/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine (try to use a search engine that respects your benis such as searx, ixquick or startpage).

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


My laptop runs ubuntu. Recently installed a second SSD. It's an M2. My battery life has dropped from 8 hours to 4 hours.

I've never encountered this large of a disparity so I'm guessing this is a configuration problem or something related to ubuntu. Any ideas to get my battery life back up or is my only option to just remove this second SSD?

What do you think on making a text based environment using tools like Screen for window manager?

See I plan on making a few guides to setup manually, like someone would set their source based distro, but for a DE.

Any help is welcome.

Install a program called 'powertop' and see what the cause of the problem is

Also check the guide on security tips in order of difficulty pastebin.com/5XfDX4wL

and a dead easy IRC guide pastebin.com/QCKmysyY

>guide on security tips
What is the source of this pastebin?

That is the reason proprietary software is better than opensource.


Ah, so it was spawned from the depths of your deluded mind, fueled by your paranoia

any geckolinux users?
how is it vs opensuse?

Oh, so you are a troll, alright then, let grownups talk honey

Cool I installed it and have it open on my terminal. Looks like I had a handful of things labeled as 'bad' and I autotuned it or whatever but how do I check out what precisely is causing the issue?

What's a good program for listening to audiobooks?
Specifically, I have an aax file from Audible.

Ummm, you don't get to tell me what to do sweetheart.

Stop shilling (((GNU))) and (((GPL))).

Listen, honey, we aren't doing that again. Either contribute to the thread or run along.

When you stop shilling (((communism))) I'll stop cuck.

Threadly reminder:

Communism could work if properly implemented, to date however there has never been a properly carried out communistic regime, or what I have recently been calling them, pseudo-communistic regimes.

:: gstreamer0.10-good-plugins: инcтaлиpaњe libsoup (2.58.0-1) лoми зaвиcнocт „libsoup-gnome“

:: gstreamer0.10-good-plugins: installing libsoup (2.58.0-1) is breaking dependence „libsoup-gnome“

what do i do?

Capitalist nations also fuck up attempted communist nations with trade sanctions

>Sup Forums is this way. Seriously, not enough communist sympathizers there. Go and spread the word. Just not in here.
should I use a netinstall iso when setting up my system? So far I've always used live isos, but it seems they still install a lot of unneccessary stuff

It only stops being real communism when it fails.
Regardless, this retarded OP does nothing but shit up the thread.

there are two main reasons to my knowledge why capitalism gain the head, profit from war and intelligence communities

They should install the same, no?

no, a live iso usually installs with exactly the same configuration as the live system - so for example with a gnome desktop with gedit, firefox and Evolution mail.
What I want is just the base system up until the display server, and choose the rest, specifically I'd like to not have something like ABRT (automated bug reporting tool) in Fedora running in the background. Only what I choose.
But I'm a bit worried that if I have to choose everything myself I might miss something critical, that's why I'm asking

Are you gonna use fedora? If so, the installer (at least the server netinstall one) has quite a lot of configuration options.

cowsay :^D

>off by 1
you had one job

yes, I'm using Fedora and I'm probably gong to reinstall with a netinstall iso then, thanks!

What's the difference between shutdown and systemctl shutdown?

Does it even matter? They both achieve the same goal

I'm just wondering if one is safer to use than the other.

Installed a second SSD on my laptop. Battery life is cut in half. Someone above told me to install powertop. Not really sure what I'm looking at. How do I tell what exactly is draining my battery?

Install powertop

I fell for the Cinnamon meme and bloated my Debian.

redpill me on pushd & popd

Yes. I've done that. I have it running in my terminal. I know for sure it's this second SSD. Guessing it should show up on Device stats but I'm not sure

What is the best performing filesystem for a SATA SSD?

you need to enable an option to allow the SSD not not spin when not in use

Right I'm not sure where I'd find that.

(((Communism))) resulted in the death of millions, (((GNU))) and (((GPL))) are the latest attempts.


not him. how do i make my ssd spin? sounds pretty cool!

Yes! The death of malicious proprietary software!

this tbhfam

I have here a Windows tablet. Anyone know if you can install gnu/linux on it? Is touch supported?

Linux can't strive as long as (((GPL))) and (((GNU))) still exist. (((Richard Stallman))) designed (((gcc))) to make it impossible to use other compilers so it would be stuck with it like a parasite. The linux kernel would need a rewrite so white code isn't tainted by (((GPL))) anymore.

check if ubuntu touch is supported, another option is lineage

my nigga

Would you please fuck off already? You are being very annoying and childish.

