/pcbg/ - PC Building General

/pcbg/: Post your component list; rate other anons'; ask questions in general.

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>Assemble your parts list with price comparisons & compatibility filter.

>Information on how to assemble a PC, select components & more. (somewhat outdated)

Currently worthwhile CPUs:
>G4560 for budget builds (i3 are only worthwhile for dwarf fortress & single-purpose emulator boxes
>i5 aren't worthwhile. Get Ryzen 5, drop down to G4560, or up to R7/i7
>R5 1400 is not worthwhile unless discounted
>i7-7700k is good but bad value. If over budget, an R5 is probably as good or better for you
>R7/Xeon for compute/multitask/mixed use

Currently worthwhile GFX cards:
>RX570, RX480(if cheap & not blower), RX580, 1080, 1080TI
>RX570 is usually all you need for 1080p@60hz
>RX550 & RX560 are worth considering if you just need 6 monitor support for cheap and/or play low end shit
>1060 & 1070 are worth considering if you already have a Gsync monitor. 1050Ti is for mITX builds or if on sale at ~$100
>Nvidia GPU + Ryzen has issues in many games atm (thank you nvidia driver team)
>Budget builds: consider integrated graphics over a card weaker than RX560
>May for Vega

>No brand/model loyalty. Parametric filters on pcpartpicker can help
>Consider larger SSD-only for what you budget SSD+HDD combined. Add HDD later once needed
>NVMe aren't for faster OS boot. They're primarily for productivity as a scratch disk
>mATX can often save cost as the board+case is usually cheaper
>1 DIMM is significantly slower than 2 DIMMs

If you see any other build advice or part list threads, direct them here with and report.

Other urls found in this thread:


I need an advice picking a monitor for Photoshop.
Is MVA panel worth going for if i'm looking for good colors and contrast? I'm doing digital art, and i want some good 10bit colors. and while MVA seems to have superior contrast and black depth i heard it's somewhat inferior in color.
I was trying to get myself a 4k IPS panel within 500$ and so far the both monitors i ordered arrived with a dead pixel and i returned them to the store. (i tried Benq BL2711U and HP Z27s )
I found a looks like a great deal
>AOC 32" U3277PWQU
I can get one for 500$ But it isn't IPS, however the tests and reviews are very positive, and it's 32" when others are 27.

Should I grab this one? Am I going to regret not getting an IPS?
I have roughly 500$ to spend on it.

I'll post this one more time
Is this a good build?
Gpu: Sapphire AMD RX 480 Nitro 8gb
Cpu: Ryzen 5 1600
Ram: 4x2 Corsair 3000MHz
Motherboard: MSI Z170A Gaming Pro Carbon, Socket 1151
Case: Corsair CC-9011050-WW
Psu: 550W Corsair
Storage: 1TB for all the shit I need + 120GB SSD for Windows and whatever
All this for 900ish Europoor monei, I just want to be comfortable with everything and not get ripped off


>I need an advice picking a monitor for Photoshop
if it has true 10 bit color than it is good

No, replace the CPU with an i5 or it will not work.

shit forgot to link post

If you have a Ryzen system and are not willing to work around to get 7 to install/update, 10 is fine. You gotta tweak a lot of stuff, turn off a lot of features. In particular there was one service that crippled my 3/1 internet, think it was called Content Delivery something. Basically was choking my internet downloading updates for other computers in my network. Had to disable that.

>Intel mobo
Come on.

You can get a 2560x1600 16:10 Dell monitor for like $800 I think. Might be worth it for you.
It's not 10bpc though.
You might have to wait an entire year before you can get a decent HDR10 monitor for $500 desu.

Not worth it m8.
4c/4t is garbage.

Just buy a new motherboard. You're spending $50 more than a 1600 costs there and only getting DDR3.

Now if you got a free 4790k, yeah I'd say go ahead and get a board and memory for that.

Win10, disable services, and get a telemetry blocker.
But real talk, run Linux as you main desktop and just use win10 for gaymes when they don't run on Linux.

Looks fine but same thing I said to the other guy.
I'd get a 500GB+ SU800 or MX300 over paying so much per GB for that 256GB 850.

Wait wait, hold up.

You're saying Ryzen has issues with 7?

Whats the best gaming monitor for under 300?

GTX 1060/1070 turns out to be cheaper than AMD alternatives in the long run, as AMD cards run hot as hell and die after 3 years

Plus you can't put a price on the silence of a GTX 1060/1070, compared to AMD's wind turbines

As for Ryzen 1600 over i5, I'm skeptical.. i5 + mobo costs $219, Ryzen 1600 + mobo costs $278. That's a fair bit of extra money for a CPU that on the face of it, looks worse than the i5 in almost every category that matters (including gaming). Can anyone demonstrate the Ryzen 1600 is worth its price over an i5, without pointing to that shitty Watch Dogs 2 port benchmark?

gigabyte rx570 yesno

you need a AM4 mobo you know...


