I've been ask to put together a computer for my PHD, and I have a hard time picking a cpu. On one hand Ryzen should be better at multicore stuff like computation (r-r-right?) ind is not from Intel kikes, but on the other I would have to get a GPU which will cost extra, when I would be fine with intel integrated graphics since all I need is to display shit onto the monitor. Which should I get?
I've been ask to put together a computer for my PHD, and I have a hard time picking a cpu...
haha bobe
>mfw op is on a phd team
>mfw they gave op the task of putting together a rig for computations
>mfw they expected OP to go for workstation components
>mfw OP shows up lugging a prebuilt gamer tower
What are you doing specifically? Ryzen is really good at integer math and shit at AVX for example
Also, don't rule out buying a GPU as a coprocessor, they shit all over math, that's what bitcoin mining is
>I've been ask to put together a computer for my PHD
Why would anybody do that? Going on the Internet just to tell lies?
I'm not sure yet exactly, but physics simulation, wavefunctions and shit. I don't know much about what is used for it on hardware level. I know that we won't be using GPUs for anything tho.
why would you say that?
the supervisor admittedly knows nothing about hardware so I am unlikely to get fucked whatever I choose
PS the "big" computations would be sent for processing to the US. This is just a personal workstation that should handle smaller jobs.
pls halp this is srs business
>This is just a personal workstation that should handle smaller jobs.
>I know that we won't be using GPUs for anything tho.
So... you don't really have any tight requirements, then?
Just get fucking a Ryzen R5. It has a pretty good bang-for-your-buck ratio. Should be sufficient for all your... "needs."
he's humblebragging to strangers to feel good about himself because he has noone to brag in real life
>So... you don't really have any tight requirements, then?
no, just the best cpu and monitor I can squeeze in the budget basically (which I don;t really know yet but about 1000$). In case I go for Ryzen, which basic GPU should I get? Just want the cheapest with modern video outs, gaymen or GPU computation not important
I don't really understand what's so unbelievable about this, or even what I am supposed to be bragging about
>GPU which will cost extra
Dirt cheap Radeon R5 230 costs around 30€ here in slavistan, so it's not an argument.
How about something like a R7 240?
Or as says, a R5 230?
Both are cheap GPUs ($50bucks, ish), yet work just fine with (eg.) a 4k resolution monitor.
Whatcha say, OP?
yeah thx, that looks like what I want, unless I would manage to squeeze in multimonitor setup where I need 2 videoouts, but I don't think I really need it. Time to fall for the muh ryzen meme I guess
>muh ryzen meme
It's a good architecture, dude. Like, all memes aside, it's a sufficiently powerful CPU at a comparatively affordable price.
Full disclosure, I have had an i5 for a few years. And, honestly, these R5's seem to have pretty much the same performace, yet are a tad cheaper. If I'm happy with my i5, I'm sure anyone could be happy with an R5.
The R7 240 is a bit better because it's based on the new GCN architecture and R5 230 is the old Terascale arch which is now deprecated.
Also, both can handle two monitors.
true, I heard about having problems with color differences when using mixed output formats on a shit gpu from my programmer brother, but he must have meant uusing VGA since hdmi and dvi are both digital .
You are right but the problem is, if they are kinda the same, then why not go for the tried i5 and not have to buy a dedicated GPU and have less thermal waste? I am only keen on AMD because I don't want to support the Intel kikes
>why not go for the tried i5
Because Ryzen has twice as many threads, which you will utilize on a workstation.
Also, you can easily overclock it and get even more performance for free, something you can't do with a normal i5.
Will OP ever need to overclock it, though?
12 threads is fucking nice, sure, but I barely use my i5 to its fullest, and I'm on a gaming rig.
The GPU is definitely not the bottleneck (980Ti), and yet, I've never felt any particular bottlenecks in SC2, DOOM, Dota, or XCOM2.
If an i5 doesn't bottleneck with DOOM, I really don't think it'll bottleneck on anything OP might run.
That's how I see it, at least.
will standard scientific computing use all these ryzen threads?
>Will OP ever need to overclock it, though?
It's just a nice bonus, that's all.
The point is Ryzen is more bang for the buck however you look at it.
Most likely yes, but it depends on the software.
You can still run two or more jobs in parallel if one process doesn't utilize all threads.
It really depends.
1) TensorFlow -- Google's neural network framework -- can run on either CPU or GPU.
CPU is irrelevant if you use a GPU, though, because even the cheapest CPUs far outperform the best CPUs in this regard. With that being said, however... assuming you're using a computer (with NO GPU) for *some* TensorFlow work, having those 12 threads from the R5's or the 16 threads from the R7's is definitely a plus.
2) R - the programming language for statistical computing, *could* greatly benefit from more threads.
Yes, you *can* use R with a GPU, but that requires the use of libraries and special configuration. As in, it's doable, but it's not readily enabled. Unfortunately, as it turns out, R isn't multithreaded by design. But what you COULD do is, instead of running a "single, multithreaded" R program, you could simply run "several, single-threaded" R programs. In this case, having extra threads also rocks.
I think it really comes down to what programs and tools you're using. Look them up, google shit liek "X multithreaded" and "X with gpu", and see what comes up.
>the cheapest CPUs far outperform the best CPUs in this regard
the cheapest GPUs outperform the best CPUs in this regard*
I program for a phd team and most programs they use for brain analysis are very good c++ programs with multithread support. They completely use up our 32 core workstation if youre not using nice properly.
>R isn't multithreaded
I am doing my master thesis and I have to analyze a dataset with around 8 million observations and 23 variables. I got 16 gigs of ram and an i5 4670k. I still did not begin with the analysis yet. Will there be any bottlenecks?
I had an i5-2500, and doom ran like shit, dropped to 40 sometimes, now I have a 1600, and I get constant 100. GPU with both was a rx480.
>4 threads
>vs 12 threads
>gaming vs workstation programs
Please stop