See pic related.
PSA : Stop using Speccy, It's garbage
Other urls found in this thread:
no thanks
i'm not gonna use software that has the word 'AIDS' in it
>Paid software
Enjoy your "AMD K17"
RAM misreporting.
GPU RAM misreporting
Speecy is SHIT.
You have no excuse. Try it and see.
Fucking digustingly stupid millennials. HWiNFO humiliates any crappy alternative you use.
Wait, what? They don't check the license numbers?
nice, thx
They've not since 2014.
Holy shit is the company retarded
thanks ;)
Thanks user.
Where is the upvotd button on this forum?
What the fuck?
Do they check them for Engineer?
No idea. I've just been using extreme with the key.
>Where is the upvotd button on this forum?
shoot yourself.
intel btfo
gg intel
intel is finished.
no guys, really. intel are FINISHED.
you btfo.
>$199 for unlimited install license.
user, you're alright. Thank you.
I'm running 400MHz slower and my RAM is slower. So I'm not surprised.
Wow, mine is terrible compared to yours lol.
There's some free alternatives to AIDA64
Thank you
>retarded company that can't even identify misused keys
Why should I respect them again?
Which one did OP give us, Engineer or Business?
How does the portable software handle being installed in a SMB share?
Well I didn't see an option on their store for unlimited installs for $199 for their Extreme version
I could be wrong, but I assumed Extreme because of OP's screenshot, and the key worked when I used it on Extreme.
Yeah it works in Extreme. Thank you anons.
Have any of you ever used winrar? You can get a rarreg.key file that registers the program forever (to remove the annoying nag) and they never gave a shit.
They make money by selling their products to corporations.
PSA : Stop shitposting. You are garbage.
Hmm, seems that Asrock lied about the agesa update on bios P2.00 on the x370 Taichi. According to aida I am still running on the agesa
>A company who's name sounds strangely like "Asscock" lied.
Or they simply forgot to update the string
Can other people with ryzen run the memory latency benchmark?
Forgot to attach picture
Yep. Just like pic related.
I'd paste the big block of text but the spam filter doesn't like it.
Just copy the whole thing exactly, stick it in your winrar folder, then you too will be a winrar.
>pastebin (and thousands of other sites like it) doesn't exist
Never used pastebin before, so it didn't cross my mind.
got 77.1 earlier in the thread, now upon retest, hitting 83.5
Why is ryzen so shit? The 6700K is getting 60ns with DDR4-2133
Brand new, from the ground up memory controller.
Imagine being so dumb that you need a program to tell you what hardware you have in your own computer.
Imagine being so smart you can see all the detailed information not found in the product spec sheets just by looking at your computer.
>omg lol 32gb of ram
>lel RAID0 ssds
>Kek he has a 1080 and 980
i bought 16, got 32 instead so kept it.
RAID 0 array is used to host some VMS i have to restore constantly due to work.
and the 1080 is my main card, the 980 is there because i cant find a buyer even when im practically giving it away... so it sits currently as my physics card.
some day i won't be NEET.
>License is valid
cheers m8
Why does the Summary field correctly identify my ram (including its 3400 speed) but the Summary value says my ram is DDR4-2133? I don't understand ram. I don't understand what happens to ram when you overclock the cpu (overclocked from 4200 to 4900). Please help me with this. Any point in the right direction would be tremendously appreciated.
High Risk Website Blocked
Access has been blocked as the threat Mal/TinyDL-T has been found on this website.
sophos web protection
which of you anons is responsible for this?
I got mine from a different mirror, because aida64's mirror was slow as shit. I also got the portable installer.
ddr4 standard is 2133 anything over is overclock.
different sticks will overclock more or less when you switch them to xmp or whatever the AMD one is called, they come with a preset from factory. (they bin them and check that they can meet that overclock.)
different presets are the different speeds, you can manually set a preset to over-overclock your ram but expect horrible timings and other issues.
Those are the JEDEC profiles stored on your RAM
Too bad that test needs to be run on an idle system for accurate results and I can't idle my system.
But not too bad for good old 1066MHz RAM.
The key does'nt work anymore
Said nothing. Thanks ! Is the mobile app as good ?
Still works, just activated Extreme version.
>Have any of you ever used winrar?
Why, when Easy 7-Zip exists?
I had it running with youtube playing on Firefox, and steam downloading shit.
Exactly. One of the only things I miss from WinRAR is being able to open ISO files and adding content to them.