Should I replace the GPU for a 580, or am I good to go?


I'm finally moving to an apartment that I can fit a desk in, you know what that means, right?! Time to blow all of my money on a computer!

>as AMD cards run hot as hell and die after 3 years
retard detected

Alright, i get it, i'm not a smart man, what do you suggest under 150 bucks?

Yeah but I'm getting the parts for free. Might be a little used though. Cuts $400~ off my price. Was thinking this in the long run.


Already have a Case, 1tb Platter and other things.

Just the same issues Skylake and Kabylake have.

idk u decide

No I'd get a different brand.

Oh you're getting the 4670k for free? Well fuck off you had a price listed not "purchased already". I'd still sell teh 4670k and get a 4790k.

no you're fine

Which of these motherboards is the best for overclocking and all-around:
ASUS Prime Z270A
ASROCK Z270 Extreme 4

Any other suggestions besides these?

Sorry, I didn't know that was an option until just now.


Listed what I'm getting for free.

What the fuck did he mean by this?

It's true though - I speak as a victim of AMD (I had a HD7970, now have a GTX 1070)

Obviously not all cards are going to die within 3 years, but I'm telling you that's probably the average given the heat stress these cards are under. My HD7970 was running at 70 degrees max, I read that these newer cards are hitting 78+ degrees with fans running at full throttle (they have no choice!), which is insane. My GTX 1070 runs at 59 degrees max, fans don't even turn on in many games.

I wasn't aware of issues W7 has, are they serious enough to just get W10 and deal with getting spied on?

He is retarded but there is a point to his claim. Thermal cycling is the main cause of component failure - constantly heating up and cooling down causes (mainly) solder to crack and create gaps which leads to runaway temps as there is no longer a TIM to transfer heat from the die to whatever heatsink is in place. Thus to a certain extent having a part run at a constant temperature (even if that is fucking hot) can often elad to longer lifespans than constant cycling from cold to hot.

Naturally the timespans and temperatures are all relative, but that is the basic gist of it.

So I've got the ultimate budget PC Sup Forums after I found an Am1 mobo for 18$ new

>Sempron 3850
>ECS Kam1-I mini itx motherboard
>used Seasonic 350w bronze rated OEM psu
>used 2x2gb corsair ddr3-1600mhz ram
>used WD Blue 160gb 7200rpm hdd
>power button and leds

75 bucks for a functional PC.
I'm going to install Lubuntu and maybe drop on my GT710 if its any better than the integrated HD8280 on the sempron
Its going to be mounted on a bit of wood shaped like an I beam.

I wanted an Athlon 5350 but eBay Jews got me good and price went up over 50$ for a used one.
The sempron was new though and came with a cooler.
Why is the 5350 so danm expensive everywhere all of a sudden? I got my sisters Athlon for maybe 45$ new.

For your budget i think this will be good enough pcpartpicker.com/user/oznerol10/saved/JZJQ7P

Wait dont listen to that i didnt see the budget




You can go lighter, much lighter than that. I'd even suggest puppy which can be installed (though it is not aimed at it).

But i said that my budget was 900

You can't use that motherboard with a Ryzen r5.
Ryzen chips require AM4 motherboards. LGA 1151 is for Intel Skylake and Kaby Lake

I would also do 1x8gb instead of 4x2gb of ram for future upgradability reasons

console cuck here

If I don't like AAA games and first/third person shooters is it worth upgrading my GPU? I have a rx480 right now and it works well for everything I throw at it such as emulation/indie games.

I do however want to emulate the wii U, what card/cpu combo would I need to do that?

no, go for sandisk instead


is rory reed trying to explain the 290x again?

>tfw I'll finally get to play Nier without some meme lower resolution, stutter, load times, low FPS in fights, and white screen or video driver crashes

Have you ever had to rush through a game with weird save points because you were at a regular risk of losing your progress at all times?

Because I have.

Fuck that shit.

what's your current cpu fucker?

just get ryzen 5 1600

your gpu is fine you dumb frogposter

>was literally about to click buy because Amazon Gift cards
FUCK. Why you do this to me?

yes, when playing fallout3 on the PS3
jesus christ that was a terrible experience

Sorry I made a mistake, my gpu is GT640

My CPU is an i5 6400

RX 480 right now is good for just about any game on the market in 1080p. Some of the most demanding games requiring a drop in settings at most to get 60fps or higher.
Your 480 is fine for wiiu emulation. Its fine for just about anything 1080p and even some 1440p.

