I joked about buying AMD shares when they were less than $2 but never followed through

>I joked about buying AMD shares when they were less than $2 but never followed through


Other urls found in this thread:



They'll be back to $2 once Icelake new arch releases and murders AMD


>Just wait

>implying this has anything to do with Sup Forums
are you turbo autistic?


Oh golly a new Intel arch? Is it gonna be good as Netburst, IA64, Larabee, , iAPX 432?

Intel sure makes them.

>AMD fags are so assblasted about having been made fun of for telling people to "just wait"
>they think they can use that meme against other people
I can feel your ass pain from all the way over here.

>says the guy waiting for IPC increases in 2021

Intel is going to have massive IPC increases with Cannonlake's 10nm architecture next year, so much that AMD won't even be able to recover.

Intel is the king of innovation. Not even Jim Keller's legacy can match up to Intel when it's serious about winning.

>meanwhile the intelfag is JUST WAITING for a cheap 8 core from intel (never going to happen)

Nice skylake dieshrink there.

>Intel is going to have massive IPC increases
>Intel is the king of innovation.
i wonder who is behind this one

I don't need for it to be cheap because I'm not a poorfag.

Intel only did it with Kaby Lake because the transition to 10nm is much harder than it initially thought. Once it gets it down, Intel will once again own the CPU market and there is nothing anybody will be able to do about that.

By the way, you're confusing Intel with AMD, since R9 300 series is a rebrand of the R9 200 series and the RX 500 series is a rebrand of the RX 400 series.

Intel themselves stated 10nm is slower than 14nm for the first 2 years.

Like seriously, what the fuck, cannonlake won't probably go in desktops at this rate

>skylake dieshrink

Hearty chukles

>fourth time
>when the only processor series released since Skylake is Kaby Lake
Really makes you think.

>he's shilling for intel but hasn't even seen their own roadmaps


would you buy a toyota yaris for $200,000 because you're "not a poorfag"

Take the opportunities that exist today instead of worrying about the ones you missed.

Fuck off Confucius get shaved

I already shave
and own investments
I held a position in AMD years ago.
I don't believe their fundamentals have changed to warrant a price above $10/share.
Right now they are just floating on hype, not actual earnings.

>/biz/ is 99.98% crypto threads now
still why come to Sup Forums to talk about buying shares..?maybe op should fuck off to Sup Forums indeed or khs?

I honestly consider it more Sup Forums related than watch threads.
AMD is a tech company
but im not OP

at least you didn't sell your Tesla shares OP

They're breaking backwards compatibility. Itanic 2.0 incoming. wccftech.com/intel-developing-new-x86-uarch-succeed-core-generation/