DAMN! Tech girls look like THAT?!?
DAMN! Tech girls look like THAT?!?
no. real tech girls look like pic related
Why doesn't she wear the mask?
how did she get camo teeth? are there some kind of new stealth crowns out
if you remove her head her body is decent
she's a designer
She's not really even that much of a tech girl. She's a designer.
I'd fug her and cum on her feet desu
If you're lucky
>Tech grils
Let me tell you about tech girls:
+ Great code
+ Can talk tech
- CGI Joe/angry autist with boobs
>Ms. Pajeet
+ Ones that can code are great
+ Won't fuss if you need certain things done a certain way
+ Professional if not pleasant to work with most of the time
- Ones that can't code will abuse the shit out of any social structure making their removal painful
- Often need a lot of early leaves for their kids
>Slav girl
+ Generally good programmers
+ Passionate about the project
- Angry and snappy most of the time
- Expects everyone else to be rushing
- Butterface, those 8/10 bodies can be awfully distracting at meetings
- Will exit the industry early since the bulk of them hate dealing with all the mechanics of programming
>The designer
+ Tee hee
- Won't actually code
- Uncomfortably close to management
- Will shit up any project with last second/post-delivery requirement changes
You shouldn't be trying to date in the workplace in the first place.
She has a better appreciation of tech than all you faggots.
Yeah but what does her desktop look like?
I would bang her.
only the ones that actually do real work and code.
all the others are just fake shit looking for attention
>code day!
>colors of seater matching teeth
Yup, that's a girl.
I'd still fuck her, and I bet she'd be a total freak in bed.
At least she's not a tranny
>ugly person
good tech
>pretty person
bad in tech
I bet she is not one of the cd..,cd..cd, cd girls.
Yeah. Pretty hot, huh? There's not much girls as beautiful as she is, though.
ugly face, good pussy.
10 / 10 would bang.
>Slav girl
>Expects everyone else to be rushing
Top kek.
She'd be fine if she got her teeth fixed.
who gives a shit feet are all that matters
real codemonkey grils look like this.
I just shoop'd a funny maymay of her - but decided not to post it. I came to the realization that I literally was gonna make fun of some innocent girl and publicly humiliate her just based on how she looks. I feel like shit.
She seems really sweet, actually.
When did Terry became a trap?
She'll never see the pic and you'll never meet her irl. We can't have fun because of people like you.
>>Expects everyone else to be rushing
The bulk of them do handle better with their fellow slavs. Some of them spoke rzn to me by accident.
Still, they get really snippy if they feel someone is taking too long with a project, even if it's only a day.
Honest question, has anyone ever met a female programmer that wrote good code and actually looked nice?
>has anyone ever met a female programmer
>banging randy
Enjoy your false rape claims, I guess.
>has anyone ever met a female
not here, no
Good for you, user. I'm also trying to be a nicer person at the moment.
"Looked nice" is subjective, but yes.
No she'll come back asking for more. I know how to please a woman.
kill yourself
The closest I've met is a female server admin that had learnt to shell script and blowed willing members of the IT department when drunk enough.
once met a fairly attractive -but taller than me-one
never personally checked her code, but based on her attitude towards work i guess it was just like the average guy.
and when you get tired of her and move on, she'll trot out the rape claims
Why are they always Russian products to completion?
I am never tired of a woman. I am not gay.
I knew an attractive girl in high school who ended up working as a programmer at google, but I can't personally vouch for her code.
Eh, Sup Forums's not really the place to share ebin memes that shit all over undeserving adult women for childish laughs, imho. If she was some bitch posting nudes on Sup Forums, then I would consider it fair game.
You'd greatly benefit from learning to follow basic levels/principles in human decency, and knowing when & where certain things may be appropriate.
t. Not even a vanilla moralfag trying to whiteknight
>just trying to offersome advice that may help a fellow Sup Forumsentooman desu
>inb4 reddit spacing fag
eat shit LMAO
>Slav girl
+More like 10/10 face/body model-tier.
-Absolute Gold digger
-Thinks programmers are geeks.
