Hail to The King
Other urls found in this thread:
I prefer version 3.5.0.
>using confirmed botnet
Serious question: can you make other clients behave like uTorrent when it comes to handling unwanted files/pieces? uTorrent puts all of the unnecessary trash into .dat folder from what I understand. With other clients like qBit or Deluge I always get unnecessary files and/or folders downloaded. This is fucking annoying as hell.
Give me 1 (one) reason you would use this botnet trash over literally any other BitTorrent Client.
I'm still on 2.0.4
Should I upgrade?
I want to anonimize my torrenting but I don't want to pay. How do I do it?
2.2.1 is literally the last version of uTorrent that isn't tampered with at ALL.
It has been confirmed on multiple occations that anything above or beyond 2.2.1 is where they started experimenting with bitminers.
Use a free VPN. The TOR network works.
I know how to use Tor browser or free VPN browser plug-ins but I have no idea what to type in here.
It's not difficult. But you'll probably have to have a VPN client redirecting shit from your computer if you want it to effect torrents.
And botnet. Dont ever forget botnet.
If you want anonimity pay money for vpn. Using tor for torrents is a dick move
But it can't pre-fetch metadata from magnet links from what I remember. I use magnets occasionally and I need to be able to select files I want to download beforehand.
I'm still on 2.0.4.
qBittorrent can
Just download the .torren
qBittorrent is glitchy. Like, sometimes it downloads unwanted files and doesn't put them in the .unwanted folder. At least the latest version does this.
I also dislike how it rescans torrent statuses every time I launch the app. For example I downloaded some stuff but then deleted it from my HDD, I want torrent status to still be at 100% in qbit app but it resets back to 0% when I start/restart the app after deleting the files from the HDD. This doesn't really affect anything but it just triggers me.
What a great piece of advice, thanks.
>Not using superior qbitTorrent client
I just use the latest portable version (:
>not using rTorrent in the year of our lord 2017
> using adware MPAA botnet bitcoin miner any time
nope, I'm not cuck
You can't.
Portforwarders only ITT.
Idk, works fine for me.
How the fuck can you be satisifed by uploading only 10kb/s?
>Femanon namefag
>knows literally nothing about anything
Color me surprised.
Same here. I ran 2.2.1 for a while, then went back to 2.0.4. It has everything I need & use. 2000 torrents running off a 2 TB HDD connected by USB 2, up about 3 TB a month. All off a 3 GHz P4 single core w/ WinXP pro stripped (20 processes running). Only 1 GB of DDR RAM (2 x 512 MB maxed the system out) ... and it pretty much never exceeds 600 MB total system use.
2.2.1 had some sort of memory leak going on, so stats didn't always collect perfectly and the total system use would creep up and exceed 1 GB every three days or so. Then reboot required.
2.0.4 runs sweet & stable and I reboot the system about once every 6 weeks. Ran it for about 5 months last year. Still at ~600 MB system use.
Most comfy.
I don't think anyone's arguing anything pre-2.2.1 is bad, just that everything post-2.2.1 is bad, and people shouldn't use it.
>outdated proprietary software
>hurr heillll
Fuck off. Don't use the Tor network for torrenting.
A) You're not anonymous as your P2P client is stupid (don't tell me you use , they're all unprotected by design)
B) You'll slow down all the relays
C) You'll slow down everyone else
D) Your speeds won't even be fast
E) Most exit nodes block all bittorrent traffic because of retards like you
>outdated proprietary software
The memelord makes his entrance. I can't belive this thread managed to go 4 hours before you showed up.
What is the point of using outdated proprietary software? This isn't browser wars, the open source alternatives are literally better in every single way.
>muh linux!
>features you don't need
>security that's not going to be exploited
>poorly designed interfaces and tool
>poor peer management and limiting functionality
Open source != always better.
>features you don't need
Right, open source clients come with features you don't need, while uTorrent has an entire section dedicated to "apps". But you need them, I assume?
>security that's not going to be exploited
What do you even mean by this? Who are you talking about?
>poorly designed interfaces and tool
pic related, if you're calling that poorly designed, you're also calling uTorrent poorly designed.
>poor peer management and limiting functionality
Do you have any proof or are you just making that up? I've had my ratio limit set to 1.0 for years and it has never failed to stop at that.
>Open source != always better.
Great job strawmanning my argument. I said in this situation that the open source alternatives are better.
Image failed to upload
>ratio limiting
That's not what he's talking about. Peer management is the applications inherent ability to determine what peers are worth connecting to for your desired result. If you're seeding you're gonna' want people with good connectivity and high mapping potential over time to other peers, while downloading however you're going to want to connect to the seeders that are most effectively going to be "filling" your line in order to provide you with the best download speed. This is one of the few things uTorrent has always excelled at, and like he may have mentioned (I didn't read the entire conversation) no other client has ever really done as well.
Used to use 2.2.1, but I haven't torrented anything in a while, Saw someone recommend Deluge, but I don't know anything about its security, anyone have experience with it?
It's what I'm currently using.
Don't have any problems with it.
In all seriousness, why must qBittorent and Deluge suck so much ass? Why can't they just mimick uTorrent and have a nice client?
>Don't have any problems with it.
