>want to program
>have no computer
Want to program
Other urls found in this thread:
program on w/e device you are posting on
I used to code C on an iPod Touch 2g jailbroken with SSH running Bash with a first party SSH client connected to localhost
GCC works fine on it
You just need motivation.
> im a 1337 haxxor on my iPad
I program C on my phone with cpp droid
>SSH to localhost
Literally why
how much money is a chromebook nowadays? run crouton on that shit, get your linux and start takakakaka away.
Fuck on screen keyboards.
I don't see a reason to have a computer when my phone does everything i want it to these days anyway
dude for about a hundred dollarydoos you can get a refurbed business laptop with a core2 and 4gigs of ram
This level of retardation
I haven't checked Sup Forums in a couple weeks but this cancer right here is the last straw
Goodbye forever fags
It's okay user.
Just dream in code.
my brain does not have a compiler
I got my first computer in 10th grade, we were piss poor white trash.
I was programming since 5th grade though, writing my programs on sheets of paper and then running them either at the school lab or when parents gave me money for the computer club.
Hey Sup Forums, I recently got a laptop to fuck around learning how to code, installed ubuntu on it, and I'm having problems compiling the examples, Im using geany because I couldnt figure out how to save on Vim (esc shift ZZ wasnt working) now when ever I try to compile the saved files I get some permissions error, wat do?
Then dream in binary.
>want to program
>am too much of a lazy fuck to do anything at all productive or worthwhile
You don't need a computer, all you need is a whiteboard, pen, and the ability to sum all prime numbers under 2 million.
I literally find whole systems in the trash all the time, go out night before trash day and I can guarantee you find one in less than a week
If you're in the US: govdeals.com
There's always some college looking to get rid of shit.
Your parents spoiled you.
how the FUCK are you posting then
Get a cheap as fuck second hand thinkpad, install a GNU/Linux distro and start learning you lazy fuck.
i'd assume nobody wrote a terminal emulator for ios.
Doesn't even need to be a ThinkPad. People throw out working desktop machines constantly. This guy has no excuse really.
True that.
see you tomorrow
>his brain doesn't have a compiler
You don't that trash.
Get a pinebook it costs barely 100$
>want to program
>have intel p4 celeron one core
wat do?
>white trash
No such thing as white trash.
>on completely other note
I want to start programing, don't know how.
>tfw I dream about code but when I wake up I realize it's all bullshit.
start programing ?
i started on a fucking 500mhz celeron
It litteraly doesn't matter
b-but I want to use SSE4, AVX512 and other goodies
that escalated quickly
Bluetooth keyboards work fine with android.
Fist thing you need to do, is check your wants.
Get a god damn raspberry pi you fucking inept retard
Pen and paper my friend
pen and paper then go to the computer in ur university/workplace. thats how i did it about 40 years ago
never drop your stack of punch cards!
>want to kode
>not a female
should I start HRT?
Get a RasbPi?
Or alternatively learn the theory behind programming, algorithms, data structures, computation, and you'll end up 5000% ahead of everyone else once you get to a computer.
>no computer
>post on Sup Forums
Well how do you manage to do that? You can program on android and ios scumbag wanker
Get a job, fucking liberal democrat.
This. Although it's usually easier to just hit up your nearest college or university and tell them you're poor as fuck. Most of the time some kindly old liberal there will give you a steal on some ~4 year old hardware.
Get a gender reassignment surgery, then we can talk, goy.
I learned to program on a $5 dollar RPi Zero hooked up to an old CRT television I picked up for free.
Just get a skirt and some thigh-highs.
>want to program
>waste time shitposting on Sup Forums instead
>tfw to stupid too learn too program
>>want to program
>>have no computer
Then you are a piece of shit for not building one or several from discarded computers. The world is awash in computers.
Consider suicide.
>No such thing as white trash.
Oh yes there are, and the term originated in the South among whites to distinguish human garbage whites from darkies. It has a specific meaning and is nothing like redneck.
>don't want to program
>loving my life rn