>2017 >using the official Youtube botnet instead of the open source, audio-playing, downloading and Google Play-less Newpipe.
Improvements >Settings refactored >Now when the user change the theme, the change is immediate, no more restarting >Search, Videos and Channel!fdroid newpipe >Don't reload on device rotation >Don't reload the items again, e.g. you go from the search to a video, if you go back to the search it won't reload everything again, same for videos and channel, that provides a quick navigation >VideoDetail UX improved >Implement Toolbar app-wide >Ditch the SearchView, use custom implemented search with AutoCompleteTextView >Replace old action bar >Remove Toast errors >Add error messages with a retry button in the layout itself >Improve workers >New workers for search and suggestions >Add cache functionality >Now the app will cache the StreamInfo's that are already loaded, so if the user decides to come back to that video, it'll open instantaneously
Fixes >Closes #420, closes #449 and closes #466 New >Provide binary in git
stop shilling your shitty fucking garbage here Christian
Samuel Cook
Landon Harris
Fuck off with your shitty app
Thomas Perry
Holy shit, they fucking finally provide binaries on github
Chase Russell
Hello paid google shills.
Matthew Peterson
no this shit is just fucking garbage I'm not trying to get people worried about it, in fact I suggest people install it so they can join in on the laughter. this shit is C- fuck off
Luis Martinez
It's the best YouTube application available for Android.
Ethan Kelly
You sure did a great job convincing me otherwise, pajeet.
Chase Miller
are newpipe threads just bait threads?
John Anderson
sup shills.
we are free from your jewish botnet apps
Carter Garcia
Does it have ads or work with youtube-adaway?
Asher Foster
no ads, sucks
Tyler Ross
No, but your posts are bait posts.
There are no ads in NewPipe. It also supports background play, playing in an external media player, and downloading videos. What more could you really need?
Samuel Cruz
It doesnt have ads, therefore you dont need adaway BUUUTTT it lacks a lot of features, so if you want to login to your account, subscribe, etc, dont use it, but if you only want to watch videos or listen to music, its perfect for you.
Dominic Cooper
No ads is a good thing. Any YouTube player that plays ads is a shitty one.
Nathan Foster
Suggesting me more meme videos to watch.
Ryan Peterson
>login to your account >subscribe Why would you want to do either of these things?
Evan Morris
meant sucka, not sucks
David Evans
NewPipe does actually show related videos for any given video.
Fair enough.
Jackson Lewis
>can't view subscriptions Dropped.
Cameron Wood
>BUUUTTT it lacks a lot of features, so if you want to login to your account, subscribe
Only gays and women do this.
Zachary Taylor
>still can't view youtube comments.
Grayson Clark
>Having subscriptions
Jaxon Adams
>only for cuckphones >not for PCs
Jaxson Baker
This is a good thing.
If you're on a desktop, use your browser.
Christopher Bailey
>not getting your news from independent sources on yt via subscriptions
Colton Clark
>Not using the terminal to browse youtube and mpv to watch videos
Found the homocuck
Angel Clark
>This is a good thing.
Not seeing 90% of the comments on Sup Forums is a good thing too, yet, we still want to see them.
Noah White
>can't view youtube comments.
Ryan Howard
>using the terminal to browse youtube
I just right click Youtube links and let mpv play them.
Jonathan Rodriguez
autismos get easily triggered by them
Jace Morales
100% of YouTube comments are not worth reading.
Brody Robinson
> Still doesn't support ads.
Anthony Butler
This is intentional. No one wants to see ads.
Ayden Price
why in the fuck would you want to see ads?
Wyatt Sullivan
>Not just using a Japanese VPN so you can watch hilarious Japanese ads
Jeremiah Cook
How do I avoid the Youtube botnet on desktop?
Cooper Perez
mpsyt + mpv + youtube-dl
Eli Bailey
>It's Linux community pretends to have software by porting popular websites to desktop episode
Liam Cruz
oh nevermind, i'm a dumbass. thought it was one of those youtube player apps for linux desktop.
Landon Sanchez
If i use Youtube red.
Does this have anything why should i use it instead of stock jewtube??
Christopher Sanders
Its pretty much youtube red without paying
Oliver Turner
Lol who cares, more important when is it coming on fdroid
Kevin Rivera
Ov Vey, buy a Youtube Red subscription goy!
David Ward
>If i use Youtube red.
what kind of dumb goy does this?
Tyler Watson
It's okay. I like the overlay feature and the screen off player. But I think the UI is a little clumsy and I certainly do miss comments.
