One of my control theory courses has a pretty assburger prof who insists we use UNIX-based systems in a code project. Still half the class, including me, went with using Visual Studio as an IDE instead.
The deadline is next week and my entire project is written for a windows system. What's a good excuse for not having used UNIX? Could I blame it on compability issues with my hardware preventing installation of a new OS?
>using IDE for learning Seriously why do normalfags do this? I bet half of class doesn't understand the difference between IDE and compiler. Professor is right. Stop complaining and port code to UNIX. And no hardware can't prevent you from installing a new OS? Ever heard of virtualization?
Owen Green
There's no excuse, since many Unix systems are open source, therefore being free, and therefore running on nearly any hardware architecture possible. Too bad, bro, but it's all your fault. If your computer can run Windows it can run FreeBSD.
Jose Rodriguez
Like you haven't even said what language you're using (likely either C or C++ but still). Do you even know if your code is platform dependent? If it's just using standard libraries it probably won't be.
Ryan Moore
Gabriel Jackson
It's C.
And yeah some functions used are platform dependent, like getting the time elapsed and sleep.
Camden Morales
Because students are more worried about grades than learning
Brody James
You sound like the kind of retards in my programming courses that always failed and ended up droping out because they were terrified of anything that wasn't GUI-based on a Windows OS and would refuse to try even with constant handholding and offers for help from the rest of the class.
Install ubuntu on a virtual machine and port your shit there.
Michael Scott
>Could I blame it on compability issues with my hardware preventing installation of a new OS? that would be fucking retarded. *nix OSs run on fucking everything while windows is limited in hardware support.
>UNIX you mean.. POSIX ? even windows has a POSIX layer and you can write and compile POSIX compliant code on windows.
Jackson Rogers
Your prof is trying to get you to adapt good coding practices and you're trying to come up with excuses for crappy code that's out of spec?
Brody Phillips
>mfw to smart to know fflush(stdin) is undefined behavior
Colton Adams
>writing C >Deciding to use Windows despite your professor telling you to use unix-like OS >For a C project >Adamantly using Windows Can't help you OP
Ryan Taylor
>It's C.
why would you even need to use windows specific functions in a C project ? it would be way harder than just writing standard C or maybe POSIX compliant C code, because the documentation of the windows api is worse than the GNU documentation
Brayden Kelly
>Install ubuntu on a virtual machine and port your shit there. I'm doing it, but it's so fucking slow it's unbearable. It legit takes 4 seconds before virtualbox registers a simple mouse click.
Lucas Davis
Buy a SSD Install FreeBSD on it. Wow! Problem solved!
Nathaniel Bell
This just reminded me Professor: I need you to write this assignment in HTML + CSS by hand so you can learn exactly how does it work and the code is readable Half the class: *Eagerly open Dreamweaver and use the WYSIWYG editor for absolutely everything like it was a fucking Word file resulting in a tangled mess of spaghetti code, unsuccessfully struggle to fix it by hand, fail the assignment*
Ethan Cook
Install the guest additions you mong
Grayson Foster
tell him you prefer using windows
David Morgan
>are open source, therefore being free Stallman would like to have a word with you.
Ryder Nelson
this >grsec >open source >not free
Joshua Johnson
it's not about the OS, OP is just a retard. his prof wanted him to write either standard C or posix compliant code but OP decided to use windows specific code
Brandon Young
Aaron Baker
Honestly had a professor like this. Use Dev C++. It compiles like the same minus command line args.
Isaiah Moore
Joseph Clark
IDE is required for large projects. Writing required methods by hand is codemonkey tier.
Samuel Morales
I've also seen this image like 10 times already I don't understand what the fuck is going on
Matthew Brooks
>Writing required methods by hand is codemonkey tier. how else are you supposed to write your methods ?
Easton Bennett
>The professor told me to do a thing but I didn't do it how can I convince that I was right all along
Mason Myers
Just implement your architecture once, I don't see how this is a problem unless all your functions are boilerplate set get garbage.
You were robbed.
Parker Reyes
>appear to be female
Jason James
it keeps happening
Aiden Williams
It is Japan after all.
Austin Turner
forgot pic
Aaron Bennett
I still believe she was a girl pretending to be a boy pretending to be a girl for the attention.
Angel King
>homework assignment >large project
Elijah Gomez
>like getting the time elapsed and sleep Should have used libraries instead of writing those yourself.
But worst case you can still #ifdef platform-specific code and add the equivalent for a UNIX system if you weren't allowed to use certain libraries or something retarded like that.
