Can Sup Forums name 5 LIVING female developers worth shit?
Can Sup Forums name 5 LIVING female developers worth shit?
not even 1 let alone 5..
Can't even name one tbqh
Lea Verou always struck me as someone who actually knew how to code semi-useful stuff.
Karlie Kloss does a decent job of at least giving programming a female face.
But as an actual programmer and a person she's completely inept so it doesn't really count.
just one
muh mum
Myself. But I was born a man.
Do you mean female or "feMALE"?
Do developers which are girls (male) count?
If not, no.
I can name five, but they all used to be men.
Joanna Rutkowska, Isis Lovecruft, a fucking idiot living in Paris (who's an expert on TLS and HTTPS in general), Violet Blue, and Marie Gutbub.
All originally women?
They're women, I don't ask them what's their blood type or their caryotype ffs
maybe they're not trannies, but they all look like rainbow haired SJWs
You forgot Alexandra Elbakyan.
>Isis Lovecruft
Ugly FBI agent.
Non, but honestly I can name like three males, two of them because of memes.
Stallman, Terry Davis and Linus Torvalds.
>Joanna Rutkowska
Yeah, she's legit.
>Isis Lovecruft
>Violet Blue
Not a developer, just a twitter technology fetishist
>Marie Gutbub
Your mom lol
Jessie Frazelle could outcode 99% of the people on this board
Radia Perlman
>ctrl+f Jeri Ellsworth
>No results
come the fuck on, Sup Forums.
Brianna Wu
OP said female
Why does she being female matter? If they're good, why would gender even be an issue?
Do girls (male) count?
Because we need pussy to keep our industry alive
Sophie Wilson.
Less of a "developer" more of a practical scientist, but still.
Singlehandedly created the ARM architecture which is the basis of every relevant smartphone, tablet and lots of other device classes.
Her contribution to modern computer technology can not be overestimated.
(She is trans and was born as man though, kek)
Literal whos
That grill who optimized the dolphin jit compiler.
Otherwise not really
What if they're engineers who identify as developers? Is that ok?
Ellen Pao
commited suicide if i recall correctly
so not alive, doesn't count
Muh wimminz, etc.
kek i remember her poc on enumerating visited domains that actually did not work at all
Considering it's 99% Sup Forums kids at the moment, I wouldn't be surprised.
I can't even name 5 currently working male ones.
Programmers are not artists, they are just faceless tools for engineers and visionaries to achieve and complete projects.