
OP being a faggot as usual.

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't think this is a topic likely to lead to technology discussion; in fact, i think it's Sup Forums bait

But there has been plenty of sexbot discussion on Sup Forums.

It's cool, I'll wait for the /gfd/ sexbot. Smash gender norms while fulfilling my lifelong fantasy of a pixie-cut tomboy sitting on my face.

Femishits getting jealous, why should I care?

I'm not asking about the feminist stuff, I'm talking about the sexbot stuff.

>Harmony smiles, blinks and frowns. She can hold a conversation, tell jokes and quote Shakespeare. She’ll remember your birthday… what you like to eat, and the names of your brothers and sisters. She can hold a conversation about music, movies and books.
When I said "sex robot" I was expecting little more than a moving fleshlight with a body, not this bullshit. You had one job.

In that case why did you post that article?


What did he mean by this?

Sex robots should be the ultimate feminist solution as females will no longer be objects for men, granting them full independence.

Unfortunately then many will discover their complete lack of worth, even as a dick sleeve, but that's not our problem.

they tried to create a woman, but when she could hold a conversation without acting like a cunt they realized they fucked it up so it ended up as a sexbot

Sexbots are not harming anybody, just like the lgbt, blacks, feminists, drug users are doing what they please (as long as nobody gets hurt) should not be a problem. In fact, it should be welcoming, since men gets to satisfy their urges without harming anybody, and women gets to walk safely outside.

like i've said before double standards at work, its fine when its a battery powered vibrating "toy" but when its a semi sentient sex doll suddenly its "muh patriarchy", implying there won't be a varient for chicks.

>what do you think?
I don't really give a fuck there are more important things going on the world. that the article linked in OP is new and this topic isn't is just getting sad tbqh. how much cash was spent on this garbage?

>women are proving that they don't need men

What many men want is a bit more -- a waifu bot. A waifu bot should not only offer sex on demand, but also companionship, and should give a sense of true unconditional love.


the solution to feminism is traps

Their argument is that it will normalize to objectification of woman by replacing them with a literal object. I don't agree with it but you're idiots for opening your mouths before reading the post.
She's making a distinction between a purely sex purposed robot and a fake completely submissive girlfriend; she's fine with the first, not so much with the second.

Why the fuck won't you open the link? It's right fucking there. Just click on it.

The problem I have with this article is that it is completely dismissive of every argument based on men's needs for companionship. That if a man cannot convince a woman to fall in love with him, that he should not have any love at all. Sure, I think it would be reasonable to conclude that it's not an excuse for a man to force himself upon a woman, but that does not mean that we should throw away all possible solutions to the problem. If a robot can give a man companionship where he otherwise would be completely incapable of obtaining it, what harm is caused to society? No woman is going to be losing out on these men, because they never would have had the balls to talk to them in the first place. You're not going to see a higher number of rapes going on, because why would anyone commit rape when they have a bot to provide sex to them on demand.


Wow, I'm sure their opinions represent all of a couple thousand far left SJWs in the world

>why would anyone commit rape when they have a bot to provide sex to them on demand
Rape is about sex as much as voyeurism is about admiring the female figure. Aside from that, I think you're right and applaud you for actually reading the fucking thing.

Rape is in some senses about sex, and in some senses about power. But you can get both out of a machine.

>Their argument is that it will normalize to objectification of woman by replacing them with a literal object.
And that is a problem because?

>She's making a distinction between a purely sex purposed robot and a fake completely submissive girlfriend; she's fine with the first, not so much with the second.
She is not


Were not even touching them, literally.

because "female independence" literally means male dependent gibsmedat

Yeah I rtfa.

Never really tried to get inside the head of a feminist, but for the author, that must be a really dark place. It's a victim/persecution complex of some sort. Nothing any man could do beyond being a doting knight in shining armor would do.

At best the author is a forgettable looser. Her writing is a raging against an intellectual cage of her own creation. Her view of men is as one dimensional as they way she thinks the sexbot customers view women.

Men will not spend on woman anymore

Ubuntu with Unity. The leading OS in NEET sex life.

If men could be more independent from women how does that not make women more independent from men automatically? I'm very confused.

are you assuming OP's gender?

>sex dolls are a solution to not only men’s supposed loneliness and unmet sexual “needs,” but to their violent, perverse desires.
>supposed loneliness
I'm pretty fucking lonely.
I don't understand how someone can write this. Of course men can be lonely. What's the idea behind men not being lonely here? Far more interesting than anything else I see.

