Linux sucks, windows is way more usab-
Linux sucks, windows is way more usab-
I've never had Windows crash on me.
you forgot to use the maymay arrow
you forgot to tell the truth
>install shitty third-party drivers written by pajeets
>wonder why compute crashes
>install linux
>pray that your gpu drivers dont crash every time you boot the computer
>every app/os update is like playing russian roulette
>ask for help in forums
>get called idiot
>install windows
>start working
>windows crash circa 2009
>full screen of info for debugging
>windows crash 2017
i hope W10 geeks are enjoying themselves
It gives an error code which can be googled, fuckass
>ITT: Linux nerds jerking off to how different they are
Windows 10 crashed on me once.
It was a faulty driver
Could fix it in less than 5 min.
Linux can't do that
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
The state of windows
Funny how there are screenshots of Windows errors. Meanwhile Linux just freezes
>stop code
really? what the fuck? that's like how newfags fall for :stopmusic:
>tfw not a single bluescreen since Windows xp
>multiple kernel panics on Linux, related to everything
i use 7 but whatever you say kid
Actually, no.
This. However, I like embedded linux.
In general, Windows is easier and designed more towards consumers
Linux, on the other hand, has all the best software, because the open source community makes it. Niche things like game hacks and custom drivers are a million times easier to work with on Linux than on Windows.
They're both better at different things, and I personally use both when I need one or the other.
Why all the hate D:
>plug in mic
>windows crashes
i dont even try to hate it but :^\\
>support person
> I used linux back in 2005 and had a bad experience so it will never improve because i am a pajeet
Error code is bs just tell me what is wrong
Also there have been many times windows has shown me an error that has not been documented since the XP days.
underage detected.
It just has a QR code now
Ah I fucking love Linus when he's pissed.
>Has emoji in error report
Childs toy OS.
>linux freezes
What are you even doing with it?? In 10 years this happened exactly once with my server (kinda deserved it even), meanwhile my windows machine seems to crash out of boredom, sometimes.
I would like to inform you your ram is probably dying
"We're collecting some error info."
Oh is that what you're doing? :^)
>Win 10 user
>Insert flash drive
>Insert any other kind of USB device
>Insert a different flash drive
Billy gates stop making money and fix your software, this shouldn't be possible.
Your hard drive may have errors, remember to back up your animeu
toys have some resistance to being broken
it looks like your hal initializaon failed, might want to look into that.
Install GNU/Lin-
>win10 bsod
What are you even doing with it?? In last 2 years it never happened once, meanwhile my linux machine seems to break out of boredom, sometimes.
Haven't seen these in years unless you count clock_watchdog timeouts while finding out OC settings for a new CPU
>Linux can't do that
More like, retards can't do that. LInux will do whatever you want, you just need to know what it is you want.
Thats a bad ram error code user.
Whenever I copy a picture from my browser to my desktop, my desktop crashes.
>W10 LTSB user
You are lying.
I have had Linux for 4 years, not a single crash. Even though I only use Windows 10 once or twice a week to play games, it crashes several times during those times.
werks on my machine
I have had Windows for 4 years, not a single crash. Even though I only use Linux once or twice a week, it crashes several times during those times.
Literally no crashes or blue screens on Windows for years now
:( yo
windows never stopped working after an update.
I can't say the same about linux
Windows never booted in grub2 after I uninstalled video drivers
Can't say the same about linux
Using windows everything works, there are drivers for everything and they're the fastest ones
Can't say the same about linux
Using windows everything works, I use whatever software I like, it exists and works fine on Winodows
Can't say the same about linux
Using windows I can have fun, my GPU works really nice in HD or UHD, I can play games and have fun without the need to become an autist and post my daily issue on my distro forum
Can't say the same about linux
or GNU/linux or bugginux, whatever you like
He probably used KDE
Fucker loves to freeze whenever it wants in some setups where other DEs work fine.
This. It's seems that KDE not only ripped off Windows looks, but they also chose to mimic it's shitty behaviors.
The only time I've encountered a crash/BSOD is when testing overclock stability in Win 10.
Win 10 explorer.exe keeps crashing, running memtest86 to get that out of the way.
>I've never had Windows crash on me
Don't fucking lie nigger.
What is even the point of this thread? It's just blatant shitposting. Regardless of whether you're running Windows or Linux, eventually you'll experience a bsod/kernel panic. Check the error code, investigate, fix and move on you fucking baby.
I had Windows 10 BSOD two times so far, and both errors were caused by me. The first one happened because of a bad CPU overclock and the other because I fucked around with the services and policies too much.
About time he put Stallman in his place. Maybe that fat fuck will stop being so obnoxious now.
>Maybe that fat fuck will stop being so obnoxious now.
This is impossible
I hate that fucking new blue screen, it's way too dumbed down. Removing the extra parameters and info was a retarded move to avoid scaring normies with "le weird numbers xDDD" but it makes debugging much harded, especially if you can't boot in safe mode or access the event log.
>install arch
>install mesa from the repos
>done, greeted with glorious 1080p even while booting
>using arch for 3 years
>updates have never broken my system
Nice meme. The only time my Linux install experienced random freezes and crashes was when my GPU started dying, I bought a new one, replaced nvidia driver with mesa+amdgpu (two commands) and back to work again.
run adobe software. oh, wait ...
It's probably because you're dumb
Is this recreatable?
> Windows
> check the logs
Kek. That shit is the worst designed crap I have ever seen. And I deal with quite a few windows 2008/12.
My experience with a multitude of linux distros (Mint, Zorin, Ubuntu, etc) was none of them supported the headphone jack on 2 of the laptops I owned. The only way to get sound to work was to get some audio program for Linux that let me change the mic-in to a headphone jack, but then it was really quiet and had a bit of feedback, but, as it was, this was the "solid" recommendation everyone gives on Linux help forums. Amazing!
By the way, it was using a standard Realtek setup for sound, so it's pretty cool no Linux distros support headphones for $2000 laptops.
Never found this problem. Ever. They all worked of the box for me.