>buy prebuilt pc for games and stuff
>it gets delivered to nearest post office
>not strong enough to carry it home alone
Why is computer stuff always so hard?
>buy prebuilt pc for games and stuff
>it gets delivered to nearest post office
>not strong enough to carry it home alone
Why is computer stuff always so hard?
Are you literally 12?
>buying a prebuilt
are you fucking kidding me
wat the fuk?
Ask your mom to drive you to the post you fucking manchild
Even at 12 I could carry a prebuilt pc
Call an uber.
>can't lift 30lbs
How does it feel to know you aren't even qualified to work for the post office?
ha ha
>playing games
isn't it past your bedtime?
>buy prebuilt pc for games and stuff
First mistake
>>it gets delivered to nearest post office
At least you live in a first world country unlike 3rd world countries that leaves it at the doorstep for niggers to steal it.
>not strong enough to carry it home alone
You're not old enough to own a computer you can't carry.
It's not a bad tactic for people who need a "starter kit," if you will.
Not everyone has the patience to research and purchase a
Optic Drive
A keyboard
A mouse
A monitor
A graphics processing unit
A network interface card
and Speakers.
What did I miss?
This has to be bait.
>What did I miss?
Killing yourself.
/request ban
Jesus christ
itt: how to trigger Sup Forums
Kill yourself, you dumb fucking shit stain.
>not using a trolley
Brainlet detected. Perhaps also the reason why you do not have the intellectual ability to assemble a PC.
>buying a prebuilt
>cannot afford a taxi
>Not having a car
get a load of this fag
>not just asking your mothers husband for help
get a load of this pleb lmao
>buying a prebuilt
stopped reading
>tfw stepdad
Idiot. Doing your own research and learning how to PC is good towards filling your brain with other shit besides "how to be a faggot."
second best loli
>what now
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