What happened to them? They used to be the biggest tech company in the world.
What happened to them? They used to be the biggest tech company in the world
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They aren'tbiggest, but they are pretty big.
Microsoft fucked them over.
they're still doing fine, they just don't make the consumer meme garbage you worship anymore because it never made them any real money
1989 happened to them...
How do I get a job at IBM?
working on ayyylien tech
russian hackers
Working for Corning Inc,. or another fortune 500 company, first by contact and then actual employee and then send them your resume.
If you aren't a pajeet you probably don't want a job at IBM
They are still one of the biggest companies in the world. Currently they run all the mainframes for the banking and finance industry also the travel and medical industry. They are currently working on Skynet also known as Watson.
be pajeet
They're developing a botnet.
become a pajeet first
i work for IBM, ama
"Shareholder value" turned them into one of the skeeziest companies in the world that nobody really wants to work for anymore.
Still, they are the king of business and mainframe services and manage to crush competition through sheer force alone. Suits know not to mess with or compete with IBM on this. The last dumbass to try anyway was Leo Apoteker, and he was promptly shown the door when he played this card (OTOH, HP management has been in turmoil for ages).
Their failures are rare but pretty high profile. Their inability to dump the cost of PowerPC development on Apple resulted in them switching to Intel and the internet collectively shitting itself.
>Their inability to dump the cost of PowerPC development on Apple resulted in them switching to Intel and the internet collectively shitting itself.
actually, they could not deliver a powerbook compatible G5 years after they introduced the chip to their desktop machines and the G4 already showed his age (you can't market your desktop als the "64bit dream machine" and have your laptops with the same target audience stuck with 32bit chips limited to 2GB RAM), that's why they switched to intel.
they still are, they're just no longer interested in consumer crap
Have a family member that works there.
Makes a lot of sense with Apple moving away from desktop at the time. Still, I thought IBM will still the main chip designer and fab for their PowerPC parts at the time with Apple contributing things like Altivec.
i really liked the PPC, they were reliable work horses. since intel everything went south. apple is no longer building workstations, they build lifestyle machines you also can do work on.
IBM is still gargantuan.
They have large offices all of the world and are probably the largest employer of software engineers.
Most people don't hear of them, though, since they don't do consumer products.
They make bank overcharging for "600 pound gorilla" enterprise solutions.
Apple tossed the power user and techie with the desktop. The embarrassing mess that the Final Cut Pro rewrite should have sent any clingers packing. Apple used to be kings of audio/video editing.
Intel saw the writing on the wall for power hungry chips and reacted accordingly. What they haven't been able to do is break into the mobile market since they refuse to leave x86 and can't squeeze the power gains needed to fight with ARM or other RISC ISA vendors.
IBM had some success getting PPC into the X360, but it looks like they never really tried hard to make the POWER ISA work in a power efficient implementation.
Live in the late 1960's
Ya they only make $80b/year now, IBM is dead
>make $80b/year
>spend $120b/year
They stopped making buckling switch keyboards.
I worked there for ~2 years, would not recommend.
Sounds horrible. Were you a software developer? What site were you on? I interned there 2 summers.