How does WiFi on bus work?
How does WiFi on bus work?
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Basically, it's wifi, but on a bus.
It's like wifi, but on a bus.
It's a bus that has the ability to use wifi.
It's Wi-Fi with a bus on it.
Basically there is a cellphone built into the bus that has a WiFi hotspot thing turned on (and either gets internet from satellite or cell towers)
There's a router in the bus, which is connected to the phone network... You can do with Satellites too but it's expensive and slow as shit
I've had WiFi turned off on my phone forever, even at home I just use 4G
it can't be that easy. If it was all buses would be with wifi.
You absolute madman.
It put's the wifi on it's bus or it gets the hose again.
Have you ever noticed how the Wifi gets slower everytime the bus hits a pothole?
The bus is connected to the internet via their tires, which is why bus tires are fucking expensive. The outer layers are made out of ethernet cables that are compressed until they turn black. Those little rubber rods that stick out of the tire are the ones receiving the data from the road.
delet this
95% of the time it's just a shitty 3G hotspot attached to the bus.
>trying this hard
I use a verizon mobile wifi hotspot for work. It's literally just a portable phone radio with a built in router.
>ethernet cables
Do you mean wifi cables?
Those are pretty much your only options....
First 6 months I lived in my apartment without internet, I just used my phone as a WiFi hotspot... It was so fast I didn't even care
Oh boy, I almost forgot about this guy.
RIP in pieces
What's his story user?
Most buses don't want to pay cellphone companies
He's a Canadian that was killed and mutilated by some chink a few years back. The chink is a free man now thanks to Canada's progressive laws
The bus is tethered to wireless receivers
WIFI is not real! It's all made up. Wake up sheeple!
Ate his eyes and stuff, too.
Oh I remember now. What the fug.
is that m00t?
>Tim McLean
I like where this is going
>On February 10, 2017, the Manitoba Criminal Code Review Board ordered Li be discharged. Li was granted an absolute discharge. There will be no legal obligations or restrictions pertaining to Li's independent living.
Yeah, pretty cool. If I'm gonna murder someone, gonna make sure it's in Sweden or Canada.
5 years is a small price to pay to permanently get rid of someone, should the need ever arise.
You cant be white though