What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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advancements in technology and people having less and less imagination.
only games it had were Sonic and ports of shitty arcade games
What's that Sega? I can take part of the console from home where I play for free and plug it into the arcade for $hekels.
Too ahead of time. Other consoles needed two more generations to get something similar.
PS2+MGS2 killed any momentum the Dreamcast had
>ports of shitty arcade games
Kill yourself my man
The Sega Saturn burning all bridges with third party devs
The PS2
That's the quick rundown
I was talkking about VMU and such mostly.
> Too ahead of its time
> CDs
> Absolutely no piracy protections
> built in dial-up in a world that was moving to broadband fast
o i am laffin
SoA and nothing more.
Dumb eceleb parrot child. The Dreamcast sold more software in it's 2 years than the Xbox one did in its first 3.
Inexpensive flash memory killed any hopes console manufacturers had of jewing their userbase with expensive proprietary memory cards
The only company attempting that shit is Sony on their handheld market and look where the Vita is.
> Claims it was ahead of its time
> Gets told why it wasn't
>objective facts are trumped by my subjective ones
What kind of fucking metrics did you come up with in your autistic head by which the Dreamcast was ahead of its time?
I think you have horrid reading comprehension. It seems you think I'm a different user to the one you linked in your post. That or you're trying to autistic form of a strawman.
Too many plebs, children and sony discman shills around at the time.
I used to love playing the Chao game from Sonic Adventure 2 on my DMU, and some racing game I cant remember the name of.
Why the fuck did you feel the need to spew your autistic opinions when I wasn't even talking to you
Please don't reply to my posts again
management at sega killed it, remember how they canceled that game because the ceo hadnt heard of it before?
You replied to me, kiddo. Take your pills.
>Inexpensive flash memory killed any hopes console manufacturers had of jewing their userbase with expensive proprietary memory cards
u wot?
Cheap inner memory storage was the reason to ditch out memory cards.
I thought it was pretty awesome at the time, but lack of mainstream titles and piracy killed it. My favoriteThe Cutting Room Floor entry: tcrf.net
>Inexpensive flash memory killed any hopes console manufacturers had of jewing their userbase with expensive proprietary memory cards
Except they were planning on making it more than a memory card. It was a small handheld console that allowed the exchange of data with other VMU owners. They also intended to turn it into a portable MP3 player, a device that was popular back then. Too bad the battery was easily drained and the screen had no backlighting.
>They also intended to turn it into a portable MP3 player,
It didn't have a jack, and its memory was only 1 megabit.
A second revision IIRC. segaretro.org
Nothing, it was a great console. Its timing was bad.
Batteries. Simple as that. 2 fucking batteries, they were expensive as fuck and lasted only a few days.
Hardware was way ahead of its time and most of the early games didn't take advantage of it
When you look at the last few titles released for it and compare to the early titles it's really tragic. Total waste of great hardware
the exact same thing could be said about the ps2
DVD player
It did have piracy protections you dumbass, GD-Rom still hasn't been cracked.
Piracy was a thing because SEGA didn't enable copy protection for special karaoke discs (MIL-CD) that ran code on the Dreamcast, which is what all those pirated CDs ran code as.
What? I was obsessed with that Chao game. The battery life wasn't great but it was no where near that bad
PS2 had better marketing, a more popular brand behind it, more developers, and a DVD player.
yes, but the hardware was weird, and there's a clear gap in graphics quality comparing early and late ps2 games
SEGA had been full retard for so long at that point that even a great console couldn't have it.
Too keep it Sup Forums: how good are the open source developer tools for the Dreamcast? Are they good enough to make developing a simple homebrew game like Tetris a breeze?
the controller was uncomfortable as fuck.
We've already beaten this to death:
>US vs japong office clashes
>no DRM when cd burners became cheap
>producing massive bonfires of cash on aimless projects like Shenmue that were commercial flops
They set the price too low because they were competing with Nintendo and Sony.
I totally agree that kids should stop watching ecelebs and jewtoobers if they want to actually learn somthing, but that's another topic for another day.
Piracy had very little to do with the Dreamcast's commercial failures. The only places that had broadband at the time were big businesses and college campuses - which made downloading the ISO's impossible for most people. Also, the pirated ISO images were structured for shit and required the Dreamcast's lens to perform gymnastics in order to read the burned discs. People thought (rightly so) that playing pirated games ruined their console (because it often did). Sega killed the DC early on, and it wasn't until its afterlife that piracy took off... broadband became more available, the ISO's were structured better, disc burners were finally getting cheaper, and people discovered all the kick-ass titles that never made it out of Japan and were totally worth the effort to pirate.
What killed the DC was Sony's hype machine coupled with Sega's upper management being retards. Sony was in maximum overdrive hyping the fuck out of the PS2 that was coming - releasing doctored up screenshots, making claims about how much more powerful and awesome it was going to be, etc, etc. This went on for years. We all know how hype machines work(actually, maybe we don't anymore as evidenced by posters on this site, but anyway...). PS2 did have two MASSIVE selling points. 1.) it was backwards compatible, and 2.) it also functioned as a DVD player. These were huge. The writing was on the wall and 3rd party developers were reading it. They refocused their efforts towards the difficult-to-develop-for PS2, Sega execs performed sudoku on themselves, all the Playstation fans (there were only about 3 billion of them) simply waited for their PS2 to arrive, and the rest is history.
>Sony was in maximum overdrive hyping the fuck out of the PS2 that was coming
I remember that shit, they were releasing renders implying it was the playable game. Also the backwards compatibility didn't work very well.
Got a PS2 at launch sold it for $50 more and bought a dreamcast. After square merged witn Enix there was no real reason for me to buy the PS2 because console RPGS were dead.