Laptop war is over: the MacBook Air won
>official Linux laptop
>all day battery life
>solid metal unibody
>still produced
>most popular Mac by wide margins
>fluent Windows and Linux support
>can game
>razor thin
>costs practically nothing
Laptop war is over: the MacBook Air won
>official Linux laptop
>all day battery life
>solid metal unibody
>still produced
>most popular Mac by wide margins
>fluent Windows and Linux support
>can game
>razor thin
>costs practically nothing
Other urls found in this thread:
>can game
what did he mean by this? I have a MBP with the M370X and gaming is limited on this
>official Linux laptop
nigger what
>can game
gf has a macbook air.
overwatch barely gets 30fps at 720p on low
>official Linux laptop
stopped reading there
sage and hide
you've mistaken zenbook for macbook
Friendly reminded that apple still sells a "premium" laptop with a 1366x768 TN panel.
>can game
{citation needed}
Did apple become shit when I wasn't paying attention or did I just used to be retarded?
Yeah, no, I'm going to continue using my System76 Kudu laptop. Macbook Air needs more ports. Silent means no fans means overheats like a motherfucker; I'd rather machine get a little loud when I'm doing some heavy work than have it scald my lap because it's using the chassis as a fucking heatsink.
The 11 inch MBA has used the same panel since it's inception. The 13 inch one is 1440x900 ips if I recall correctly though. The 1 port Macbook also has a 480p webcam.
Also it's my opinion that they became shit when they started doing everything they can to impede serviceability
>Soldered RAM
>Proprietary SSDs/Soldered SSDs
>Glued in battery
>Disabling TRIM on 3rd party SSDs
Shut the hell up anti-apple trapfag, your opinion is useless
>The 13 inch one is 1440x900 ips if I recall correctly though
you don't recall correctly, it's a TN panel, a decent one, but still TN
but that bezel is fucking hideous, and makes it look like a toy
>costs practically nothing
give it back tyrone
>most popular Mac by wide margins
Probably because it still has MagSafe.
and it's about to be discontinued
great work
I think of the new macbook pro as the macbook air, except with less ports. it's about as thin, if not thinner.
Putting a free and open source operating system on the machine made by and for ignorant fascists is amusing.
The specs are terrible compared to other like laptops. The only reason anyone would by one is for the logo.
Christ, there are ARM64 tablets with Tegra GPUs that could probably run applications smoother than one of those.
>Appleshill mad that he can't deny the truth
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
> discontinued
nope the macbooks I've used rev like a motherfucker under heavy load
In walks one of the pedantic religious nuts. Meanwhile, it's completely possible to compile and run Linux without any GNU software.
You can't libreboot it. Thus it loses. Fuck off already with these cancerous laptop war threads, OP.
>my made up war is won
Come back when you don't have an oversized cellphone that doesn't cost more than a T420
>literally costs more than T420, X220 and X230 and the same as a T430
>for the Core2duo variant
>costs practically nothing
OP if you're going to bait at least don't be this shit at
Having used an MBA 11 for almost a year now as my daily driver, I'd like to agree with you OP but there are a lot of issues unfortunately. Not that the MacBook is a bad laptop, it's just far from perfect.
>will often slow down even if all you have open is a couple of web browsers with many tabs
>gets hot quickly when you start playing 3D games
>the fan kicks in and it's loud as fuck and vibrates hard when you do play games
>the glossy screen sucks outside
>the TN panel is not as bad as those in Windows counterparts with plastic outer layers but still problematic sometimes
>only really good indoors in terms of viewing angles
With all of that said, there are A LOT of great things about it
>godly trackpad
>literally everything can be done through gestures
>software quality level is high if you're not an idiot
>battery life literally lasts at least 6-7 hours on any standard model and can last up to 9 hours on my 11-inch if I'm really careful
>charges in less than 1 hour
>easy to pack away and carry
>looks as amazing as the day I bought it
>always feels good to the touch
>easy to clean because metal enclosure
Right now I'm thinking of getting a 13-inch Air or the 12-inch MacBook, and just accept the single Type C port situation. The new MBP is just too expensive it's not worth it.
>solid metal unibody
no ports people actually use
>can game
enjoy your housefire
>costs practically nothing
>facebook machine
You can always spot the fatass gaming neckbeards when they say this
That still has better color reproduction and DPI for his size and tech
>he fell for the IPS meme
Enjoy your ghosting and backlight bleeding, faggot.
>that bezel size
my Acer Aspire R is similar spec'd but was nearly $300 cheaper.
might be worth buying for software though, but I've been fine using Divinci Resolve & LibreOffice
>i can't even use English well enough to say what I want to
fucking kill yourself
What's the problem with bezel sizes?
I don't understand that meme.
Congrats, you're not an autist.
>the official laptop of Sup Forums is a piece of shit with a TN panel
Sure thing.
Some are annoyed by bezels, and most of that group use more than a single monitor or use an ultra-wide monitor.
However, standard macbook displays are adequate for their use-cases: Browsing the internet and social media.
I think the biggest problem is the color. White is pretty distracting while the black bezels on mine aren't noticeable.