Jack Morgan
>not importing a skeleton and doing a line range replace using vim
Gabriel Diaz
Tell him it's written on a solaris machine
Hunter Rivera
And making excuses instead of manning up and writing your code to spec ISN'T codemonkey tier?
Luke Phillips
There is no excuse pajeet. >hurr my shit wasnt compatible with linux a fucking toaster runs linux you dumb fuck, there is no excuses. And if there _WAS_ an excuse, then you should have discussed it with the professor at the beginning of the semester.
>Still half the class, including me, went with using Visual Studio as an IDE instead.
>half of the class will graduate and go on to peruse careers >guess which half of the class this is
Gavin Hernandez
I had a professor who required we learn both g++ and msvc++; our code projects had to compile with both compilers. We were even required to write our own makefiles and give compile instructons when we "turned it in" for a grade. I HATED it at first. But halfway through the course I saw the wisdom of it and stopped being a little bitch about it. Your professor wants you to learn these things so you aren't boxed in to using windows for the rest of your life. If your code doesn't need platform specific code, you should not write platform specific code initially. For very large projects, you want as much of your code to be portable as reasonably possible (hopefully not at the cost of performance or functionality). Your professor probably gave you an assignment which they knew could be coded in a platform independent manner.
Aaron White
the botnet wants us to know it's there, watching us
Josiah White
Solaris is Unix.
Samuel Morales
Why didn't you use macOS + VS Code?
Kevin Martinez
If it's C and you're using VisualStudio, you are NOT writing C. You are writing C++.
Henry Sanders
William Rivera
>I had a professor who required we learn both g++ and msvc++; our code projects had to compile with both compilers. so, he required you to write code compliant to the c++ standard ? thats how it's handled at every decent university, we had the requirement that if it's non-standard c or throws any warnings with -Wall -pedantic you get 0 points
Brayden Nelson
>One of my control theory courses has a pretty assburger prof who insists we use UNIX-based systems in a code project. Which makes sense considering that UNIX and UNIX-like families of OSes are far better suited for the job and far easier to use than Microsoft Windows in this particular context. There is more documentation and examples available and just truck loads worth insanely good books. You should install Open/Net/Free/*BSD, Solaris or (some UNIX-like such as) your favourite GNU/Linux distribution (such as Fedora, Debian or Slackware).
>Still half the class, including me, went with using Visual Studio as an IDE instead. Why on earth would you guys do that? You're not learning anything that way. Especially if the language is C. The MSVC isn't even fully C99 compatible (let alone C11).
Introduce yourself to Bash, Vim, GCC and Make.
>The deadline is next week and my entire project is written for a windows system. Well, I guess it's time for you to learn POSIX and write universally compatible programs. The problems you mentioned are fairly easy to solve. For example sleep() being in microseconds on Windows and seconds in POSIX is solved using nanosleep().
>What's a good excuse for not having used UNIX? In this programming context there aren't any good excuses. You could try building an argument using the "UNIX-Haters Handbook" but that's mostly invalidated by the fact that the book is outdated as fuck. It's still amusing to read though.
>Could I blame it on compability issues with my hardware preventing installation of a new OS? Nope. Modern UNIX systems like *BSD and Solaris work pretty much everywhere. Furthermore GNU/Linux (which is a UNIX-like to be precise) has a far better hardware compatibility out of box than Microsoft Windows. You guys could have even used macOS (which is a one kind of UNIX) for this task and still come out as winners.
Nolan Thomas
Blame it on the jews
Juan Wright
>The MSVC isn't even fully C99 compatible seriously ? i'm too lazy to look it up, but thats kinda hard to believe, even if it's m$
Aaron Taylor
Just install a VM and compile it there.
If you use compatibility as an excuse he'll just think you are a moron.
Brody Russell
It isn't even C89 compatible. fopen is broken by design, to prevent code monkeys to do portable code.
Julian Smith
fuck, thats really messed up. now i start to understand why windows users use mingw or cygwin or stuff like that.
Angel Gonzalez
However it's true. Microsoft doesn't care about the C language. They're only supporting it as a part of the C++ and the latest C++ standard supported by MSVC is C++11 which isn't fully C99 or C11 compliant. If you want C99 on Windows you have to use something like Pelles C.
so seems like they only support iso c90 i don't know anyone who uses or even read that standard and i don't really get why they don't just copy LLVM code .. it's not like it would be the first time they'd copy BSD code.
Oliver Lopez
>complete retards like OP will be more successful than me
Robert Anderson
This. No matter how much time you invest in learning technology you will never be a normalfag.
Camden King
mingw has the same problem. It does'nt implement fopen correctly on NT.
