Janky tech solutions that actually work
Janky tech solutions that actually work
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Until the tape wears out.
unless there's a worldwide sudden tape shortage, he'll be ok
I once used a Phenom I boxed cooler on a 3770K when my H100i broke. I just layed the cooler on the CPU.
Worked fine for a week until I got replacement, didn't went over 85°. I downclocked it a bit just to be sure.
here's a good one for you, I can't believe it but this shit solved all the problems I've ever had relating to that kinda shit:
got a job
what is that blue cable
looks weird
Pic is my PC in winter.
Exhaust goes out the window
Had an intake from the window (not posted)
wouldn't external air have a potential shitload of moisture and dust?
Yes, but not any more or less that the air in my house.
Our Winters are super dry anyways.
Take out the red LEDs and maybe it won't be so hot, Einstein.
7/10 I kek'd
it's a water-cooled PC, I just wanted to see my GPU under 25F at Max load.
Okay, so first of all, why would you want to blast the warm air coming off your computer out the window in winter? That's useful heat you're throwing away for no reason. It would be better to open your window if it gets too warm. Second, the moisture that could be condensed on your computer comes from INSIDE, not outside. Your breath and sweat, the steam from your kitchen and bathroom, etc. Your computer is not a sealed system and that moisture can get jnside.
u avin a giggle m8?
that's a connector not a cable
dude has kids, a family. if i could act like a total child on cam, and make money so my family can live good and take my child to an awesome college, shiiii id sell out so fucking fast, i dont even
same thing
yeah. cable = cord = connector. never hear people say the last one anymore but they are used interchangeably
You buy a connector and wire to make a cable.
Normies leave
Wouldn't this burn your house down?
Sizable kek
im in IT and we use them interchangeably
im not a normie
>Wouldn't this burn your house down?
Look closer. that shit isn't running hot enough to even need a heatsink
wrt54g routers actually get a decent boost in routing speed when overclocked, and they overclock a bit better with additional cooling.
Do you also overclock your toaster and microwave?
Just because you reset peoples passwords and connect routers all day doesn't mean you know shit.
So you're saying this is a cable?
>modem dies
>im 16-ish
>i thought i will have to pay for the damage.
>think it will cost 400$ to replace
>fuck that.
>open up the modem.
>transistor or little black thing falls out.
>scans the board to find where a missing piece would go.
>line up the broken pins together.
>leave the pcb exposed
>connect everything back
>connect power
>modem turns on
>transistor moves
>power turns off(or internet disconnects...i forget)
>align the broken pins again
>it works again
>wraps rubberbands around pcb and transistor
>works for a while
>slightest touch and it would get out of alignment
>superglue underneath the transistor and put some weights on top...rubber bands holding everything
it worked for a few months before it just died out completely.
mom went and replaced it the next day.
i used superglue, metal pieces and rubber bands to hold together a transistor.
Could be, if it was used as one.
There are no wires in it, therefore it is not a cable, it is a connector.
>implying you wouldn't overclock your microwave or toaster if you could.
>buy 1000w microwave
>overclock it to 1200w
>buy toaster that takes 3 mins to toast bread
>overclock it to toast bread in 1.5mins
Please emphasize on how that single part could be used as a cable without adding any other components.
Cable and connector mean the same thing.
A cable is one or more wires bundled or braided into one assembly.
How would a job help with an overheating laptop, you massive idiot?
You keep your eggs on top of the refrigerator?
Also, what the fuck is going on here?
Going by the dictionary, a cable is something that connects. Therefore a connector is a cable because it connects.
You can have a cable that doesn't have terminations. In this case, it is not a connector, because it cannot connect things together,
You can have a connector that doesn't have a cable between the terminations.
How would I go about overlocking my toaster?
A cable does not neccesarily connect.
My room has a de humidifier running, it's all good.
I dumped water on a hd5770 as a test and it didn't do shit.
Humidity is just a meme people spew.
A connector doesn't really connect anything if you don't plug in a wire and then another connector.
