Anyone here good with cisco and would be willing to help me?
not even, i just have cisco class and i need to pass it, ffs i want to study architecture and this old fuck just keeps giving me assignments
well just study
op(config)#do your own homework
What kind of assignments? Chapter tests? Netlabs? Packet Tracers?
Just do them. If you get stuck, every single solution is online, including entire lab assignments on youtube.
CCNA faggot here, wtf u want
How about you directly ask the question and show some interest and what you have done so far to fix it?
whats the point of a ccna if you can't even find a job? and even if you do, it'll require experience
IT is a meme desu
not even, its probably piss easy, but i switched schools and have missed 4 years of CISCO and now i have to do it in my final exams..
pic related i have to configure this network, problem is that i dont know which IP to use for computers.
PC1: first IP behind gateway, so i figured it would be but not sure
PC2: IP of last PC in LAN, i think its but again not sure
PC3: Last theoretically possible IP in LAN, not clue what this means
Here's all you need to know, and by the way, you're going nowhere as a netadmin without that.
thanks for the links, i dont want to be netadmin, this class is mandatory to finish my hs degree..
/26 means the subnet mask is
So the block size is 63 + 1 = 64
That means PC one would be assuming this is classless and the default gateway IP ends in 0.
PC3 would be
No idea what they want for PC2.
thank you, can i ask why you dont use
nevermind i think i figured it out 63 is for broadcast and one is for gateway right?
Could be wrong but last possible IP would mean the broadcast address? Ask your professor for clarification, you shouldn't assign that IP in a subnet to a host. In that case it would be
PC1 =
PC2 =
PC3 =
/26 is the CIDR notation which shows the bits used in the subnet mask which correlates to the host portion of the IP.
you are correct i think last possible means one before broadcast, for PC 2 i think it would be since you only have 50 computers
Subnet size has nothing to do with the actual number of hosts.
Do you study in slovakia? If yes what university?
yeah, im still in highschool, final year now
In slovakia? What high school teaches this shit bro? Some fancy IB study course?
nah i go to state owned school and its mandatory
Shit all i ever did on CS classes was some basic delphi - had to learn shit on my own at uni
Hey, I have some university level course notes you might be interested in. Would you like a copy?
sure i would appreciate it
And my NAS just exploded again. BRB
>some europoor is forced to learn Cisco in high school
jesus christ north america is fucked
Alright, it's uploading to a Medafire burner now. Jeez, ZFS explodes on my NAS if I so much as breathe on it.
Ding. Done.
And it only nuked my Gentoo router/NAS twice to do it.
other europoor here, had to do CCNA 1/2/3/4 in high school aswell as classes on setting up and administrating Windows/Linux servers
do 'murricans only get to touch these things in college/uni?
>conf t
>hostname imgay
Depends on the school. My high school had what they called "career academies." Basically, they're programs with classes focusing on different careers as opposed to just general education. I did the Cisco academy and it included 1-4.
this shit should be optional only, not mandatory
t. OP
Sorry OP if you need help with a shitty packet tracer asignaments
Then you need to start from ground and readthefuckinmanual
Good Luck BTW
Who the fuck uses cisco? Juniper > cisco. Fucktards ship each fucking router with different os
People who have jobs.
>implying Cisco doesn't make up a massive majority of the networking industry
>not pushing ios with linux servers
do you even update the ios on your devices?
when doing tests subnet size is always the smallest that allows for the stated number of hosts.
In testing land, last possibe is last usable
wtf is CCNA 1/2/3/4?
>PC3: Last theoretically possible IP in LAN, not clue what this means
Network Mask: 255.255.255. 11 00 0000
Network nodes:
192.168.10. 0000 0000 Network
192.168.10. 0000 0001 FA0/0 Router0 IP
192.168.10. 0000 0002 PC1 IP
192.168.10. 0011 1110 PC3 IP Last usable IP
192.168.10. 0011 1111 Broadcast Address (Reaches all PC, can't be used.)
0011 1110 = 62
0011 1111 = 63
CIsco will be btfo'd in 5 years by linux based software defined networking
>I dont know what an ASIC is or why they're used. I still dont understand what SDN is.
>LAN-50 PC
Since they are giving you the netmask, you can calculate the available space: 32-26 = 6, 2^6 = 64 possible hosts but you need to take the edges off so in reality you get only 62 hosts: From to while leaving out and
PC1: (you do not HAVE to assign the .1 to the gateway itself, it is just a matter of convenience to do it)
PC2: (in the same subnet as PC1)
PC3: (absolute last theoretically IP, note that PC3 won't talk to PC1 or PC2 without a route due to the subnet limitation).
You cannot use .63 for a host in the /26 subnet as this is the broadcast IP for the subnet.
fuck the cisco, i worked as (junior) sysadmin
is a fucking meme, you are better of with snort and mix
is slow as fuck, i mean all i wanted is to have vpn 1gb/s on jewish PKT cisco proprietary algorithm.
yes you have to pay to use for ASA or firewall or even some VPN modes.
>1gb/s is impossible without asic
no it is, i bought 2x4 cores old as fuck xeons with dual supply as experiment for 150usd.
pfsense and linux is great when you use decent (no shitty arm or slow cores*) pc
I don't know if they still do this but back a few years ago if you study CCNA via Netacad or something similar, they split the course into 4 modules (Taking all 4 would theoretically mean you should pass the CCNA exam).
Never heard of it. Good to know. Thanks.
Speaking of this, does anyone know where I can find the Cisco Academy Curriculum online? Back when I took a networking course a few years ago, we were given access through the Uni's website, but there were clone websites of it that you could find with a simple google search. It was kinda like a Flash based website with mainly reading materials but some interactive packet tracer labs too. This was back when it was 4.0 and I think it's 5.0 now, does anyone know what I'm talking about?
>is slow as fuck,
Technically the older ASAs have encryption ASICs in them but we were clearly referring to routing/switch you tard.
>yes you have to pay to use for ASA or firewall or even some VPN modes.
lol wut? The firewall feature set isnt licensed, and there are keygens for VPN seats.
>no it is, i bought 2x4 cores old as fuck xeons with dual supply as experiment for 150usd.
Who cares? You do realize that ASAs are basically just rack mount PCs.
Chances that you have a job when coming into contact with Juniper are higher than with cisco due to all their education programmes
they're losing share, and are an underdog to Juniper in the ISP/Carrier space (and to Arista in the extra high speed division from what i hear)
good trole
have at it