be the most common problem that the user will encounter. Like for example a new generation of computer viruses that scan the user's home LAN for appliances to deliver a bad config to (like a firmware update that bricks it). The manufacturers will be caught completely off guard by this, and any solutions they roll out will be subject to an endless whack-a-mole game between the hackers and the manufacturers.

The massive new wave of identity stealing and privacy invasion will be much more subtle. Nobody will even know it's going on. It's so easy to embed a microphone into an appliance -- they'll all have one, ostensibly so that you can give voice commands. But of course the real purpose of the microphone is for the benefit of the marketers to get a "better understanding of the customer and his needs".

>buy a new refrigerator
>refuses to keep your food cold unless it is connected to a wifi network
>gets bricked by botnet
>all your food goes off overnight

Missing the point. Your Juicero joins a botnet and becomes part of these DDoS attacks. The botnet Mirai is most infamous for this.

The botnet in question there, BrickerBot, seems to be destroying devices to prevent the above from happening. At least that's a generous interpretation, but it's also the end result.

The newer, better Hajime botnet is clearly designed to thwart Mirai and the like. without completely ruining its hosts.

>The newer, better Hajime botnet is clearly designed to thwart
That's the one that locks down telnet access and prompts the user to set a new password when they next try to access it or something, right?

I'm not too well-read on it, but that's the gist. I think it locks down some other ports as well.

>>refuses to keep your food cold unless it is connected to a wifi network

A new black market will be born, where people can get their appliances illegally modified so that they still operate while off the net.

You might even need to purchase the appliance through the black market. That's because the manufacturers are going to red-flag you if your appliance doesn't appear on the net, and if they have your sales invoice with your name and address, they could notify the police to report a possible illegal operation of the appliance.

For Automation and industrial equipment, like the power supplies in your picture, it's perfect for remote diagnostics so you don't have to pay for a tech to come out.

You mean the second hand market?

>You mean the second hand market?

Eventually, the market in old pre-IoT second-hand goods will dry up. At some point, you'll no longer be able to buy an old non-botnet refrigerator at a reasonable price, because the demand for them will be too high.

At that point, you will need someone who can strip the IoT out of appliances, and is willing to violate the law to do it.

Basically, you will pay extra for the privilege of being off the botnet -- and that extra money will go to criminals.

If I had more money, I'd make a home automation for my lights, air conditioning, plant watering and add some motion and temperature sensors.
I'd keep it in a LAN, with maybe logging on a VPS but nowhere near the IoT they try to sell to normalfags

I interned 3.5 months in a IoT delusional startup that was trying to beat Nest using PIC they didn't knew how to program.

Despite the cargo cult programming culture, these people were able to spy on their client. With no anonymisation I was encouraged to test my temperature control strategies against real people, having their address, GPS localisation, daily routine, heater technology... Their names was one SQL request away.

Imagine what larger companies would be able to do with so much info.

Hell, I already feel spied on by my smartphone, I wouldn't let the paranoia sink deeper.

Well-meaning, but insecure and sort of pointless.

My hope is that the big IoT security disaster will occur well before then though.

It's a fucking pipe dream, because the data and according processing power it's gonna supposedly generate is way out of our capabilities.
Also, it will be maintenance hell.

>the government is going to control us using digital devices
>You're literally a conspiracy theorist
>the government is reading everybody's email
>You're literally a conspiracy theorist
>the government is going to track us using SSNs
>You're literally a conspiracy theorist
The conspiracy theorists are right m8

As has already been stated in previous threads, there is no such thing. Clueness management and marketing types use this phrase a lot. Are you clueless?

I really wish someone made "enthusiast" IoT devices that connected to the owner's personal server rather than some far flung point of the bonnet.