Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about? The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.
Remember the following: >Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before. >Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers >This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.
Shame Reddit is so difficult to read. Most forums should follow Sup Forums's settings me thinks.
I'm not afraid of faggots and mentally ill people. Stop misusing terms like paranoia. it misrepresents the side you're arguing with giving away the fact you don't actually know the other side's argument
Xavier Howard
>he tried to manipulate request bounty on red how did he try to manipulate request bounty?
Hudson Scott
You are afraid of them. You don't understand them. So you respond with hate and immaturity.
Gabriel Butler
I have no irrational fear. Also you don't decide whether or not I am 'hating' on something or whether or not my way of doing this is 'immature' or not. All you're doing is being passive aggressive and deflecting from the actual argument by attacking my person.
Noah Hughes
i think an image was found but nothing else
Henry Hill
>calling people mentally ill and faggots isn't hating them or being immature
okay buddy
Noah Evans
For what reason?
Aaron Green
How is it hate? How is it immature? These are very serious accusations to make I hope you have at least 20 tons of evidence proving your claims because you are hurting people's credibility with such claims.
Ryder Morales
anybody have the higher res pic?
Jack Martinez
faggot is a slur specifically for putting down gay people. Transgenderism is not a mental illness according to the DSM, so you're purposefully trying to be offensive and edgy. But keep doing some mental gymnastics to think you're a good person!
Camden Ramirez
hello sarek
Henry Price
hello sarek
Lucas Davis
someone post sareks
Aaron Lee
So I'm hearing rumors that this is danyisill. Truth?
Parker Hernandez
no diaper, not possible
Justin Bennett
>putting down gay people words have never killed anyone
Juan Moore
I always wonder who took the picture in these situations
Blake Walker
his proud father
Juan Harris
What the hell does NWCD mean by matrix when uploading a rip?
Christian Peterson
Isaiah Ward
Noah White
Jackson Baker
Is there a script which logs into trackers automatically so I don't get disabled?
Ian Nelson
>italiankitten is a manager of a bar Not surprising
Ian Jones
It's called becoming a PU
Robert Adams
Is there a script for becoming a pu?
Isaac Sanchez
Dylan Carter
What's wrong with bit torrent?
I've been to a few
Isaiah Cook
>2k17 >not using Usenet come on Sup Forums
Grayson Edwards
Aren't user caps completely arbitrary?
Sebastian Ross
Asher Hernandez
No, they're the maximum number of people the FBI says a tracker have before they shut them down. A higher user limit means a tracker is given more leniency by copyright holders. A low user limit means they won't tolerate as much.
Jason Phillips
They're decided upon based on what? How long 312c's penis is multiplied by 10k?
Daniel Richardson
Anthony Jenkins
That depends on the tracker. But usually it gives people an incentive to behave and contribute.
Jordan Baker
I would but it costs money.
John Myers
Why is pooploop so shit?
Charles Phillips
Not at all. Every time staff tries to expand beyond it, the number materializes itself and starts spanking them furiously.
Evan Young
help I cant watch anime for more than 20 seconds without taking a picture
Ayden Harris
Solution: stop watching anime Long Term Effects: You will improve your life
Kayden Murphy
Noah Bailey
If I am using HDD 1 for seeding, and I swap the torrent download directory to HDD 2, the currently seeding torrents in HDD 1 will remain seeding without any problems, yeah?