Dusty PC

How do you guys dust your PC or when cleaning other people's computers?

I buy cans of compressed air, but they're really expensive. Are the canless air compressors (the ones that are powered) worth the money?

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Metro-Vacuum-ED500P-500-Watt-Electric/dp/B001U899HQ/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1493540600&sr=8-5&keywords=air compressor computer

i take the box outside, put a somewhat high powered fan blowing at the inside, and brush everything with a badger hair paintbrush

They're if you do it more than a few times a year.

Don't even think about buying the shitty small compressor

Barely blow anything, and they're loud fire hazards (like AMD)

Just keep buying compressed air in cans, and make sure you use a lot, there's no better alternative and you'd be stupid for not buying a few good cans of Uline air

So pls don't be a dumbass OP, you're already doing the right thing

An intell and a compressed air can shill.

I take it you delid your cpu too

is there any customer refillable compressed air cans?

No, it's loads of liquid CO2. Cheapest bet is buying multi packs of air duster. A compressor will cost you more than that in electricity, as in about 50 bucks a month. Even the small ones.

put in the dish washer
dry it out in the sun

The problem with compressing atmosphere is the moisture. You'll need a line drier if you don't want to be hosing down your electronics.

What a load of crap. Unless you clean your case every day it's not going to cause any problems

Spray water in your computer just once and tell me how it goes

There is not that much water in air retard. I used an large air compressor to clean my old pc every 6 months for almost 7 years, it still works fine.

The only problem with powerful ones is you can damage your fans if you are not careful.

Desktop pc: remove hard disk, take it outside open the case and spray with a hose. Let it dry a couple of days in the sun.

I have to dust computers pretty often. Went from using the cans to a compressor, and the compressor is more expensive initially but a joy to use. The force of the air is even more powerful and it makes it really easy to clean. This is the shit I got:

amazon.com/Metro-Vacuum-ED500P-500-Watt-Electric/dp/B001U899HQ/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1493540600&sr=8-5&keywords=air compressor computer

i just use vacuum cleaner and qtips

Since compressed air is expensive as shit, I use a bellows instead:


Not perfect, but gets the job done.

You could also use one of those cheapo foot pumps you get when you buy inflatable boats, exercise balls and the like.

Steal canned air from work. Have a vacuum cleaner in the vicinity for the expelled dust.

On more the rarer occasional thorough clean, it's taking shrouds and the like off, and wiping the heat sinks and pcb down with a safe cloth.

Free after initial investment

>Hand Bellows
My close friend, this is indeed the superlative decision on medium-velocity, medium-volume air delivery.

The biggest gain will be from keeping your case off the floor. If you don't want a case on your desk or fell for the full tower meme and have a washing machine sized case, your best bet are intake filters. This won't stop build up, but prevent the bulk of it. Clean the filters once a month and you will only have to clean the computer once a year.

Other random nonsense:
- Dust/vacuum your room on a regular basis
- Don't smoke near your computer or it will unintentionally become an ash tray