>Post a mini-review of your phone >Discuss upcoming and current models >Ask for help related to phones >Tell us how much shekels you spent on good/bad phone >PRAISE THE CHINKPHONES unless you live in America you shits
What's the best phone in the market, budget is not limited.
Ethan Cruz
Pixel XL or S8+
Nolan Davis
Galaxy S8/S8+.
Nathaniel Hall
oneplus 3t or do i sign my live away for another 2 years to get an s8
Blake Nguyen
OP5 is only a few months away, you'll regret getting the OP3T
Landon Sullivan
There are people saying S8 is bad, should I go for it? I'm using S6 and its meh. Or should I wait for new phones to release?
Julian Bennett
>There are people saying S8 is bad That's just jelly poorfags
Carson Diaz
do we know if the OP5 will be waterproof?
Jackson Perez
I really want a Windows phone so I'm all in the same architecture for my PC, phone and laptop.
How the fuck did M$ drop the ball so fucking hard?
I loved my Lumia 1020, and really want a surface phone. Is it even worth it to try again?
Grayson Hill
>not buying a phone outright
Levi Hill
Im on Verizon in the US and my Nexus 6's screen just ate shit despite having a nice case (lesson learned: get tempered glass)
Should I get a G4 Plus or a G5 Plus? The only thing scaring me away from the G4 Plus is the supposed screen retention issues that get worse when the phone heats up
Ethan Sanchez
Is there a reliable/accurate estimated price point for the OP5?
Otherwise the only point in waiting for the OP5 would be for the probable price drop in the OP3T
Colton Butler
Probably 450/500, they've gone up 50 bucks with each phone. Soon they won't even be undercutting the prices that much
Brayden Harris
Was there ever a decent fix for this issue? Warrenty on my HTC one is way past gone, so I'd need to either self repair or send it off to some dodgy phone shop I'm guessing.
Christopher Morris
Going by previous OP phone launch prices >OPO $349 >OP2 $379 >OP3 $399 >OP3T $439
I'd guess around $450-500
Jaxon Gutierrez
The excuse is that the snap dragon 625 is designed for low power consumption and to work optimally with the 3GB of RAM.
I've read some reviewers say that they are making it through a full day of use easily. We'll see.
I can't really justify buying the 5 considering the OP3T specs will hold up just fine for the next 2 years and will be considerably cheaper once it, the 5, comes out (probably)
Jonathan Cooper
For me it would depend on how much better the next one is compared to 3T. If there was a hundred dollar price difference but the improvements seemed worthwhile enough, I would probably get the newer one. But I just got my 3T a couple months ago so I definitely won't be upgrading anytime soon, I really like this phone. My biggest gripe is that the photos seem to come out kinda blurry now and then with the auto settings. The image quality is good when the photo succeeds but sometimes I'll just snap a quick shot of something and it will be blurred
Gabriel Martinez
Buy a new camera module
$ 5-10
Cooper Nguyen
That's no excuse. The Redmi 4X has a 625 and costs less than $130 while having weekly updates.
Owen Butler
I've been out of the loop for a few months and see a whole suite of Redmi Note 4-somethings including a few "global" versions.
Can someone give me a summary on the codenames for the global / extra band models ? I want to check camera quality and LineageOS/ROM support.
I have a Redmi note 3 pro special edition (Kate) and want to upgrade to something with a better low light camera and ideally with USB type C.
Aiden Harris
Make your own decision but this place is full of people buying phones meant for the Chinese and thinking they're getting a good deal youtube.com/watch?v=BwKVkNj8zyQ
Anthony Robinson
If you want a better camera, you need to step out of chink phones.
Ayden White
I've got an older phone HTC one M8 and my charger just took a shit on me. Is there such thing as a "faster" charger? Maybe my battery is just going out but my entire family has been having issues with our older charger so I'm looking to get something that can deliver more mAh in a shorter amount of time, is that a thing?
Grayson Cox
Pros and cons of a HTC 10? Planning on getting one for around 450$. >I don't like the OP3T or S7 >chinks aren't an option
Tyler Morales
>Redmi 4X Has a SD435. And a $160 ZUK Z2 has a SD820 which is basically the same SoC that the Google Pixel / LG G6 have.
Isaac Butler
I meant the Redmi 4 Pro. My bad.
James Stewart
>I don't like the OP3T or S7
I'm curious why?
Lucas Stewart
There's four Note 4 versions: Note 4 Mediatek (code name Nikel) Note 4 Global (code name Mido) Note 4X (also Mido) Note 4 India version (not in pic, basically same as the other two Snapdragon models but with less network bands and only sold in India, also code name Mido)
Custom ROMs work on all 3 different Mido variantt
Ethan Parker
The 3T is more expensive here, the camera is worse and I don't like how it feels in the hand. The S7 does have the best camera, but I despise TouchWiz and the edge thing. Also the most expensive.
Charles Morales
Was also looking into the G5 Plus. I heard that there is too much background noise in calls and in video recording.
btw its a shame zuk line is kill now, I really like them.
John Richardson
Reminds me of the iPhone explosions, but of course only Samsung had an army of memers shitposting 24/7 on social media. I wonder if apple spends money in hiring shitposters, I could see them doing it desu
Samuel White
What do you think about the Marshall London, /spg/?
>aesthetic >separate sound card >very good music apps >comes with pretty sweet marshall earbuds
Cameron Bennett
need a new phone for my mom around the $100 price range with t-mobile bands
Moto G4 Play or Blu Life One x2?
