>lol that guy has a corded mouse
Lol that guy has a corded mouse
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Enjoy having to buy new batteries every few weeks.
>rechargeable batteries don't real
>lol that guy has a cordless mouse
Enjoy having to recharge your batteries every few weeks.
>not a trackball
Enjoy being inferior LMAO
What's the purpose of a wireless mouse for a desktop? You're already sitting a desk using other corded peripherals and the cord doesn't get in the way as long as you put in the minimum possible effort towards routing the cable.
batteries on my wireless trackball last like a year nigga
>using a mouse
Well the G900 is the future, it's just too expensive for most people right now.
Does... does this work with a VR headset? Is it just like in my animes?
>have G700s
>have to keep changing the battery
>or plugging the thing in to charge the battery
>eventually just take the battery out, plug it in, and leave it plugged in
so much for the wireless meme.
Enjoy the NSA intercepting your mouse movements
Yes. It is exactly like your Sword Hack Online chinese cartoons.
>he has to charge his fucking MOUSE
hahahaha nigga what the fuck are you doing
My mouse is made out of a space-age polymer that absorbs the oils and dead skin cells from my hand and converts them into energy.
Actually, moving your mouse with your nose would be at least 1000% more accurate than using that piece of shit. Not even handicapped people found it that useful.
That's practically what it did, though. It just very badly monitored your forehead muscles. You had to make all kinds of stupid faces to get input to register.
I charge mine by just plugging it in via a micro USB cable to my keyboard. I can still use it while it's charging. It's very convenient.
>strap mouse to your hand while you masturbate
>it has one of those shake-to-charge mechanisms in it like those flash lights
>never worry about charging again
>kek that guy's cordless mouse is heavy af
>wanting to dick around with bluetooth, charging cables, and batteries
No thanks. I'll just use a USB port.
Try half a year bud
No. I've used a Trust Bluetooth mouse for years and it only needed a new battery once a year.
Now I'm using G700s, I have two since Logitech donated me a new one, I just love them. If you need recharge you just stick in the cable for some hours. I wouldn't like to have a cable for gaming and browsing in my bed. Also perfect for mobile / laptop use.
>people using bluetooth anything
I hope you enjoy your cancer
but I don't famalam
hes pointing at us...
>he doesnt have a wireless mouse that can also be plugged in to be used and charged at the same time
>lol that guy doesn't use a mouse even though it would make him more efficient at him job
you mean once a year.
I might consider getting one the next time the batteries die on my wired mouse.
I'll use a wireless mouse when I can get one with a perfect sensor and inductive charging through the mousepad.
>wireless mouse
>that delay
>inductive charging through the mousepad
Cool in theory, but then you'd have to plug in your mouse pad. And if you have to plug in your mouse pad, is that really any better than plugging in your mouse?
>b-but cords drag down mouse movement by precious nanoseconds
for what purpose
This is actually pretty cool.
If you've got it plugged in semi frequently, what's the point of a wireless anyway, you fucking sperg?
That looks like a dildo.
Wireless mouse == niggers
Lol that guy has to charge his mouse
>tfw I remember the days of using shitty wireless mice, ESPECIALLY ordering some from aliexpress because I was a poor fucking student
Those $10 mice were such garbage. 1 week battery life, usually not that great tracking.
Now with a zowie fk2 and a nice mat, shit couldnt be better. Added bonus of keyboard having usb passthrough, so I just plug the mouse in the keyboard :^)
So you graduated and still type like a faggot retard?
Shiggy diggy
i use the computero so much i'd have to change batteries or recharge too much
but i like the weight of cordless mice
why can't they make a corded mouse with some heavyness to it
Enjoy your cancer
You know what else costs you nanoseconds? Accelerating and decelerating the extra mass from the batteries.
this is actually very interesting and might have quite a few use cases
>using manual input devices
if it isn't manual it kinda stops being an input device, doesn't it?
>cyberpunk much
Corded mice are required when you work at companies that have very sensitive information.
Humans were all corded
>half a year isn't 22 weeks
I've been using the same Eneloop AAs since forever and there's no end in sight. All I have to do is change them out for a pair of already charged ones every other week or so.
>he doesnt know a signal only move at 2/3 speed of light in a copper wire
Enjoy that delay
>he fell for the wireless mouse meme
The plebbest of memes, congrats.