Higher end stuff is more for higher resolutions and high frame rates.
My Gt710 can do 60fps low csgo in 720p.
But a titan xp would do triple digit frame rates in 4k at max settings.
Both would be playable but one will loom significantly better

>playing jap console ports
at least the murifats and yuropoors try to make their games work on pc

uhh yeah, get the 480 then lmao

Please see I listed my gpu wrong accidently

both are shit

>mid to high tier cpu
>low end gpu
Yeah that's a bottleneck right there mate
Pick up an RX470 minimum. 480 or 580 recommended to take advantage of that i5

Is the 480 okay for emulating wii U with my i5 cpu?

with that cpu? hell no. ryzen at the very least.

What's a bottleneck? Sorry for being a noob I am a console cuck and yes I might go for that whichever one is cheaper

Okay I will wait for ryzen and get RX 470 and it should be okay to emulate wiiU

I had a 6970 for a couple years and the fans broke on it, one day they started running at 100% all the time and I couldn't fix it

Dont listen to that user. ADATA SU800 is great. I have one and an 840.

Anyway the build looks okay. Though I'd sell the 4670k and buy a 4790k instead. It's way better now days whereas the 4670k will bottleneck the 1070 in some newer games.

I have now overclocked my 1600mhz Kingston/Gskill ram to 2400mhz.

Are these good timings?

Redpill me on Ryzen. I want to upgrade my CPU and was going to buy the i5 7600k, but according to this thread Ryzen is better and cheaper. Which one is the best? I looked them up on amazon but the 1600x is more expensive than the 7600k.

It's a really good game.

Sometimes it's nice to have proper PC rigs to power through bad optimization.

Hopefully the future is laced with support for AMD and 6 cores.

...I do wonder if a 1600 will run Tera though.

Can someone explain me one thing. 1600x has 12 threads vs 4 of i5 7600k.
In a game that uses 8 threads - ryzen shows same fps, although load is much smaller. So, one would expect that if we test it with 2 1080ti in sli, 1600x would show much better fps than i5 that is already 100% loaded with 1070. But in reality fps stays the same, gpu is not fully utilized and ryzen stays underutilized.

So why doesn't 1600x win 4 threaded i5 in a 8 thread optimized battlefield 1 when there is no gpu bottleneck?

Well, I'll definately get an improved build another time, this replaces a 2500, RX 380, and other old shit that sounds like its breaking down.

For now though, This is for FFXIV Stormblood, so I can actually feel like I can max everything and be fine. Thanks anons.

Going to be Win7 too.


This is what i have so far. Still semi undecided on mobo. The Asus Prime X370 Pro looks great with it's VRM and the price is ok, alternative would be the Gigabyte Gaming 3.
I'm not going to use SLI or CrossFire, the X370 is in hope of better quality components for longer lifespan and voltage regulation, if that makes sense.
GPU.. now, a friend could give me his old GTX660 until Vega releases. This takes me to the next point, the PSU. Do you think 550W will be enough for Vega and R5 1600 OC to 3.8-4.0GHz?


ryzen 5 > i5

get the 1600 and overclock it
only get the 1600x if you have no intention of overclocking

what does overclocking do? does it ruin the cpu?

its free perfromance, are you fucking trolling or just dumb?

the latter. i've been gaming on consoles my whole life, sorry man, what did i do to warrant such a mean-spirited reaction man

11-16-16 on DDR3? Meh not really. I'd just try and get better timings on 1866 or 2133.

Calculator your true latency and see for yourself.

Could you please explain why 1600x?
Specifically this question

You're in a pc building thread and you don't know what overclocking is, use google before asking stupid questions

Thank you

at 1833 it's 11-11-11-29 and at 2133 it's 11-14-14-36

Why would i go lighter?
I only picked lubuntu because i personally like it. I dont need lighter, fuck i could install straight up bloatbuntu or windows on it

It's better than the 7700k in most cases, including gaming often as well in just how smooth and consistent it is.
So why the fuck would it be worse than a 4c/4t?
It's obvious shit. It has 50% more cores, 300% more threads, and AMD's SMT is better than HT.

>Specifically this question
If a game is using 100% of the 4 or 8 threads, and something else wants to use resources on the PC, what do you think happens?
And those average framerates don't show how much smoother the 1600 is. Look at frametime graphs.

A bottleneck is when one component is held back by another component.
So you have a CPU that wont be used to its full potential in some games because the GPU is being fully maxed out.
An example would be looking at live usage specs and seeing 50% cpu usage, 100% gpu usage.
So your GPU is bottlenecking your CPU

Thats what the Gt 640 is doing with the i5 6400
Thats a decent modern processor paired with a pretty old and fairly weak GPU

An optimal pairing of CPU/GPU is where both components are used roughly the same amount depending on how intensive a game or program is.

>what is a Google
Jesus Christ.