>tfw she's out of my league
I bet she'd be pretty hot if she had her mouth closed to cover those teeth.
You're right
they look like this
Why are they not wearing clothing?
Wow, it's amazing what you can do with some makeup, invisalign, and a hair straightener.
Some of them are. Some aren't. Guessing it's comfort. But they're not completely nude. Just in lingerie. I sometimes just where my pants when coding.
Yeah but they're in an office. I thought even programmers knew to have on outerwear when at the office.
There's no way that is the same person
It's Geek Girl Web, I'm sure they're all allowed to wear whatever they want if it's run by them.
Make sure you have signed and notarized consent forms for every action and position change...and an escape stage to leave her gravity well.
>signed and notarized consent forms
It is worthless. She still can say no after that.
>sjws at HR keep sending me females to hire (they do the first interview, I do the second) onto my team
>always choose a male because they're somewhat competent
>after a couple years HR only sends females and traps through
>all of them can't handle basic training
>HR sends me an angry letter saying they've launched an investigation into discrimination in my hiring practices
>know a couple of my code monkeys are Sup Forums tier traps because I can spot their panty outlines through their pants
>tell HR I hire LGBT and tell them to go look at those traps
>HR fucks off
I hope I never have to hire a female programmer but I bet they'll be on my ass again by the end of the year.
>HR only sends females and traps through
HR's traps are actual trans shits not Sup Forums tier ones. Thought I'd clarify.
Tech guys usually aren't exactly Brad Pitts either, so what did you expect?
The only female that ever got through the first phase of the hiring process (the technical challenge) at my company was a scientist with multiple degrees. She was brilliant but unfortunately not a good fit.
Looks like a combination of yellowing and fluoride staining. Either way she/he/it/whatthefuckever should get that shit fixed and pick up a toothbrush once in a while.
>Ones that can't code will abuse the shit out of any social structure making their removal painful
Go ahead and put this one under all types
Yes, in my CS class.
It really bothers me how companies are trying to force women in to tech positions. That seems incredibly disrespectful to women, it's like you are admitting they are not good enough and need help.
The only woman we actually hired ended up quitting after a few months. She didn't accomplish anything really, she didn't listen to what management told her to work on, and she was incredibly uptight.
Thankfully there are no women on my direct team right now. I go out drinking a lot with my coworkers and would be afraid of getting drunk and saying something not PC around a woman who in turn gets her feelings hurt and starts shit with HR.
Only one. She was a systems engineer at a massive company and her laptop had kde 3.5 on it, but I don't know what distro. I help her migrate their bug tracking platform as part of a larger consulting engagement.
you are alright user :)
>tfw ugly teeth
I-it's ok, self-esteem is overrated anyway.
Dont worry user, I chuckled
>Complains about pretty woman in tech.
>Complains about plain woman in tech.
>complains about ugly woman in tech.
Show me a guy that's 9/10 or 10/10 and is a hardcore programmer.
Explanation in pic.
>looked nice
If you're trying to find a Stacy, just give up already. There really isn't any grill above a 5.5/10.
God damn, tech guys look like this? hott
>9/10 or 10/10
lmaoing @ ur lyf
>this is a 10/10 in burgerstan
This user!
If you're a girl and you wouldnt bang this guy considering being lesbian from now on
She would actually be pretty attractive if she got her teeth fixed, nothing braces can't do. Too bad people in the US can't afford proper healthcare.
She's cute
t. Britbong
>cd code
>cd ..
>cd code
>cd ..
>an Asian
>a bored looking white girl who probably can't code
>a black girl
>a slightly less black girl
>someone you can't see
>and their pet manatee
how diverse!
It's an advertisement campaign from some womens underwear company, so they're essentially modelling underwear and as a side effect they empower(?) women.
ive seen better
Kindergarten Cop II - Computer Class
Jesus christ, it's real.
>hardcore programmer
But user, he's neither
>"tech" girls
Yes, they look like that
>Not the GNU/Girls
Pic related
>good at tech
>mentally stable
choose two