Windows 10 Education, the holy grail of W10 according to Sup Forums now has Cortana enabled.
Will Microsoft ever stop their bullshit?
Windows 10 Education, the holy grail of W10 according to Sup Forums now has Cortana enabled.
Will Microsoft ever stop their bullshit?
I have W10 Pro without Key. I can't customize the UI and there is a watermark. But no cortana.
Enterprise is and always has been the best version. Education and LGBT are memes.
Entreprise phones home my man.
Just disable cortana then.
That's what I did.
Every OS phones home nowadays
Just setup a pi-hole and block shit
>Every OS phones home nowadays
Wrong. GNU/Linux, GNU/Hurd and TempleOS don't have this problem.
Install gentoo
Every system connected to the Internet phones home.
They all phone home, you stupid sack of shit.
Hey now you stop YOUR bullshit, Windows is the best OS there is. No flavor of Linux (no I will NOT call it fucking "GNOOOOOO / Linux") can compare.
Here is a short list of the advantages of Linux over Windows:
1. Package manager
2. More robust command line
3. Better security
4. Can use different desktop environments
5. Free as in beer and also free as in speech
6. No one spies on you
Now here's why all those advantages are shit:
1a. The entire OS is built through the package manager and can be un-built through the package manager, and it's too easy to do so accidentally by installing conflicting packages.
1b. Half the packages don't fucking work on the systems they're fucking made for. On Windows, pretty much everything you can install just works, because there's only one most recent and up-to-date version of Windows at any given time, and anything that's not made to work with that version goes out of business.
2. The command line shouldn't need to be robust, that's what the GUI should be for
3a. You shouldn't need security measures at the OS level anyway. Encrypt hard drive
4a. All the desktop environments look like hot sloppy poo
4b. Configurable though they may be, there doesn't seem to be any possible configuration that makes them not look awful
5a. Commies
5b. Nonfree software is generally more robust because it's actually designed for end users instead of developers developing for developers developing for developers. Linux is like Sup Forums but with developers instead of trolls
6a. No one's there to spy on you when shit fucks up and you need help
6b. Shit fucks up a lot
6c. why do i get a kernel panic every time i run xyz
6d. pls halp i'm need this program to do abc but it crash muh sywstem
Millions have bought Alexa paying money. Why wouldn't they want to offer Cortana. A smart assistant is the way of the future. If Microsoft listened to you, it would have a windows 95 interface and no new features. If you have a problem with windows so much then switch. I don't think Microsoft themselves would give much of a fuck if you used gimp editor on linux
(cont) I guess to sum it up, here's the biggest reason Windows is better than Linux.
If every time you run a program on Linux you get a kernel panic, common knowledge dictates "don't run that program" and/or "try Windows." The people who maintain the program find out about it, "oh, hmm, that's not great, better fucking fix it," and maybe they get around to it in a few years. Or maybe not at all. Why should they give a shit, it works for everyone else and it's not like they're being paid.
On the other hand, imagine if every time you ran a particular nonfree program on Windows you got a BSOD. There would be global outrage. Common knowledge would then dictate, "what the fuck, this is unacceptable, call tech support, call all the people, fucking sue someone." You can bet shit would get done about it faster than you can say "trojan horse."
Nah, 98 was the peak.
Will they stop hmm let me see. Probably not. They are making (((money))) after all...
Make a Hackintosh or just install Gentoo or some other flavor of Linux. MS will never stop trying to fuck you because they need to make money.
Not only that, you don't even have to have Cortana. I don't just mean you don't have to use it. You don't even have to HAVE it. You can just run cmd as administrator be like:
cd C:\Windows\SystemApps
takeown /f * /r
icacls * /grant %username%:f /t
taskkill /im cortana.exe /f & del /s /q *Cortana*
Bitch ain't comin' back from that one.
You're right. Whenever I have issues with an update on Linux, the kinds that break the system, I need to:
>dust off the old laptop
>google the error
>sort by latest results
>hope someone has the same exact problem as me
>hope some forums nerd replied to him
It's a neverending cycle of: "when will it happen and break again?"
What shit distro do you use where the system breaks often?
Stable is stable for good reasons. Bleeding edge shit belongs in VMs.
>implying I'm gonna use outdated distro with no modern software
I stopped using Debian years ago, my PC isn't an ATM.
ran this but my screen turned black, how do I fix it?
Reboot. It shouldn't be related, I did the same thing just yesterday and the only thing that broke was the start menu, which I was easily able to fix by installing classic shell
That ain't LTSB
>Windows 10 Education
It was always crap. Peole were tolling retards into installing it. Botnet trash. LTSB and Server are the only acceptable versions of 10.
Stop being retarded and install Server 2016
The best Windows 10 version out there.