What's an alternative to this? I want to throw it on an extra screen but need something extensible, not this abomination.
What's an alternative to this? I want to throw it on an extra screen but need something extensible...
man that guy's got nu-male written all over him.
>"le cat tax xD" tshirt
>manlet (iphone looks huge in his hand)
>makes dumb frivolous shit like """smart mirror"""
why do people like this exist? such an eyesore
you aint seen nothing yet
for some reason everybody who built one of the mirrors is a numale
balding is not a feature of the nu-male as it shows high testosterone levels.
> What's an alternative to this?
A display if you need a display. A mirror if you need a mirror.
I mean more of the widget shit. The problem is their software is meant to be run on a mirror you look at from further away than a monitor and isn't very extensible.
Just check your smartphone when you wake up like the other 95% of the western world.
A 'smart mirror' device is useful for the 5 minutes a day that you're brushing your teeth, hardly worth the effort.
"Widget shit" can be programmed like any Android or Linux gooey software with the framework of your choice.
Obviously it can also be done as web page if you prefer that.
> A 'smart mirror' device is useful for the 5 minutes a day that you're brushing your teeth
What will it tell you during these 5 minutes that you don't already know?
Shit, if you had the urge to have more information or waifus in your life for even these 2 minutes, you could be brushing your teeth in front of a laptop or computer. You only need to go to a sink to spit. Or use a bucket for all I care.
>t. baldie
>soft cunts
why aren't their mirrors telling them to lift some fucking weights?
I ended up finding dashing/smashing which I think will suit my purposes.
'Hey 4/10 handsome'
'You have 3% chance to laid today'
'Don't go outside today'
'Scanning... 12% body fat'
'Your princes is with another prince'
>t. testosteronelet
Unfortunately balding potentially happens to any man cuck or not.
that myth is already debunked.
>microwave time format
What a shit hole. The 13th amendment was a mistake.
Ugh, positive re-enforcement is so gross.