Redpill me on braids.
Some of us don't sit on the computer 24 hours a day. A 15 minute charge makes my mouse last like 3 weeks. If I actually think to let it charge over night it turns into months
Having a corded mouse is less convenient. You've got another cable that can just get in the way. I'd rather have a minor inconvenience of charging it once a month than having a cable in the way all the time.
>challenger series
>final team fight of the game
>battery dies
never again, cord for life. same for keyboards.
corded is better for gaming
Enjoy your lag.
>dont have arms, not even stubs
>cant play counter strike
>always watch the majors
>kennys is my favorite player
>one christmas
>opening easy to open with feet boxes because my parents care
>it's a pc
>wtf why did they get me this, i cant use this
>tears in their eyes, my parents hand me a final small box
>open it up
>it's a footmouse
>my dad, on the verge of crying says 'go get practicing, son'
>thanks, dad
>practice for months
>form some teams, win a few minor league tournaments
>get drafted by cloud9
>going to the majors
>up against kennyS
>this is it
>here we go it's THE BIG TOE
>kennyS doesn't know what to do, he's never faced the big two awp
>he chokes
>flick after flick he's reduced to sticking with the team and getting picks
>the game ends, 2-16 in favor of cloud9
>go to shake hands
>hold up my foot to kennyS
>'lick the big toe' i say
>defeated and tears in his eyes, he must obey my command
>millions watch as kennyS licks my toe
>mom and dad are in the crowd going wild
>best day ever
and that, my friends, is how i became the best awper in the world with my big toe
nope. manual = with the hands
I play competitive shooters and wireless mice have noticible lately. Top 1% CS:GO Top 3% Overwatch.
Same here. Must have been at least 8 years of constant use and they're still going strong.
Why do we not have induction charging desks?
>mouse is always charged, as is keyboard
>come home, set phone down, it's now charging
I only have to change batteries every two years. I don't have a shitty Apple Mouse
nice, you basically have a wired mouse. isn't technology amazing?
>he thinks all wireless mice are the same
do you frequently talk in such generalizations
>look that guy has a corded kb
>look that guy uses headphones instead of speakers
>look he has a dedicated graphics card instead of using the CPU built in one
>look that guy has a desktop PC instead of a laptop
inb4 PC masterrace
>he spent $150 on a wireless mouse
Enjoy your keystroke injection vulnerability, moron.
WHat kind of shitty mouse are you using that you had to change batteries so often? 6 months is minimum, year+ should be common.
I bet all this is for shit gaymen lite-brite bullshit.
how did Sam Hyde get a jet fighter?
Your finger is a much more accurate appendage than you're entire wrist/hand. This thing is smaller than a regular mouse, and will fit into smaller places.
That's it?
i guess that makes sense, it just seems really uncomfortable
It does, but apparently they are very cheap (
Most people who need precision from a mouse use their fingertips to move it (claw grip)
And four fingers are more accurate than one finger
>most people who need precision from a mouse
Most people who need precision from a mouse-like input don't use mice, they use pens, stylists, or other significantly more precise and accurate inputs than mice.
>four fingers are more accurate than one
No, they aren't. Your index and middle finger are more accurate than only your index finger, your index and thumb are more accurate than only your index, but as soon as you add your ring or pinky finger in you lose tons of dexterity.
>missed focus
>muh gaymes
You know there's plenty of wireless mice where you just plug it in to use it while it charges right. Not to mention all of the software I've seen will warn you that the battery will die soon. It's simply not an issue.
Games? You think this is a game? As soon as that mouse dies, so do you.
Replacement battery for all these wireless devices? Logitech say I can't replace the battery in my K510i keyboard after it dies.
Landfill it goes... (Apple for example make a big noise about being green, yet most of their devices aren't serviceable.
>another cable that can just get in the way
Get a bigger table
>lol that guy has down syndrome
Pls no bully I can't afford a good wireless mouse
those are great until you get carpal tunnel
t. ex master race
I had a computer that, on rare occasion, lost bluetooth connection to the mouse/keyboard. Problem was, it would never reconnect. The only way to reconnect was to hard power off and reboot.
I always have a corded mouse and keyboard now.
Ive had the same microsoft wireless mouse since 2012 and ive replaced the batteries like 3 times
This was a pretty great green text