Joseph Allen
IDEs are literally just.... bloated text editors with better auto complete and project templates
Easton Mitchell
Give it more than 128mb of ram you jabroni
James Hill
This. Get fucked, op.
Lincoln Ramirez
> It does'nt implement fopen correctly on NT. wasn't NT posix compliant ? when did they stop ?
Angel Phillips
my professor was the opposite
he adamantly encouraged people to install and get used to Eclipse and all the magical buttons and menus rather than learn OOP/Java
this is at a half-decent uni too
Matthew Jackson
Julian Fisher
the one using real tools
Mason Ortiz
nope, an IDE is a tool that integrates different tools needed for development and provides a common interface. so with the right configuration every combination of at least a shell + texteditor + compiler can be qualifies as an IDE
Kayden Baker
OP, you fucked up. Just unfuck yourself and use Linux or BSD.
Coding like Unix like environments is easier anyway. Why would you do something stupid like use Windows when the person giving you a grade says to use a Unix like environment?
Grayson Thomas
>make linux LiveUSB >install any compiler of your choice for your language >copy your source files somewhere accessible from liveUSB >compile for linux
>test it >turn it in >????? >PROFIT
Jeremiah Richardson
Juan Martin
Around Windows NT 5.0 (Windows 2000). That's when they stopped caring about it. Windows NT is currently not fully POSIX compliant.
Okay then just copy the code to a Linux machine, edit it to be standard C and recompile
If you're that stupid you don't deserve a degree
Brody Brooks
Yeah I'm in the process of doing it.
And regarding my degree, I'm not gonna be a codemonkey; I'll be giving orders to the programmers.
Logan Davis
>I'll be giving orders to the programmers HAHAHAHAHAHA
Angel Flores
>I'm not gonna be a codemonkey you can't even write standard compliant code, ofc you'll be worse than a codemonkey.
> I'll be giving orders to the programmers. do you seriously think you are suited to write specifications if you can't even read standards and specificatons ??
Grayson Long
Settle down Pajeet
Colton Watson
>Can't even follow basic instructions >I'll be giving orders to the programmers. lmao
Kevin Wilson
Not with that "I know better than my professor trying to wean me of MS products and autocomplete" attitude. You'll be a code monkey at best if you don't change your ways.
Aiden Rivera
>I'm not gonna be a codemonkey; I'll be giving orders to the programmers.
John Cruz
>prof tells you to do shit a certain way >you don't Enjoy your failure, dumbass. You couldn't even set up a VM? Who the fuck let you near computers? Your handler need to be retrained.
Joshua Lee
>You'll be a code monkey at best if you don't change your ways. wrong, he might manage to become a code monkey if he changes his ways and learns to read specifications.
Elijah Barnes
Im very confused, why would you prefer windows api over posix. Windows is fucking disgusting to program with.
Gavin King
You don't get it. She/he is just one of the code monkeys who can't code without a powerful IDE.
Connor Garcia
>I'll be giving orders to the programmers. Sure enough, you'll be telling pajeet to make big macs for the drive-thru customers
Wyatt Howard
I'm doing better than 80% of my class, at one of the most respectable universities in my country (India).
Brayden Reed
Asher Hughes
Indians don't understand what the word "specification" means. More news at 11.
Gavin Moore
too obvious, way too obvious. you should have searched for some indian university with a name that doesn't give away it's indian unless you look it up.
Dylan Robinson
Nathan Robinson
I frequent Quora, the school you're looking for is the Indian Institute of Technology or IIT. The Pajeets on Quora have deluded themselves into thinking their school is on par with the likes of MIT and Stanford.
Ethan Rogers
Please be bait
John White
Maybe you should have listened to the requirements of the course. If you have a job and the customer wants it on a linux system, and you give them a solution that only works on windows, you aren't going to make very much money
My school provided some ubuntu machines that we could ssh into for this stuff, and I did all my dev in visual studio, then wrote a makefile and tested it on ubuntu
Carson Kelly
See Everything will be explained
Jace Adams
>wrote a makefile and tested it on ubuntu Please help me with my makefile. It produces linker errors (many "undefined reference to ..." errors while compiling in emacs)
ok, thats really better.. but why c89 and not c99 ? c99 has some nice features and is supported by every decent compiler
Connor Wright
>some nice features Absolutely useless.
Ryder Reed
did he provide a server to ssh into, or assume you would dual-boot linux? also why do you need windows-specific stuff? you didn't do system("PAUSE") or any of that bullshit or use a windows-specific gui library, did you?
William Gomez
declaring variables in for-loop heads is a neat feature. but i can't really think of any other c99 features i use