/hpg/ - Headphone General

>Headphone purchase advice
Please put some effort into your requests and questions.

If you dislike a suggestion, explain why and try giving a better suggestion to whomever asked.

For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out infographic in >Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ:

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nice image, OP

Is this statement correct, /hpg/?

No, HD 800 is the absolute optimum that can be archieved with the dynamic transducer.

Top kek, the HD800 gets beat by the HD600/HD650.

Do the girls in the OP even wear headphones?

the one on the left wears headphones, look carefully


Anything backing up your comment, user?

>Top kek, the HD800 gets beat by the HD600/HD650.

ATH-A900X > HD650 >>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>> HD600


How are A900X's in comfort? My baby head has heard ADx's aren't great for small heads.

>closed muddy garbage

Its suspension system doesn't work well with small heads; sorry, user.

better than open and flat garbage

I don't believe you.

They aren't even flat; sorry user.

the bass is flatline at 0db

>non-standardized measurement

Only retards use Tyll's measurements.

>HD 650
>Pic not related

HD650 = HD6XX you stupid memer.

careful he's going to say some bullshit like the plastic being different and the drivers being b-grade or something


OP's been doing a good job at keeping it real with the images the past couple of threads.

Samefag, and now you post a measurement of the HD600. What a fucking retard.


anyone else got recs

Meanwhile, i'm still waiting, user.

Etymotic HF5

dumb lewdposter

Why does this headphone cause so much shitposting?

As it's 3am here I must say that the best audio hardware upgrade you can make is alcohol

Shills recommending them to everyone no matter their preference.

Because they are fairly neutral but people who love them (me including) often don't understand that others might prefer coloured headphones

Enough of this shitposting, /hpg/. Post /YourTrack/. I'll start.



Have to agree with this.
One night i got drunk and listened to barry white's first 8 albums back to back on my lcd2's. Loved every second of of it lol.

Sorry if my tastes aren't up to yours, user. Their new album has been pretty OK so far, but that specific track has me.

Now please, join in the game; post yours, user. :)

I must do headphones review one day while heavily drunk. I love my ODAC/O2/HD600 while sober, but being drunk like now just pushes it beyond any other upgrade you can make

If I'm looking for general purpose headphones (mostly for video and some music) what would I be best off with?

AKG 612 + amp
Sennheiser 598 w/o amp
AKG 7xx w/o amp

I'd like to stay around $150 but I'm willing to make the sacrifice for the 7xx if I can get by without an amp.

AKG K612.

You don't want K7xx with no amp for general purpose. Probably HD650 would be perfect for you, but with your budget the best choice will be 612 with amp.

>Inb4 Idol garbage

>has reddit taste
>y-you must like idol s-shit!!

>he fell for the amp meme

>The Reddit Boogeyman meme
Now shut up and BTFO me with your taste ;^)

>smiley with carat nose
you're not doing a great job of convincing you've been on Sup Forums longer than a week

Thanks, so the 612's are that much better than the 598's that they're worth getting the amp?

>Still hasn't posted his taste
>Not taking up the offer of insta-BTFO'ing an user

>it's another call shit taste but don't post your own taste episode

top kek

Not gonna lie, even though tyll's compensation curve is dogshit and he's shit at measuring headphones, the HD6xx is one smooth measuring headphone.

They kinda need one since they're fairly insensitive

>Forgetting what we're arguing against after 5 posts
Tsk, tsk, tsk.

the HD-600 has shitty no treble, most pleb headphone by far for people who don't know anything about sound and try to convince themselves the boring tuning sounds interesting

Can you name a better headphone in production?

>Inb4 user only accepts Sennheisers

literally this.

they need to stop. its a set of headphones for sure but it just doesnt work for everything

Is that Shibuya Rin? She's pretty, almost like IRL prety. Sadly her songs suck.

Now quit stalling and post your taste

>audio technica > HD600
lol no.

ah fuck it

ill get the T10's

community announcement. More alcohol and music sounds even better

>tfw you were a total audio pleb before lurking /hpg.
Still a pleb, but I'm feeling very cozy with my DT770's and Fulla 2.

you're alright
>Fulla 2
commit suicide immediately

What's wrong with the Fulla2?


612 + amp.

Speaking of cheap DAC/Amp combos.

What's best /hpg/?
Schitt Fulla 2 or the Monoprice Desktop Amp? Are there any other competent combos in this price range?

All measurements are non standardized in headphones, there is no widely agreed compensation curves and ect., didn't you see how all measurements form different websites differ?

Fx audio dad x3-and x6

DAC-X6 gets you USB, coaxial, and spdif inputs and an imput select switch. Z Reviews just put out a video for it.

>Z Reviews
oh god

>Z Reviews

Hm, that looks interesting.

>Z Reviews
>Being this new
I don't mind him, but everyone else in this general does. I hope this serves as a lesson to you, user.

I mean, he didn't exactly say "buy this because zreviews said" he merely stated an avenue for more information about the hardware. That said, I don't like that guy.

Heads up motherfuckers, it's time for Sennheiser to SLAY.

Half of this general is braindead and another half are shills/trolls with only handful of people trying to actually have a discussion.

Are those closed HD 800s?

>Inb4 another repeat of the HD 598 CS

me on the left

me on the bottom

>pls let the HD820 be neutral

I wanna upgrade from my HD600 but there isn't anything better on the market.

Can Fulla 2 properly drive K7XX/K712/K612?

I kind of doubt it, but it can be. Sennheiser just recently started with closed back and those are on lower level while this will be top of the line. Biggest obstacle however is that if it is a closed back, that would mean that Sennheiser redid the headphone, probably from ground 0. You can't just slap a closure onto the HD8xx cups that also give a specific resonance that needed resonator and some damping to kill. However, HD820 the cups are larger, so they probably redesigned it's structure. Maybe it's semi open, maybe it's open but grill is more dense or some shit, or maybe it's an improved HD800 but with more relaxed and 'neutral' sound of HD600 which would be ebin.

What I am more interested in, if it will be Sennheiser's first planar. Hoverer, it's HD820, not 900 or 1000 that would be suitable for new technology, and those cups are still hollow while planars cups are always flat.

they sound exactly like a flat professional monitoring headphone such as the MDR-7506 or M40x and are triple the price, they aren't anything special and people only recommend them only and nothing else because they are scared about being judged

>both cowtits
I bet they have bad taste in headphones too.

>they sound exactly like a flat professional monitoring headphone such as the MDR-7506 or M40x and are triple the price
so it sounds good then?


Boycott anime OPs. Next thread have a picture of actual headphones.

There's headphones in the OP's picture.

Headphones > waifus, user. Those don't seem like headphones /hpg/ would recommend.

Great overall performance, non fatiguing treble, best mid range in it's range and best vocals, very natural sounding. But they are weak in sub bass without EQ and are the least snappy sounding out of bunch, so they struggle with some electronic music and fast rock I guess.

>they sound exactly like a flat professional monitoring headphone such as the MDR-7506 or M40x
Except they don't.

More anime girls with hd600 then


Oh Sennheiser what the fuck are you doing

For a first neutral pair of open cans, source is Fulla 2, AKG 612, HD598, or DT880 250 ohm?

K612 are closest to neutral

Silly user; Sennheiser doesn't belong in anime.

AKGs, easily.

What if it's a memephone that's convertible between being either open or closed back?