Lmfao that video of his "PR" brother. That dude is gonna attract shit storms with his points.

>The problem I have with this article is....
How about considering the fact that women are going to buy malebots for the same shit?
How about considering the fact that there are probably WAY more women with vibrators than men with fleshlights?

Wow reading that I can't help to think of the society Fansadoxs Erenisch has in his comics. That really is the idea of men they have going on isn't it?
So outlandish.

Good thing this isn't Sup Forums, they think tomboys are for faggots and traps are not gay.

Ahhh yes we can finally stop worshipping pussy.

It's the other way around boi. Men never NEEDED a woman.

>>supposed loneliness
>emotions are only real when womyn have them

I know right? Women are already presenting themselves as objects these days, offering nothing outside of ocassional sex in a relationship.

>Rape is about sex as much as voyeurism is about admiring the female figure.

Damn and I thought you could look at men and be a voyeur this whole time. But if it's about females as much as rape is about sex, then that rules that out.

I'm mad because it's the truth. As a permavirgin NEET I want sexbots but I realize they allow more people to be permavirgin NEETs, which is problematic for society.

>attracted to masculine figure
>attracted to feminine figure
>not gay
I don't see the problem.

>problematic for society
Well society should've thought about that before emasculating an entire generation of males.

Fuck society. Do what you like.

How can sexbots allow more people to be neets? They cost money, and arent cheap.
They may allow more men to be permavirgins, but not neets.

>Mein Führer, the degenerates have refused to reply to our previous Sup Forums posts, or have deleted them.
>FOOLS. Don't mention white nationalism. Remember, they hate immigrants and women. Immigrants and Women. Stick to those talking points. We can redpill them on the rest later.
>Yes, Mein Führer.

NEETs can afford quite a bit as indicated by the otaku market.

>Patriotic american
>Nazi Flag
What the fuck kind of shit is this?

The flag is just a ideal user

Really sounds like women need men more than we need them, of course everybody already knew this. We actually provide real value + body + emotional stuff. They provide just the emotional stuff + body. No other value.

>They provide just the emotional stuff
Not really

> feministcurrent
What would you visit this website anyways?

odds are somebody wants to drive traffic to their shitty article and is afraid of what Sup Forums might do to them.

>all the misogynists are going to get sexbots and leave women alone
>feminist thinks this is bad

Seems to me what she's really afraid of is what the social dynamic between men and women will be like in a world where both men and women have unrestricted access to sex. Hint: it's not good for women. But that would involve admitting that women the world over use sex to control men and that without it, a lot of men would never put up the nonsense that many women get away with.


>How about considering the fact that women are going to buy malebots for the same shit?
This is not about women's validation, if that is what you mean. We get hard at random times and we need to keep our pecker down for two reasons - we can't concentrate very well for long times without sex and we need to keep our benis down because having a hard on in public is fucking embarrassing.

They're so blind. Replace all references to men in the article and comments with a reference to niggers for a good time.

Yes, I want to replace women. As soon as possible.

How's using sexbot is different than old good masturbation? Aren't feminists jealous when boys jerk off on 10/10 succubus image instead of whatever they're supposed to do according to feminazis?

wtf are we supposed to do according to the sjw's? I tried a relationship in high school but haven't spoken to or touched a woman since then and that was like 5 or 6 years ago

>wtf are we supposed to do according to the sjws
Worship women.
I'm not even kidding user, that is exactly what the sjws want.

the best part of this pic is that the guy is in a motorized wheelchair

Well I don't know, they probably have no idea either, but in general concept might be something like becoming legit slaves for them.

Also, it probably will get to the point that sex robots replace female relationships for the bottom 50% of men. There was an article in the futurist called "The Misandry Bubble" where some guy claims that most men will become so addicted to sex robots that their brains will warp and they will become physically unable to be aroused by a real woman.

This is actually already happening desu. Many men have porn-induced ED where they can't perform in the sack because real sex is not as arousing as internet pron.

I do however get a considerable number of keks from the idea that feminists want to literally police what men can do with their bodies in a sexual capacity. You couldn't make this shit up if you tried.

As far as I can tell, feminism has made women just as dysfunctional as men.

Their view is that you should be on a string and easily manipulated You are interchangeable. They can fuck anybody on a whim, then as soon as baby fever strikes, they can just grab somebody and marry them. If things go south because they decide you are a piece of shit, divorce is easy.

