GTX 950

Thoughts? comments? worth it?
I have a pretty old AMD RADEON at the moment.
bestbuy. com/site/pny-nvidia-geforce-gtx-950-2gb-gddr5-pci-express-3-0-graphics-card-black-blue/4457400.p?skuId=4457400

already deprecated, and the 10 series only has a few months before getting thrown under the bus by nvidia as well


Waste of time. Get a RX 560 instead

>18 fps

I had an EVGA one paired with an i3-4170, it was a sweet little card for what I played at the time, Dark Souls 3 1080p it didnt skip a beat. provided you can find one for a low enough price, its a pretty modern card, just know its limitations and youll be fine. Beware driver gimping though, stay back a good few releases, and give serious thought to selling blood plasma or something to make up the difference towards a 1050ti or an rx470.

>ids old therfor its bad!1!!1
dont listen to these faggots op

holy shit that sucks

What the fuck is nvidia even doing?

Not even upset that my 660Ti burned out and I had to replace it with an RX470.

this applies to mobile too? only get the 1050ti or higher?

whats your budget OP?

950 is garbage

>950 beating 960 by ~80%
Yeah, I'm gonna call bullshit.

>950 beating 960 beating 1050

clearly they swapped 1050 and 950

doesnt mean they arent both shit cards anyways


Not worth it at all.
If you seriously need a GPU you either go get a RX470/570 or GTX1060.

good for the price?

Well Im fairly new to this scene and I dont care much about maxing everything out . the most I would spend is about $150 maybe $175. Money is not really an issue, but i ask my question, Do i really need the higher end graphics card?

how much is it

Probably alreadly gimped to hell.

What do you have now?
Power supply is what?

I suggest a RX 570
Its about as good as a GTX 1060 in DX12

My 660ti is still working fine. Might replace it with a 470 as well, or make a whole new computer based around VEGA.

89.99 + TAX

My power supply is not all that great its 500W
Thats another thing I need to buy.

I have a 380OC best card for the money seriously even this old.

But yeah best to get the best card for your money newer the better.

Not sure what to upgrade to ether everthing is so confusing to pick up a new gpu uniroically all are better buys and great at 720p

really need a new monitor.

yeah it's worth it. it's a fine gpu if you're on 1920x1080 and don't care about maxing out newer games. fuck spending several hundreds on a gpu that gets outdated in a year. if you're not a graphics whore it makes more since to buy budget gpus every few years. you save money and get decent performance for the long run.


how poor must you be to contemplate buying such junk

t. poor as fuck thinking about buying a rx580


AMD is a good honest company user, you should feel bad for badmouthing it.

i used the 950 and it's not very good tbhfriend

fuck no. just find a used 770 or something on craigslist or ebay