Plus since it's being market as a small laptop it seems odd that they would waste so much space on the bezel & not make the screen bigger.
It is highly likely that it is more expensive to produce a larger panel than to make the bezels bigger. Less cost means a cheaper laptop for them to make, most likely more profit for them rather than lower cost for the consumer.
They don't have issues with muh shinkpad panels for some reason.
This is in part due to the lower profit-margins from Lenovo, and possibly due to the sacrificing of quality for less expense to either the consumer (in the case of Thinkpads) or the manufacturer (in the case of the cheap Macbooks)
>lower margins of Lenovo
Dude, New thinkpads cost the same or more than a Macbook of the same year. This was true for the X220 too.
Aaaand there's the last ditch buyers justification. You bought a shitop. Get over it macfag.
Yes. And a great majority of the time, they had
>Superior specs
>Higher durability
>Better panel
>Not MacOS
>superior specs
Debateable. Also, specs aren't the only thing that a customer search on a laptop
>Higher durability
As someone said: Survivoship bias
>better panel
The TN panel in lenovos are AWFUL. And the IPS panel has ghosting issues, Also, most of them are stuck in "eye cancer" resolution, meanwhile, macs attemp to reach fixed DPI instead of fixed resolution
>Not MacOS
Also not Linux :^)
Macs are user serviceable, even if iFixit says the otherwise. Granted, they are hostile as fuck to it, but you still can change things in your macbook with patience.
No it isn't.
>As someone said: Survivoship bias
Actually milspec, and the battery isn't glued to the case.
>The TN panel in lenovos are AWFUL.
Then buy IPS.
>And the IPS panel has ghosting issues,
Do you know what "has issues" means? That someone once saw this and instead of taking it back for a replacement bitches on Instagram. The iPhone has Touch Disease issues, but well, there they were denied a replacement. Or can you prove it was a general problem that affected lots of customer?
>Also, most of them are stuck in "eye cancer" resolution
4k is eye cancer?
>meanwhile, macs attemp to reach fixed DPI instead of fixed resolution
Really, so the Macbook Air has around the same DPI of the MBP? Oh wait, it's about half, how weird.
>Macs are user serviceable, even if iFixit says the otherwise.
iFixit gave the MBP its lowest score of 1/10.
>Ypu can changw thingsnin your macbook
Have fun with soldered everything
>better specs is debatable
$1500 for a 17.3" FHD mobile workstation with an i7-6700HQ, 8GB of RAM, DGPU and Win10 (insert collective groan of Linux users here) and user-upgradeability. Similarly-specced Macbook is $2399
damn left is so beautiful
but at the same time it is order of magnitude more useful
I have never been able to get a linux distro to run reliably on a pox on you OP.
>No it isn't.
Because your arse says that? How about no?
>Actually milspec, and the battery isn't glued to the case.
>implying that milspec means anything
>still falling for the survivorship bias
You can't deal with glue? Are your some kind of retard?
>Then buy IPS.
>Do you know what "has issues" means? That someone once saw this and instead of taking it back for a replacement bitches on Instagram. The iPhone has Touch Disease issues, but well, there they were denied a replacement. Or can you prove it was a general problem that affected lots of customer?
Don't attempt to rationalize here. The IPS panels that lenovo used have issues with ghosting and the PWM setted too low. Apple faults doesn't
>4k is eye cancer?
Magically the meme thinkpads don't count!
>Really, so the Macbook Air has around the same DPI of the MBP? Oh wait, it's about half, how weird.
If you compare the TN panel macbook pro with the TN panel Macbook Air, then oh, god, I'm saying the truth!
Same it's with the new retina generation.
>iFixit gave the MBP its lowest score of 1/10.
Yeah, because they can't sell shit to repair it now.
Meanwhile Apple has a P3 compliant 250 dpi screen, a worthwhile OS, a DGPU, and excelent post sale service.
>$1500 for a 17.3" FHD
That you didn't buy.
Actually, I paid $2000 for a 14" WQHD convertible. With similar specs to the 15" MBP that is $400 more expensive
They owe you 15 DPI.
Macbook air has fans genius
You're thinking of the 12 inch Macbook
You don't know what fascist are
Even dogs are fascists these days. Look of another charged buzzword.
I love how fucking robust and rugged my T460P looks. Meanwhile, Macfags have their silly little ultrathin toys. Have you seen how careful macfags are with their fagtops? It's like they think it's made out of glass....which is pretty much how durable those pieces of shit are anyways.
>meanwhile Thinkpads still can't survive a electric surge attack
>meanwhile Thinkpads will be made of magnesium in the bright future of Macbooks made of LiquidMetal
Whoaaaaaaa wrong bar buddy! The fag bar is further down the street.
>Macfags still think they're welcome on a tech board
>Macfags still making shitty shill threads to soothe their buyers remorse
>Macfags still trying this hard to fit in
Daily reminder that you don't fucking belong here. This board is like 99% PC and Android and Linux etc. Your little faggot toys aren't welcome here.
No kindly fuck off to Le Reddit or your shitty little Apple containment forums or whatever faggy little hugbox social media site you cocksuckers live in.
Someone is triggered.