Connectors are not connectors.
You could just solder the terminations together without any wire.
You could buy a cooling device that doesn't require duct tape. IMO though if the taped on fan works, what's the difference?
It's not connecting anything unless you modify it. Got it. What should its new name be?
What should what's new name be?
The new name of the connector. We've discovered that it's not really what it has been named.
More power. Literally. They are usually linear and don't work on AC power that they weren't designed for. Plug a toaster meant for 110 into 220 and you'll get double the output, maybe, if the elements don't burn out.
This. Is a connector.
btw, I'm only replying because I'm dead bored.
Europeans overclock their vacuum cleaners, because some """green""" EU law capped them to 1200w or something, yet the internals on many models are still capable of higher power.
This isn't overclocking, it's overdriving.
Same thing
You can't overclock something if it doesn't have a clock.
>thats not called hacking, that is called cracking or phreaking
>overclock it to 1200w
That's now how overclock works user
it looks like he is dragging cool air in, plus it only seems to be going to the radiator for the WC setup so it's not like the components themselves are exposed to any outside air.
Unless you run a server or some overclocked monster or you are encoding 24/7 it's not like a computer is going to significantly increase the temperatures of your room.
Its the same thing
my toaster has a clock
I have 0 knowledge of electrical engineering. Is it likely that the heating element can stand more than the highest setting? Would there be any way to figure out without frying your toaster?
But my toaster has a clock
Are you increasing the frequency of the clock?
my microwave has a clock
>type in 2 min
>takes only 1 min with overclock
sure, why not
That fan-tape combo probably works better than any cooling pad in the market. Anyway, that's not the point, I was merely pointing how stupid your/his (we need fucking IDs) suggestion of getting a job was.
if you knew what the elements were made from you could probably figure it out though.
seems like a good way to burn down your house desu
Power is Voltage times Resistance
Internal resistance is the same, but you're doubling your Voltage, so your Power doubles. As for knowing the heating element's limits, you'd have to have access to the manufacturer's spec sheet.
That would be overclocking.
Simply increasing the voltage is not overclocking.
My toast is finishing twice as fast, so yeah.
But the internal clock isn't running any faster.
Eggs do not need to be refrigerated. They last for about a week. If you have 2 for breakfast daily a dozen won't last that long
Yeah it was a different user. I wasn't sure if you didn't get his joke or just didn't think it was funny.
if you got a job then you could afford to buy a macbook. they can't get viruses that mine bitcoins so they don't overheat :^)
im obviously overclocking the chips inside my high-end toaster/microwave
makes pushing the buttons much more responsive
standard clocked speed is just atrocious.
press start button and it takes 0.03 seconds before starting
after over-clocking the chips, it only takes 0.003 seconds
Yes it is. It's a countdown timer for when the toast is done.
If they have been washed then they need to be refrigerated.
go fuckyourself.
i win.
i can overclock my microwave
Clearly brown eggs in the pic
Pretty much only America washes their eggs.
Open the laptop and clean all the dust you nigger
>Power is Voltage times Resistance
This wont even work
wrong, you buy TWO connectors and a cable, not wire.
Fan failed on my video card - used some zip ties to attach a case fan. Worked perfectly fine.
can someone explain this image?
What if it's a one wire protocol?
I thought it was a poor attempt at being a smartass, not a joke.
then you don't need a cable just bluetooth it
base64 is not an encryption method, its an encoding method. It provides ZERO security (using standard dictionary, not that custom dicts would provide any extra security), so essentially what they are asking is nearly the same thing as just storing the information in plaintext.
What if I'm on a plane?
buy gogo inflight for 15$, or bring up command prompt and write a script to ping the wifi until it crashes Then when the router restarts, assuming its got a 12 meg pipe, you should be able to bypass the security protocol in the small window of time where that security isn't back up when the router is restarting
I think it was a poor attempt at humor. Sometimes there's a fine line between sarcasm and trite shitposting.
you're equivalent to a plumber fuck off
>overclocking power
I've seen it all senpai