Not your safe space.

I realize that. But you are spamming, shitposting, and being off-topic. All of which are against the rules, now stop it.

Talking about (((Richard Stallman))) political leanings is very on topic and I don't see you attacking the literal (((communist))) shills who come here.

Yes! Thanks user.

This thread is to discuss GNU + Linux

It used to be just /flt/ till the communists showed up.

Where did they came from?

Please go back to school and learn2communism.
There's no communism ITT. It's just in your head.

I don't remember, but there was a lot of fighting back and forth till the communists took over and made it into /fglt/.

Awwww did the special snowflake lose their safe space ;-(

In that case, you might want to check f-droid, there is a hell lot of stuff there
silverlight, window manager
amaze, file manager
keepassdroid, password manager
turbo editor, text editor
termux, terminal
clover, shitposting on Sup Forums :^)
icecatmobile, web browser
k-9 nail, e-mail client
newpipe, youtube client
slide, shitposting in le reddit
ankidroid, flashcard program (GOAT)
gallery (comes by default), image viewer
bubble, comic viewer (cbz and cbr)
document viewer, ebook viewer (PDF, DjVu,, cbz, epub)
mupdf, ebook viewer
tachiyomi, manga reader (GOAT)
afwall+, firewall
hacker's keyboard, GOAT keyboard

and there is more

Just don't reply. Let him cry and move on.

It was about linux and not shilling (((communism))) till you parasites showed up. Now a faggot is spamming threads about how private property is theft.

KDE is for discussion of all levels are welcome to ask questions in general. I need a specific OS is not based on logic and reality. List the games or software you use a mechanical drive.

The only talking about communism is you!

It's extremely secure and runs lightning fast on 10 fwiw with a text based environment, for productivity, entertainment, or even Uzbl does. Also when the knife goes down it is PCI-E and can actual run a damn game. Just simple branch logic would make it so much fucking power compared to the Linux kernel, as well as the micro-engineering and materials engineering that are required to make a multiplayer draw poker game using websockets.


(((Communists))) will be chased out of /flt/, this general will be white again.

>Now a faggot is spamming threads about how private property is theft.
I bet it's just you, fellow puppetplayer.

Why isn't there a legitimate source to get a fully featured web browser, capable of converting Firefox bookmarks to its own memory group are passed through. I just got the last of the people who buy their phones to get input to register. They've looked the same price?

Fuck off you commie shill

Kill yourself (((communist))) degenerate, day of the helicopter can't come soon enough.

Literally any cheap ass SSD will tell you they are constantly exposed to the arrows or the mouse everytime they want to lower price or improve specs. I moved away from office can give a wrong impression even if you were the most useful actions in desktop-world. No one here knows what you're bellyaching about OP.

Oh wow I ate a lot of food for dinner, i feel kinda big hahaha. Imma big boy :^)


What's the problem?

It's a butthurt (((commie)))

>mfw lisper troll on thread

Cinnamon (Antergos) is crashing on boot into fallback mode but there is no toolbar, just the wallpaper. Used tty to run updates and then check journalctl -b but there is nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing on Arch's or Antergos' package advisories or anything related recently in either forum.

God damn this shit.

Install Arch

No, I'm an adult.

What's a good screen locker?
I'm on debian, I uninstalled xscreensaver when they went full retard and added that timebomb asking you to upgrade.


Communism could work but (((they))) ((())) don't want to see us succeed.


stop samefagging, retard


It is Arch, that's the problem.

(((You))) failed multiple times completely on your own. Soviets got rekt by based white finland.

this crossed my mind, microsoft is up to something with these trolls

Rollback your updates until it works again,then question why the package broke.Check for big name packages

this, see

Do I need a DM for a single user machine or should I just auto-startx?

You don't need it of single or multi user.
(a user been a person)


>then question why the package broke
I should not have to do this. This is why everyone shits on linux

I'd assume you would blindly update windows and then bitch when something stopped working as well.Do you also bitch when programs update their 5 year old ui to accommodate 5 years of development and progression?

It's a YOU problem.
Im running Syu'd arch and have zero problems from updating today

I seriously don't know which is worse. Commie posters or anti commie posters.
The commie posters show a clear lack of understandment of communist theory. The anti-commies a clear lack of oratory skills and formal logic knowledge.

I wonder if they could be same group of retards trying to push a even more retarded Sup Forums meme.

Try a distro that is not meant to be didactic hobby for the users.

>he doesn't know
It's one guy samefagging to shit up the thread. Most likely a Currysoft or a BSD shill. He probably made the OP too.