Is IRC dead?

I'm contemplating joining a few channels because I'm a fat lonely autistic newfag weaboo.
Will there be "others"? Or is it dead and empty as fuck?

just try and see for yourself you dumb faggot

IRC isn't dead, the normies just left

IRC as a social medium is all but dead, but a lot of projects and groups/etc use it as their central development platform. It's the easiest way to 1 on 1 with developers for a lot of open source projects and stuff like that.

and what I mean by that, back in the late 90's to early 2000's it was huge. it "died" off quite a bit but there's still tons of people on it.

the normies moved onto message boards and facebook chat

#8 c ha n at rizon - roleplay/monologue for as long as possible if you want to annoy them, it can be decent at times the trolls aren't around though, mods does not give a shit about anything, probably the most alive general chat room, not necessarily the nicest place. #moonspace

irc + movies

Join us!

Discord killed IRC

only for normies

normies use kike book and skype over some nerd VOIP app

how to be anonymous on irc ?

Don't use your real name

Discord is garbage non-free software.

Just a quick question how do I join an irc, I'm interested in joining one but I can't figure out how

My professor works for Red Hat, they use IRC as a medium of communication

installgentoo wiki

As with everything, there are irc proxy servers.

r u srs
which client does he use? inb4 irssi

where do I go to find hard to find stuff? irc is still good for that right?

im not gonna help a filthy phone user get on irc, you're only going to annoy people without a bouncer

I still use it to download ebooks and animu.

What channel?

Bots don't use channels that much anymore.
Usually you send the message in the server.