Can I get the rapid gist of the tablet meme in the [[[[current year]]]]?
Are they good for anything? Were they ever?
I'm thinking about getting a used nexus 7 2nd gen for cheap; for shiposting, ebook/pdf reading and youtube/web browsing.
Can I get the rapid gist of the tablet meme in the [[[[current year]]]]?
Are they good for anything? Were they ever?
I'm thinking about getting a used nexus 7 2nd gen for cheap; for shiposting, ebook/pdf reading and youtube/web browsing.
I own a Nexus 7. It's a great tablet. But I'll also say this:
I own a Chromebook as well and use it 10X more than I use the tablet. There's no reason to use a tablet when Chromebooks exist.
>I own a Chromebook
Which one?
I really don't know, it seems I'd be better to get a laptop instead.
I keep one by my bedside, screw around with it before bed, that's all it's good for.
I have a Surface 3 (non-Pro), it's great but only when you factor in the keyboard & trackpad addon I have for it. I wouldn't want to use it as a straight tablet.
I can't think on any other use for it other than bed shitposting and stuff,but mainly thinking of using it as an eBook reader.
Literally only good for watching porn and movies in bed
Shit for reading
>Shit for reading
explain, I don't wanna get a kindle because of drm and shit.
I also own a memebook + nexus7 and I find that ebooks and PDF and just general reading much better on the tablet just due to the fact you can hold it instead of having to use a lap or surface. That being said shitposting or anything requiring typing is obviously better on the laptop/netbook form factor.
LCDs make reading ass
E-ink is good tho
posting from my mipad2
just get a x220
already have one but
>720p resolution
>gets hot
>no ac wifi
I'm tired of it
I had a tablet.
it basically gathered dust
it couldn't do anything my phone didn't except have a bigger screen with a lower pixel density
really, it did less than my phone did
and then it couldn't do a fraction of the things my 11in laptop did, nor was it as convenient as either the laptop or the phone
fuck tablets, they're actually useless
the only remotely decent thing they could be is an e-reader, but most tablet screens suck to look at for extended periods of time anyway
if it's possible, get an older model. I bought one a few years ago when they were having a deal where they knock $20 off the price in exchange for loading ads on the screen when you aren't using it (so basically you only see them when you're not reading). I just put it in airplane mode permanently and deleted the ad connection files in it just to be sure. I can load pretty much anything I want on it now, though pdfs are a pain in the ass to read. But I buy books from amazon and there is an option to manually load it through the usb connection so I have never connected this device to my amazon account. But it can read any .mobi I put on it, and there are free converters for .epub to .mobi.
I have a nexus 7 for reading comics/manga on.
Don't use it for much else, so I guess it's a meme.
any laptop/tablet 2in1 rec?
Think of the least possible situations in which you would use a tablet. You will use it less than half of this. Even shitposting in bed has you wishing for an actual keyboard before long.
I have an ipad which is now only really used for music on flights, but as my phone has 10x the storage capacity i use that instead most of the time. Not enough storage for video unless you enjoy changing out the files all the time, by which time you might as well carry a laptop with you. I have pdf's on it but the screen hurts your eyes after a while, if you want to read, get an e-reader. Everything else is either more convenient to do on a modern smartphone, or on an actual computer.
Tablets allow for comfy shitposting in bed. Get a trifold cover so you can lock the screen in portrait and surf sideways in bed. It's best for reading, not much typing (bed, shitter, while watching something)
>Screw around with it
What's not to understand. Reading from tablet/phone/laptop screens suck dick and tires your eyes.
E-ink is comfy to read for hours upon end.
You dont need to buy a Kindle. There are plenty of other e-readers that have no DRM.
I bought a Kobo Glo HD a while ago and couldn't be happier with the purchase. Use Calibre to put downloaded e-books inside the thing and to manage the library.
Might be something new that is better, but idk, do your own research.
There's literally no reason whatsoever to get an Android tablet when Chromebooks can run Android apps, tablets are worse for productivity and worse for media consumption. The only advantage they have is that they're slightly more portable but if that's worth having a smaller screen and no keyboard to you then go ahead.
I like my e-ink reading tablet and use it daily. Aside from that tablets suck ass.