Charles Gray
Realistically, the only reason to purchase a YouTube Red subscription is for the few videos that are YouTube Red exclusive. But I think you can watch those free through the YouTube app with an XPosed module
Jaxon James
I want playlists
Joshua Foster
The app is a perfection now. A log in function is unnecessary and if you want subscriptions SkyTube is a decent alternative. Most people don't use YouTube as social media, user.
Connor Smith
>Most people don't use YouTube as social media, user.
There's a few people on Sup Forums who act like women. It's pretty disgusting.
Hudson Young
That's in the roadmap
Camden King
Maybe once they add subscription via rss
Michael Jenkins
NewPipe is perfect, it's a lightweight YouTube player that doesn't have bullshit
It's exactly what I needed Thanks
The only issue I have with it is that it crashes sometimes
Ryan Nguyen
Try sending crash reports so the dev might figure out what's wrong. I haven't experienced a single crash yet.
Nicholas Green
>still no background playback
Hudson Hernandez
mate click the headphones button
Jace Rodriguez
Chromecast support when?
Adam James
i guess that works, but who the fuck thought it would be a good idea not to be able to bg a running video?
Kayden Long
There are such videos? Example?
Jaxson Torres
Just use mintube lol
Benjamin Gomez
>tfw I use newpipe every day Don't even remember where I found it originally, replaced TubeMate and it's external mp3 converter and also my need for screen off YouTube play.
Dunno why everyone is bitching so much, free app that does what it's supposed to. There was an issue a couple months ago where it lost its ability to play any YouTube content and the fix took a long time, but since then it's been solid
Thanks op, satisfied phone-poster here
Nathaniel Jones
still no captions though
Ayden Nelson
>Search, Videos and Channel!fdroid newpipe what did he mean by this
Andrew Wright
Use the popup player button. Does exactly what you want. Turn off the screen and marvel.
Jose Myers
>mp3 converter
I don't get why anybody would use this. Just extract the audio and listen to it. Converting just lessens quality and takes longer to process.
Jayden Reed
Background playback is available by using the popup mode.
Jace Kelly
>no playlists
David Torres
In the roadmap
Daniel Stewart
Is Chromecast / Upnp in the roadmap?
Thomas Adams
Just Wait ™
Jayden Brown
>no subscriptions >no Chromecast support >search function is absolute trash
For fuck's sake, why would anyone use this garbage. Just get YouTube Background Playback and YouTube Adaway with the official app.
Elijah Edwards
add subsriptions without login, just add an rss feed of your 'subscribed' channels to a section of the app
Kayden Sanders
Your app is shit, kys yourself
Matthew Perez
>not using kodi
Matthew Morales
Eli Ward
playlists and it will btfo spotify still great app
Kevin Jones
One of the most useful and frequently updated apps on Fdroid.
I'll probably donate to the project.
Jeremiah Wood
>kys yourself fat
Kevin Campbell
So what kinda botnet is this? Does it play music in the background
David Reed
can i change my position in audio only yet?
Tyler Hughes
>this app has features you may not like Thanks F-Droid
Grayson Gutierrez
It isn't, you fucking retardos. What if you have to search for a specific timestamp but there are none of them in description? Open the browser and fuck up the buffered video?
Alexander Reed
Stop acting like youtube videos ever have any comments of value, it's just underage kids spewing out memes or pretending they're on Sup Forums.
Isaiah Young
>I didn't wanted it anyway! Yeah, shove this barely functional shit on your ass.
Bentley Allen
is this F-droid? Looks different...
Xavier Gutierrez
When is a subscription shortcut coming? I want my popular youtubers on my homepage.
Mason Hall
is it possible to use android without botnet? Which apps should I sacrifice?
Mason Smith
Google Play Services.
Robert Williams
Anyone knows why when I tap on a video the interface appears only for like 1ms ? Didn't have that problem with the old player. I'm forced to use external MX player or MPV
Angel Taylor
soo.. all apps on google play? damn
Jayden Morgan
Wow, you seemed to bypass my adblock
Adam Hughes
Yes and no? A lot of apps require Google Play Services framework to function, but most of the functionality can be achieved with microG, open source Google Play Services implementation.
So you wouldn't be able to use Google Play store, but most of the apps that require Google Play Services will work.
That's basically how you get rid of all the botnet at once. Oh, and don't forget to use a firewall like AFWall+ to block internet access to the apps that don't need it.
William Price
neat, will try it
Jeremiah Richardson
Can I log-in to my YT account?
Parker Flores
Still 720p? Don't bother us then.
Michael Butler
No, but you can use the popup mode instead and use that.
Henry Flores
The best android youtube app is still OGYoutube: Better popup player, for some reason you can't resize the popup player with NewPipe and that's a shame.
Luke Cooper
no, that's for homos
Angel Garcia
>Still no playlist support or continuous play option