Whoever made this should die in pain
The worst trash ever
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Android charger?
I don't have many problems with these. Plus one big advantage: they're universal.
They're alright but escpecially on phones they wear out way too quickly
its a wifi cable for phones.
I needed to buy like 20 of them by now
they're fucking trash
The one in your picture is trash. Too fat of an enclosure. However, USB micro is fine. Pro tip: spend the extra money for quality cables. Cheap ones go to hell pretty fast.
has anyone found a brand of reliable micro usb?
even the overpriced one suck, I can't find shit out there
The only reason I ever had to buy new ones is because my sisters lose theirs all the times and then take the ones from me.
> 1€ for a new one
I don't even care
>keep disconnecting
>need to mess around with the cable to connect again and be careful to not touch it while its charging
I don't know what you niggers do with your cables, but I have one from 2010 that I use all the time and it still works like new.
I never had one of these break on me ever. I don't know what you guys are doing, but it's definitely not right.
twist harder
Just buy a new one. Don't make your life harder for no reason.
twist? these aren't cycindrical connectors, why would you twist them?
All other cheap use cables have been perfectly fine since forever ago.
>protip: if you have to buy a "quality usb cable" then the design is flawed
I use these and have't had any issues yet.
>implying the same doesn't happen with the shitty lighting cables
Wifi cable?
Sure just buy your cheap cat cables, speeds dont matter anyway.
I bet you also complain about how CDs/DVDs never work properly because scratches.
Is it really so hard to take care of shit?
Ah ha. I think you picked up on the point being made. I'm pretty sure the original post was considered humor, and I'm sorry you were unable to notice that small detail.
sarcasm is not easy to pick up on with only text
>However, USB micro is fine
get out. both the male and female part are completely shithouse designs, my job mostly consists of repairing pcbs with fucked micro usb ports, no other connector is as flimsy as this garbage
> fine = greatest fucking thing in the world
for you
its not even close to being fine
>doesn't know WiFi cable
tfw comfy usb c on my phone
It's literal shit. It' only fine if you like eating shit.
At least we have USB C now to fix the mess.
Wait ethernet? Ethernet is not wireless to be wifi you dumbfuck
usb c is superioour in everyway
He's "trolling" you dude.
hes a redditor talking about a meme posted on Sup Forums a few hours ago
>"technology" board
>full of people permanently whining they fucked up this or that connector/peripheral in a fit of autistic rage or just due to being ham-fisted troglodytes in general
Pure kino.
Here's a connector just for you, should last you a week or two.
I don't complain about literally any other charger connector that never breaks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Android charger
Was there ever a more damage prone connector in the history?
I've gone through dozens of fucking these connectors. So many weak points. Whether its the cables, the bending aluminum, the classic neck issue, etc.
I've never fucked up any other connector
it's a fucking horrible connector, and phones always lose connection while it's plugged in
I've never had this problem with the regular mini usb B
You don't get it, phones need to be thinner. THINNER.
>usbc has been out for a few years now
>almost nothing has ports for it
I wish.
Why aren't all phone connectors just fucking magnets
nobody knows how they work
You've gotta get one really good cable with the proper support built in. Stop buying chink shit
Micros USB is great, fuck you
USB 3.0 is better tho
You mean Samsung charger
>Micros USB is great, fuck you
>USB 3.0 is better tho
that makes no sense
there's a usb3 microusb
I mean USB c
then say usb-c, because there's usb3 versions of most of the older types (not sure there's one for mini/micro-A)
I bought a bunch of supposedly good ones
can you link me to a good cable?
I still have the one that came with the phone I bought 2 years ago and it works fine. Stop handling your electronics like a gorilla.
That's ... because ... usb c is usb micro's successor?
it's a shame then that nobody uses it.
Maybe in a couple years but it's just now hitting mainstream with the s8.
i dont know whos trolling anymore
>he doesn't crimp is own
Fucking pleb.
oh okay then
have fun faggots
Add insult to injury: Even his backpedaling to USB-C is false since "USB-C" is 3.1 and not 3.0
Nevermind i'm a colossal faggot and fact checked myself and concluded way too fast, they also seem to make 3.0 Type-C's for some reason.
>Implying I dont.
Cat cables are expensive, not the connectors on the end.
I'd like to take a minute to point out how disgusting the USB 3.1 nomenclature is.
Renaming USB 3.0 to USB 3.1 Gen 1 and USB 3.1 to USB 3.1 Gen 2 is one of the most Jewish, deceptive anti-consumer scams I have seen for cables, a field where your fellow scammers have created such masterpieces as Monster cables, gold connector coatings that do nothing and seven different HDMI iterations where four of them are practically identical to another version.
Decided to check and your claims seem to have some truthfulness but with this "addage"
USB 3.1 specification takes over existing USB 3.0's SuperSpeed USB transfer rate, now calling it USB 3.1 Gen 1, and introduces a faster transfer rate called SuperSpeed USB 10 Gbps, also called USB 3.1 Gen 2
so USB 3.1 Gen 1 = 3.0 SuperSpeed
and USB 3.1 Gen 2 = 3.1 with 10Gbps SuperSpeed
A lot of stuff has usb-c. OP2 OP3t, the new macbook, a lot of wired speakers released recently, and Apple is reportedly going usb-c next gen.
And the macbook for all the apolefags
I've never broken one, you must be sitting on it too much, lardass.
What the fuck is wrong with you? I'm still using the same cable that came with my old Nokia phone and it is still working just fine.
Absolutely nothing wrong with DP except it's harder for chinkshits to manufacture properly.