>why must Deluge suck so much ass?
Guess I'll just try it out and see how it goes.
Deluge is okay. It feels very open source in the sense that it's clearly not native to Windows.
It depends on your needs, and like vaguely touched on, it might not give you the speeds of others.
I'm personally not a fan, but I know a lot of people are.
Thanks mrs skeletal
I agree. From a code perspective, uTorrent 2.2.1's peer management and connectivity is literally perfect.
I genuinely don't understand how a client that's over a decade old can't be beaten by any of the modern ones.
To upload what? Where?
Go into the apps folder and save the apps as blank files (with notepad++), then lock them as readonly.
Do the same to utorrentie.exe in the updates folder every time you update.
Also when you do update, drop utorrent.exe into the folder where is is installed.
Then go into preferences and search for the string "offers" and blank out any urls, and set them to false if they're bools.
There you go. Now you basically have 2.2.1 but without the vulnerabilities.
Also, whenever you update just drop the new utorrent.
Try not to share this info too much. I don't want the masses adopting it any then the utorrent devs getting wise to it, or I'll have to actually edit the fucking program every time I update it.
I've tried a few of the newer ones.
I tried qBittorrent, which was great but had too poor peer connectivity and was too much of a memory-whore over time without being properly optimized for hundred+ gigabyte torrents.
I then tried Deluge, but fucking hated the interface which fucking reeked of "made in my basement" and had tons of stupid internal decisions being made about the way DHT and and swarme were handled.
I then tried Vuze that promised to be amazing but after hitting the 1 gigabyte memory usage after barely a day seeding it was out on it's ass. Vuze might actually be better than I'm giving it credit for, and there might be a setting or something I can tweak for memory usage, but I certainly didn't find it.
I always, ALWAYS; return to 2.2.1. Amazing client that consumes practically no resources and runs almost perfect straight out og the gates.
I've started keeping a the 2.2.1 installer on a USB drive just in case it is for some reason not find-able online in the future.
Pic related is after seeding for about two weeks without rest.
Looking at my own picture this is also a stark reminder that I gotta' kill Windows Defender on this installation.
Pic related
Set every btapps.* to false.
Set the following gui options to false
Also hold shift while click advanced for more options
>he thinks he can turn off the botnet
Look, hitting "false" on a few settings and blocking the advertisement URLs is what's preventing people from using versions over 2.2.1 you're very wrong: engadget.com
There was a huge controversy over this not long ago and there was never any admission of guilt or any steps taken to fix this problem.
There wasn't any bitcoi miner into uTorrent. If you do the installation conneced to the internet, during install you are offered PUPs. One of the vendors of the said PUPs tried to sneak in a bitcoin miner. Still, your should never allow the installer internet access, this way you avoid PUPs alltogether as they're downloaded during the install processs.
Don't want to go as far as 2.2.1
Tried installing 3.2.3 but Windows 10 blocks it. From what I understand it's because it was signed with the Symantec certificate which was revoked.
Any way to force install it? Some higher versions like 3.3.1 (which has less ads than new versions) won't install properly and will crash whenever I exit the program referring to the crash within GDI32.dll module.
What the hell is going on.
>Don't want to go as far as 2.2.1
>le older version is better meme
Can't fetch metadata from magnet links.
>public trackers
I can get everything I need from public trackers, why should I bother with finding a way to get invite to a private tracker and be mindful about keeping my ratio up?
>he installs proprietary, outdated Windows software that connects to the internet
How fucking stupid are you? Literally asking for your PC to get pozzed
Fucking nigger cattle
Spotted 3.4.8.
Bet you use google, don't you faggot?
qBittorrent always stalls for me. Even torrents that work perfectly in any other client. The devs have no clue what causes it and have taken to blaming users, claiming the torrent is dead or their hard drive is overworked.
Deluge limits my download speed when I have my upload capped. Uncapping my upload speed makes it download faster.
I don't care to try others anymore. uTorrent 2.2.1 just werks so why would I stop using it?
Because only niggers use it.
uTorrent 2.2.1 has literally been running on my system for 6 months and has never come close to 100 mb of memory usage.
And I seed large shit. Like several terabyte-sized torrents at a time as well as about 50 torrents of a few hundred gigabytes.
Top speeds, no memory issues, everything you need from the interface and perfect connectivity.
You can't ask for more. Hail to the king, OP. Hail to the king.
You must just be retarded
>devil digits
>shill for blue-clients
Bittorrent is better
I prefer 1.8.5
Beyond that is ads garbage
Fuck you
This. It's just the best.
>Delugefags remain delugeional
top kek
I know, right? Pretty proud of that one.
isn't using the older version unsafe though?
>still using windows
transmission daemon on GNU/Linux is the only good client
i think i spent more than 8 years using this version, literally 0 problems even when the line goes faster and faster the program do the same, simply perfect.
>want to torrent
>not using libtorrent based client
>not using the best one aka rtorrent
its good on servers when used with rutorrent
Is it possible to rearrange these tabs on the 2.2.1?
>everyone in this thread is using backdoored software.
>Not just compiling Transmission Daemon from source.
You people disgust me.
Rearranged? As in the order which they are displayed?
What the fuck else would it mean