Freaked the Fuck Out

>Never watched a guitar or musician video in my life
>I have an Open Mic on Windows 10
>Friend comes over, plays guitar while we talk and I browse Youtube
>Youtube ad comes up, business as usual.
>After a long stream of commercials, there appears a wild Guitar Center advertisement.

Coincidence or botnet?


Is there ads on youtube now?

I interpret your answer as "Coincidence and botnet."


If you have to ask . . .

The botnet used your friend's phone's location to determine through statistical liklihood that you two are friends. the already botnet knew that he plays guitar. the botent reacted in time to serve the relevant ads for the duration of his visit since you will likely be talking about guitar. if it doesn't target you it's targeting him

I whitelist youtube because I try not to be a fag towards my favorite content creators. It's just like 15 seconds. Who doesn't have enough patience for that?

>After a long stream of ***.com commercials
i see what you did there.

polite sage

I youtube red with my google play music subscription, no ads and they still get paid.
I did whitelist YouTube before YouTube red was a thing though.

you want to waste 15 seconds just so someone you don't know might make a few cents on your behalf?

> chat with someone on Grindr
> he gives me his phone number
> I save it in my iPhone
> Facebook recommends him as friend


You're a disgusting faggot and I hope you die. Your parents fucking hate you.

>Giving youtube a single dime

I want to //tolerate// 15 seconds just so someone I //support// makes some money on my behalf

And why do you think they make money on your behalf?
It seems like you are hurting yourself just to buy into this delusion that you are somehow helping other people.
You should see someone about that.

>giving facehook access to your contacts


>giving judentube monies

...? I'm really at a loss for words. I feel fine.

Same algo as FB

>No Facebook
>No publicly visible info, have it removed when found
>Actively delete all emails from social media sites without responding
>Email from LinkedIn

Hey do you know, wife, wife's friends, old coworkers, cousins, neighbor, old fuck buddy from nearly a decade ago, etc.....

This shit is getting ridiculous, I'm moving to Alaska

> at nephews birthday
> talk about Duplos, mention a Lego shop in a city 400 miles away
> open google photos to search pictures of Duplos from that store
> name of the city is already in the search field

>years ago
>be stupid teenager
>had facebook for about a week with no friends added
>already getting suggestions for people I know

>couple months ago
>look up supercheatauto for metal tool boxes
>fb shows me ads for SCA the very next day
>very same thing happens with pc parts

>Installing a second gpu into a work computer.
>getting annoyed by having to go back and forth into a cupboard to get the correct pie power splitters.
>don't verbalise any of this to my colleagues or even myself.
>check amazon on phone later and it's suggesting those same power splitters.

I'm used to ads picking up conversions these days, heck my boss even bought an alexa. But the only thing I can think of that got me on the power cables would be the row of imacs I was walking past between the cupboards and workstation.

The botnet is already here
Look at Alexa, siri and google assistant

Fucking retarded nigger cattle feeding the corporate lemon party gestapo a constant stream of ad targets