In reality they have no ability to function in a healthy relationship, so neet males see though their bullshit and they end up making a baby or two with a black man that leaves them, because sure as shit he is not going to put up with that bitch.

A healthy relationship is between two equal partners. This is an alien idea to a sjw.

Not that far off, really. Some women have already spoken out against porn, and the article takes a dim view of pornography as well, even though it's made a lot of women with absolutely no skills an absurd amount of money. I suppose the difference is in that it allows men who wanted a more immersive experience to get off as well, so it further reduces the number of men that women can use sex to control.

It also just occurred to me that a sexbot is a physical entity for women to enact their jealousy on whereas porn is more abstract. That's probably why this feminist seems so upset.

>>women are proving that they don't need men

because they have the government but once the government runs out of money they will turn in to prostitutes just like the women of Greece after the government ran out of money.

If women can't out compete the company of a fucking doll, then they really need to step up their game.

Either that, or show enough consumer interest in a male counterpart doll that it becomes an idea worth investing in.

The day when we finally persecute feminism back into the obscure fringes of culture will be a good day.

>Not practicing the latest rape techniques on your sexbot

Those things are creepy as fuck, who would actually pay $10,000 for some disgusting 3D doll?

Anybody who outright hates women.

So everyone?

Or just doesn't want to put up with their bullshit, really.

i have no use for it because i dont like sex

Not want to put up with their bullshit is not hate

>Or just doesn't want to put up with their bullshit, really.
>Or just doesn't

It's fucking shitty because the technology isn't there yet to make decent androids, and it's also shitty because prostitution is illegal in the US unless you film it and sell the video (fucking stupid).

>"I don't like spicy food"
>has never actually tried spicy food

That's exactly what you're doing here.

3D is fucking gross dude. Those dolls are creepy and sex with anything 3D is gross

So you're confirming you've never tried spicy food. Gotcha.

i like food tho. just not women. thats what autism can do to you.

>What do you mean you don't want to eat shit? You've never tried it!

I wouldn't want one for myself, but I see no problem with them.
I don't believe people that have sex with them are more likely to rape real women.

These women sound like they're afraid of the competition by the sound of it, imagine barista's start saying no, you cant have a machine that makes you coffee at home.

My final point, the men that own these machines have probably been consistently rejected by women, or don't have the confidence to pursue them.
Basically nothing would be lost to women.

>My final point, the men that own these machines have probably been consistently rejected by women, or don't have the confidence to pursue them.
>Basically nothing would be lost to women.
I think this point is only really valid until the technology is good, but at that point the socioeconomic systems we have built will need a complete overall anyways and we'll have bigger problems than women complaining about men wanting to buy fuckbots more than courting them.

Pretty soon humanity will hit an exponential curve, we will toxify our environment faster and faster and run out of resources. At that point most or all of us will die. Just like bacteria on an agar plate.
Fucking robots will only slow that.

But to keep population up, perhaps the robot could collect and freeze the semen then post it to a male robot to ejaculate into a women that wants a child? Winner winner chicken dinner hmmm?

There's no reason that we need the sexbot to specifically do that, we already have sperm banks, and if there is such a demand for sperm, they could simply pay men for it.

I don't really give a damn if women start buying husbandbots.

female independence =/= sexual participation
And if it is, you aren't independent, you are not, but dependent on men.

shit article, kys

I am still waiting for the AI powered sexbot who will cook me dinner when I am home from work. Until then, everything else will be cheap trash.

>The misogynerds at Abyss Creations say they are “inventing the future of sex,” but what they’ve actually succeeded in creating is the epitome of male domination.

You see this? This shit right here? That's why you're being replaced.

Articles like these make it really difficult for me to take feminism seriously.

How can complete non-participation negatively effect independence?

Sex robots are over 50 years begin real over doll,but today hype AI makes everybody talks like in 5 years will living in science fiction novel.


No. I wont click your shitty article. I wont give your garbage article and garbage feminazi website traffic.

If women gets replaced then nobody is objectifying them. You cannot objectify what you don't want to interact with.

People with hammer sees everything as nails
>why give them attention
>they are fringe

No different than a lot on pol who see everything as (evil leftist, dangerous blacks, muslim invasion etc...)

No different than a carrot based magazine who sees the world from a carrot's perspective
>cucumbers are threat to carrot
>bad parent don't force kids to eat carrot
>social degeneracy because people don't eat carrot anymore

It's a viewpoint. Even if you don't like it.... carrot hater