Hm you can't get tighter than 11 at 1833? You can't get like 9-10-10? That would be
1833 at CL11 should be 12ns true latency, if my math is correct
Ideally you want to get in the 8-9ns range.

is windows 10 still free?

I see the graph, and I don't doubt the performance of Ryzen. I am just asking a question that I don't know answer for.

The idea is that if 1600 is underutilized when i5 is 100% utilized, why doesn't 1600 pull way ahead in games that use 8+ threads (Battlefield 1, Assassin's Creed) when there is no gpu bottleneck? If i5 is already 100% loaded with 1070, means that it is bottlenecking 1070. But 1600 has only 50% load. So if we were to install 1080 ti, i5 would bottleneck it but 1600 would logically show more fps with more load. But fps stays the same and 1600 stays at the same load, while gpu is also underloaded. Why?

What's a good monitor I can get two of for about $100 each?

Even when the 7600k is not 100% utilized, it's still smoother.
>why doesn't 1600 pull way ahead in games that use 8+ threads
Because the commands to draw the next frame all comes from a single thread.
That single thread is often tied to some gameplay and such that makes it go slower than it should instead of pumping out frames as fast as possible. This is why single threaded performance matters even in many highly threaded games. But the single threaded of kabylake isn't THAT much higher.
And some engines will discard work like non-gameplay affecting physics that's not able to complete in time.
Ashes of the Singularity takes that to the extreme, where it doesn't even give you the option to display some visual effects on a 4core. They just get silently disabled. The game LOOKS better on a 6 or 8 core even if it might run slightly worse.

There are some 75hz freesync monitors around $115.

Hello /pcbg/

I'm looking for the best content creation/rendering rig possible for less than $1000 USD.
I need wireless connection and mobility is a must. Since I'll be moving around since I work on different projects. The case is mainly a placeholder. I would appreciate any advise on small matx cases. Don't mind windowed cases, but size and mobility are a must.
This is what i have so far.

Want to upgrade to 4K monitors. Can anyone vouch for the P2415Q from dell?

>Even when the 7600k is not 100% utilized, it's still smoother
Sorry, what is smoother? i5 or 1600?

Nope can't go lower than 11 at 1833. I can only get 10 at 1600mhz as well.

Look at the frametime graphs. The 1600, obviously.

Idk go with whatever is the lowest true latency. Double check for the formula unless I had it wrong.


Also which one looks "better" to you Sup Forumsentoomen, the one on the right, or the one on the left?

I don't know if it is going to be interesting for you but after some more research I also found this: youtube.com/watch?v=P8bRqdFGCf0
Here we see that when streaming and gaming ryzen is clearly winning and utilizing those available resources. So, the problem is in nvidia drivers and engine optimization probably.

What CPU has the highest single thread rating on the market right now?

>There are some 75hz freesync monitors around $115.
I forgot to add, they need to be VESA compatible. Got any links to anything like that?

They are roughly identical but the y axis changed from 150 to 180.

7700k probably

Ya not the guy asking but I don't care about streaming.

But I do use multiple monitors. I don't want to have to close out a bunch of programs and other shit, and run in fullscreen non-windowed, just so my 4c/4t doesn't shit the bed.

Na, look yourself. Newegg has filters for that and there is this: gpunerd.com/guides/freesync-monitor-list

>What CPU has the highest single thread rating on the market right now?
7350k and 7700k.

Unless you're using something that's GCC compiled, then the 1600X or 1800X usually win.

ignoring the change in the length of the y axis, does it look like there is less fluctuation to you?

it is for guitar amp simulation. I just need the lowest latency possible

Looks similar.
But further to the right, there is a drop under 15fps twice on the right one while the left one doesn't go under like 18.

The 1600mhz looks like it has less severe dips to me.

Are one of these bars CPU time and the other GPU time on top of it? So it's just the orange that matters, right?

what's the deal with the 580's power? Why does it take so much fucking power compared to the 1060?

I was cleaning my pc and plugged in the pcie power to my 660 backwards and I can't fucking get it out. I even disassembled the back pcb so I could put pressure on the lever and it doesn't budge. what the duck did I do

Nah the orange is just to help see the lows.

like honestly it's really fucking stuck

Nvidia keeps a tight spec on the PCBs which make them a lot more energy efficient. It's also why you can't change the vcore voltage on them. Less wattage is lost through them similar to the way different PSUs have varying efficiency.
The GPU dies themselves aren't that much different. 30watts at peak maybe? The other losses are elsewhere.

The 570 and 580 don't use so much power that it should be much of a turnoff. Maybe $1-$10 a year if you use Radeon Chill.
They're definitely way worse fps/watt, but using 170-225watts is nothing like using 400+.
An extra 70 watts is just like an extra 70 watt light bulb. It's nothing.

Ah right. Thought it could be that.
The left one then. The right one has worse lows but better highs.