Is there any video player for linux like MPC-HC?
I have already tried smplayer and vlc and but don't have the option to play the next video in the folder.
Is there any video player for linux like MPC-HC?
I have already tried smplayer and vlc and but don't have the option to play the next video in the folder.
Other urls found in this thread:
Playlist - Add folder
Not this option, i mean when you're in a folder and open a video, so you can type pageup and pagedown to play the next file.
mpv haven't this option, mpv is part of smplayer.
i liked mpc (ether cccp or kcp) as it just worked as was simple. mpv just displays the video and no extra shit like menus, everything is don via keyboard or the small progress tracker at the bottom. what are you specifically looking for.
>mpv haven't this option
lol, it has everything
Please, help a linux newfag, i dunno where is the key for this. In mpc is more easy, and mpv has no menus and configs.
I'm looking for a key shortcut to enable those features. Like pageup and pagedown in mpc.
lol, this piece of shit?
go back to sucking dicks
Go back to editing .conf files to get the basic video player functionality.
Ok, where is the option?
The keyboard controls are similar to mpc-hc.
I can't install this player. I got this error:
I tried and it didn't work.
>a featureless video player is fine as long as I don't have to edit a textfile.
This is why no one takes winfags seriously.
>inb4 muh madvr has all the features
Exactly, you need madvr to get the same level of quality mpv comes with built in.
You tried what? What are you trying to do?
What's the problem?
Play the next file in folder. I don't want create a playlist and open files one by one. I wanna open a file and type pageup to play the next file.
dude, you sound retarded, mpv is probably not for you
I don't know how you can do that in mpc-hc without creating a playlist, but mpv can't do it without creating a playlist.
> < and > Go backward/forward in the playlist.
> where to put lua script
>link him lua scripting
>call him retarded when he doesn't know how to do it
Just stop
meant for
Now i'm retarded if linux don't have this option, ok i got it.
The problem is that mpc-hc is proprietary, linux is open source and relies on volunteers. I could even try for wine, but I thought linux had a decent alternative.
> link him lua scripting
> link him how to use it
just leave
Try it yourself. Pageup and pagedown (you must configure mpc to use shortcuts).
>if linux don't have this option
"linux" doens't have this option because "linux" doesn't have right clicking and "add to playlist" built in to the fucking kernel. How about you use a DE that supports something like this? Or like so many people have pointed out, use this lua script: >The problem is that mpc-hc is proprietary,
It's not
>linux is open source and relies on volunteers
This has fuck all to do with mpv or right clicking in a file manager.
I have a lot of files and folders, it's a pain in the ass if i open one by one.
If only there was a way to autoload.lua all the files you want to play, maybe with an autoload.lua script written in some language supported by mpv like lua.
Too bad that doesn't exist and hasn't been talked about extensively in this thread.
Sorry for my bad english...
Which DE has this option? I don't know how to use lua scripts. I'm using ubuntu mate.
That will work just fine, follow the instructions in this thread and use autoload.lua
put this file in ~/.config/mpv/scripts, and then that's it. It will load all the files into a playlist in mpv, you just pageup, pagedown just like in mpc-hc and it will just werk. This has been mentioned like 10 times in this thread so far so if you can't understand these simple instructions by now there's no hope and you should go back to windows because linux is not for you.
Ok, i'll try it. Thanks.
pageup, pagedown is previous/next chapter by default
Shortcuts still don't work.
When I type pageup and pagedown says (unavailable)
< > - previous/next file
Oh right my bad
Sorry I was wrong pageup and pagedown are for chapters. You want < and >
Still not working...
I think i'm typing the wrong key, no? How can you set those keys?
Those are set by default. < is previous file, > is next file. Are you sure autoload.lua is working?
Yeah, i guess. I copied the .lua to the directory the other user said.
Just to test, try mpv /path/to/dir/* for a directory with more than one video file. See if < and > work then. If they work then you set up autoload.lua wrong somehow, if they don't then you somehow fucked up mpv's default inputs.
Still don't. But, this isn't the best way to play files. That's why i'm asking for the best solution. And, i don't think the mpv settings are fucked up, i did a clean install of smplayer.
haha he tries it with smplayer...
>Still don't.
>And, i don't think the mpv settings are fucked up
These two lines right here are contradictory. If < and > still don't work, your default settings got messed up.
>i did a clean install of smplayer.
Yeah this is most likely the issue. sudo apt-get mpv, that's what you should be doing.
What's the problem? Isn't this part of smplayer? When I removed smplayer mpv was removed too.
What now? Should i go back to win? or try it in wine?
Yes just go back to windows, give up because this clearly isn't for you.
Also be sure to shitpost in mpv threads about how it's "too hard" and "elitist" because you couldn't get it working.
Linux is a good system. I''ve linux installed for security purposes. I have dual boot, but i just can't let this that way, i need to learn everything and improve it. I won't give up, i'll try it in wine, then i'll reinstall the system onto virtualbox and retry all again.
Hard? I like how it is. The hardest, the best. I'm not done. I'll make it work, for sure.
lua scripts don't work with smplayer
MPC-HC with wine 2.6 staging works but there are a few problems
Good to know. But it's mpv, not smplayer. I'm not trying to run videos on smplayer, so i guess it should work.
If you want to make it work then Follow. Instructions.
sudo apt-get purge smplayer
sudo apt-get install mpv
mkdir ~/.config/mpv/scripts
It would be useful if the linux programmers could implement those features by default on smplayer and vlc.
Lets see.
Unfortunately, still don't work.
I have no idea what to tell you then.
Forget about it. I'm installing wine staging, let's see if it will work.
Ok faggots, I got mpc working on wine, but now the quality of the image is bad. Does anyone know how to fix it?
kys retard
Ok faggots, I got mpc working on wine, but now the quality of the image is bad. Does anyone know how to fix it?
Why are you laughing? It's my system, and I like to customize set up it the way i like. If you don't like it, just shut up.
> using a portable from some 3rd-party shitty site instead of using the official one.
Also why do you judge about resource consumption by a screenshot? That's not how you measure things.
I think what a did was stupid, but whatever. I'm very bored today... Thanks, anyway. I'll use player and virtualbox until the linux devs fix that issue. If i knew how to code, i would.
If I understood you correctly and you just want mpv to play the next/previous file in the directory of the file you have currently open with mpc, I would recommend nextfile.lua instead of this autoload.lua that's being talked about in the thread. Go here:
Then go to "nextfile.lua", go to "raw", then save the page. Move the resulting "nextfile.lua" text file into your /home/YOURUSERNAME/.config/mpv/scripts directory. You may have to enable visibility for hidden files to find this directory. Once the .lua file is in this directory, mpv should now be able to quickly switch files with Shift+Right and Shift+Left by default. If you would like to change this, open nextfile.lua in a text editor and change the relevant entries near the bottom; I use MOUSE_BTN8 and MOUSE_BTN7 because I want to use the side buttons of my mouse. Inside this text file you can also add entries to a list of file formats. File formats that are not in this list will be ignored when you switch between files. The list is already fairly complete, I just added "mov". Hope this helps.
just use vlcs playlist feature