>Hurr can't survive electric shock durr
Are you fucking retarded?
Here, take it from one of your fellow iFaggot sheep friends.
Here ya go you fucking retarded little Apple cuckold
>he has to actually warn his retarded viewers not to buy a usb killer and use it on their machine
>the thinkpad didn't survive
>Oh shit my FagBook Pro got blown the fuck out how do I respond? Oh I know! I'll try and turn the argument towards the ThinkPads failure!
>being this fucking retarded.
The point I'm making (which you're too retarded to understand apparently) is that if you input a strong charge into any device it's gonna get fucked up.
Now fuck off Macfag
Get one while you can because it's being discontinued.
And you call that fragile toy a "enterprise laptop"?
In fact I call it bullshit, because the maker of the USB killer in fact reported that the Macbook Pro 2016 survived their tests.
The same fucker also did a early test trying to charge the notebook via the 3 usb c ports.
Fuck off, Kevin.
What model is that on the left out of curiosity?
>thinks MacBook won
>mfw when OP isn't using the XPS master race
Overwatch doesn't support mac os, quit bullshiting
How about you fuck off?
You're the most obvious fucking troll
>hurr muh fagbook pro is better than enterprise laptop durr
Go ahead, show me what you consider to be a tough laptop. Silly little macfags like you probably don't even know that shit like Getac and Panasonic toughbooks exist because all you know is your bullshit Applel marketing
Now fuck off cocksucker
>macs can only run mac os
Dude it isn't 2004
>he is disagreeing with me and raising valid objections, it must be a troll ;_;
Calm, down baby.
Ask shinknovo or solder a pair of opto couplers in your ports and get lost with your crap machine.
>maximum 13.3" display
>resolution is shit
>I can get a 14" Latitude with better specs for less money
>>official Linux laptop
Wrong. It comes with Mac OS X installed. Mac OS X is not GNU/Linux. It doesn't even use the Linux kernel. It uses the XNU kernel, so it's not even Unix (XNU literally means X is Not Unix).
>>all day battery life
Mine gets about 6 hours on a single charge, which is half of what's advertised for the 13 inch model. It's only a year old.
>>solid metal unibody
It's weak soda can shit. The palm rest is warped from typing on it.
>>still produced
Why is this a selling point? Fuck you.
>>most popular Mac by wide margins
Because it's the cheapest one.
>>fluent Windows and Linux support
Windows through bootcamp is utter dog shit because hybrid MBR causes horrible instability. Installing GNU/Linux also requires a third party boot manager and will break if you try to install it in UEFI mode, due to the fact that Apple's EFI implementation is nowhere near the UEFI standard in terms of stability or security. I've never seen worse support for alternative operating systems on an x86 laptop.
>>can game
It has a dual core CPU and integrated graphics. Enjoy your Windows XP-era games.
No it's not. It has one fan that struggles to cool it and sounds like a helicopter when you open more than five tabs in Safari.
>>razor thin
This has caused problems because the palm rest fucking bent.
>>costs practically nothing
You're right. They probably cost Apple about $50 to make, or at least that's how they feel. Literally worse than any chink shit. I could've bought a gayming laptop for 1000 dolans but I fucked up and bought a Mac. It's trash.
ThinkPads might be bulky but they're infinitely stronger and more powerful than Macshit.
Is curious that every thread about Apple laptops has a "owner" of macs who also is a Thinkpad owner.
Chang has good shills.
Am I the only one that hates thin laptops? I want to feel the tactility of the object I use 24/7.
I have a 2014 MBA -- Anything but intensive shit is fine. ARK, Rust, and Shadow of Mordor were the only problems that I had. Everything else was fine.
Well I don't mind thin devices, but if the keyboard ends up feeling shallow and shit because of it then no thanks
Maybe you should eat a big bag of dicks, faggot. Are you too poor for only one brand laptop? Get fucked.
>valid objections
yeah, no you're fucking retarded.
have fun with your little cocksucker toy
>stop disagreeing with me
How about no?
>owns a thinkpad
>calls others poorfags
>owns only one laptop
>owns two or more laptops
Where do you think you are?
Where do you think you are? It's time for you to go back, poorfag.
>old fat MacBook Pro with the slot drive
Lol fuck off poorfag you're not a real Apple enthusiast like us
A guy who has seen vaginas.
Those aren't arguments you fucking idiot
I don't argue with mouth breathing faggot cocksuckers like your little faggot ass
You don't belong here and you will never fit in here.
>arguments: Things that confirm my views
Sounds great OP, let me just plug in my ethernet port and then I can- oh
>slot drive
Do you have Down's syndrome?
>you're not a real Apple enthusiast
>Apple enthusiast
All my keks, you autist. It's a computer. I use it for CAD programs, not jerking off to gay porn like you. Here's a picture of you.
It says where, not who, you dyslexic fuck.
That doesn't answer the question "where", unless you're saying you're inside another man
falling this hard and letting your autism show over b8
>virgin babble
>ahahaha it was just bait I'm totally not retarded and wrong or anything joke's on you guys
Nice backpedaling, nigger.
>curry babble
>implying I am
You probably are. If not, you're the same kind of retard and what I said still applies.