Jose Bailey
The first, only because I wouldn't trust Blue and especially not with my mom Why not just get her the cheapest G5 plus on amazon?
Cooper Wood
Looking for a replacement for my Note 4. >Country US >Carrier Verizon >Wanted features microsd and/or more than 64 gigs of storage rootable good screen >budget Under or around $700 >screen size 5.5 in or preferably more
Dunno if anything like this exists
Evan Nguyen
>around $100
Anthony Hill
>Verizon >rootable
Good luck with that one. I have spent far too much time investigating this already. Your only choices are: >Moto G4/G5 Plus It's advertised as being Verizon compatible, but it actually isn't. reddit.com/r/MotoG/comments/6604mh/moto_g5_verizon_cant_call_911_brand_new_auto/ >HTC 10 See >Google Pixel Only the version from the Google Store can be rooted/bootloader unlocked, and there's a 1-2 month wait for the phones from there because they're in such high demand. >find and purchase a used phone that's Verizon compatible but hasn't taken any OTA updates so the community hacks for it can still work Good luck dealing with this can of worms.
Honestly, Verizon is such a garbage company that you're better off leaving them for a different carrier if you have the opportunity to, especially since there are dozens of GSM-only chinkphones that meet literally all of your other criteria.
Brayden Ramirez
Got one last week, installed Lineage on it. I like it a lot.
Thomas Mitchell
I only got Verizon for work reasons that are no longer relevant, so I'd be up for switching.
Jeremiah Lewis
>Moto G4/G5 Plus They are Verizon compatible, that bug was fixed with a OTA update
Jason Russell
BLOX2 isn't $100 anyways, he would be considering the R1 Plus if it's still on sale
Carter Anderson
Stop being a bad son, at least get the $185 g5 plus with lock screen ads on amazon
Jack Ramirez
should I get a oneplus3t? what else is as good around that price range?
Joseph Sanders
Axon 7, and it's cheaper
Henry Morales
>cheap plastic build >below average spec other than the audio capabilities >running on outdated android >massively overpriced because "muh marshall" branding
If don't mind having an outdated phone, if you really love the way it looks and if you've got money to burn, go for it.
James Torres
>stop being a bad son >get her a phone with lockscreen ads shiggy diggy
Cameron Bell
Non-intervention lock screen ads that can be removed user
Julian Sullivan
What is the advantage of having a screen that curves towards the back at the edges like pic related? Is it more comfy than a flat screen of similar size?
Connor Cooper
>can be removed Not possible on the G5 Plus
David Martinez
Yes, come buy it from me because I'll get double commission because nobody is fucking buying it.
Anthony Turner
I know that xiaomi Mi is the flasgshit line, but what is the difference between redmi and redmi note?
Kevin Ortiz
Screen size
Levi Flores
What is the best android flip phone currently out?
I like the aesthetics on this Musashi
Austin Lopez
Might've had something to do with the note blowing up when it wasn't even charging.
Bentley Wilson
I have a Blu R1 HD as a temp replacement phone, and it's been fine so I don't particularly distrust them.
the 2GB/16GB BLOX2 is $106 right now.
her current phone is a second gen Moto E and she hardly knows how to use it, so she doesn't need anything special
Jeremiah Hernandez
Does she even need a new phone if she barely knows how to use her current one?
Chase Clark
is that the only thing? Because i wanted to get the cheaper one the redmi 4x, but the problem is it has no xda support which i want because i want cynogenmod
Samuel Hill
the 8GB of internal storage is pretty much full. I know there are ways to move apps to the sd card, but I don't trust her not to run into any problems that way.
Nicholas Morris
one for the plug and one for the load
Liam Collins
my phone lets me format the SD card as internal storage
Asher Hughes
mine does too, but I don't see the option in hers
Leo Ross
samsung meme marketing
similar to the dual screen on the htc u ultra, it's shit
Noah Bennett
Redmi 4A / 4X are cheaper models so the specs are lower. The Redmi Note models are more popular so they have more custom ROMs available.
Tyler Russell
I'm pretty sure it's because you have to format the card first, or it's being gay and won't allow it to be setup like that unless it's reset
Julian Hill
Where is the best place for me to buy an LG G6?
I want the quad dac model but I live in the UK so the usual places to buy phones are no good.
Jackson Price
The "adotable storage" (=microsd as internal storage) feature was added in 6.0 Marshmallow
Joshua Collins
It's a gimmick
Luis Jackson
>Zuk I got mine for 200 euros last year, so would definitely recommend it for 150 bucks.
The Indian ROM just got an official Nougat OTA. Worked in Europe too.
Kevin Peterson
I don't mind burning
Hudson Hall
It's not comfy at all unfortunately
Luke Gray
Does replacing a soldered-in battery work much on a phone that's a few years old? Is it worth the price/effort, or will the juice never be the same as it was? It's a HTC One M7, so I've had it since 2013. I still dig the phone but the battery doesn't last till lunch.
Okay i am confused then, i am looking at the china shop and they have both redmi note 4 and redmi note 4x and they cost almost the same, so which one is the better one?
Kevin King
Lincoln Johnson
Thanks, i'm gonna buy the note 4 global version then i checked the forum on xda and it is super active which is great
Gabriel Adams
>tfw got it for 100€ on a local sale feels good
I really hope Marshall release more phones though don't wanna blow extra cash on expensive mp3 players when a music-centered phone is good enough for that
Austin Brown
iPhone7 Plus
Nolan Stewart
Just bought a Moto G4 for a hundred bucks. How bad did I fuck up?