Went back to Windows 7 from Windows 10. Any suggestions on what I should do after a fresh install?
Went back to Windows 7 from Windows 10. Any suggestions on what I should do after a fresh install?
Other urls found in this thread:
delete yourself
say good bye to DX 12 bitch
and no, you aren't safe from spying
Shilling for Win 10 this hard
they're both a crock of shit
If you plan to update:
> [1] Installing and searching for updates is slow and high CPU usage occurs in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2
> [2] How to update the Windows Update Agent to the latest version
> [3] April 2015 servicing stack update for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2
> [4] July 2016 update rollup for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
Install GNU/Linux
>DX 12
aka nothing
Use Ancile to get rid of the botnet "features" in win7
You got 3 years until Uncle Pajeet pulls the plug, senpai.
Vulcan is the future, nobody gives a flying shit about DX12 and for good reason.
I will use Win7 until it is so outdated it becomes totally useless for my needs. Maybe then I will force myself to be happy with Linux.
Because fuck Windows 10 and fuck Microsoft.
>tell me how should I use my own PC
Yeah, there's like 20 games using it and it gives fuck all more performance. Really a shame that W7 doesn't support it.
What happens then, no updates? I disabled them as soon as I installed SP1.
I was literally about to make a thread asking if I should downgrade to 7.
How do you skip the botnet updates, but get the security ones?
Do you not even read the first five posts of this thread?
>How do you skip the botnet updates, but get the security ones?
i think should be a good enough guide. i'm probably gonna use it once i downgrade to windows 7 myself here in a few days
install gentoo
the future is dx11 and vulkan
install w10 again
I used Ancile script as the wiki said. Should that be enough?
Run Blackbird too
Enable Assistive Technologies to receive a free upgrade to Windows 10.
Install Windows 7 SP1 then install the following:
> [1] Update Internet Explorer to IE11
> [2] Installing and searching for updates is slow and high CPU usage occurs in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2
> [3] How to update the Windows Update Agent to the latest version
> [4] April 2015 servicing stack update for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2
> [5] July 2016 update rollup for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
> [6] Install WSUS Offline and have settings like pic related, and disable updates
> [7] Install latest version of Ancile Script and run as Administrator
Don't post that, it's wrong. First, you won't be able to install Internet Explorer 11 without a lot of prerequisites:
I know, I tried installing IE11 on a fresh 7SP1 recently to do some tests, it's not as easy as running the installer.
Second, you don't ned to use 3rd party crap like that "Ancile Script" when 7 provides a GUI for everything.
I've installed ie11 on a fresh win7 many times a day
Glad I never bothered updating in the first place, hopefully more companies follow Star Citizen's lead and drop DX12 to not exclude everyone who's not on Windows 10.
Windows 7 Pro or Ultimate?
Ultimate if you want certain features that are locked in Pro.
install windows 10 again
turn off windows update
guys how can i activate win7 in uefi mode?
dayz don't work
You gotta enable standard bios in your motherboard before install windows to use daz loader. Also don't use win update. instead grab the convenience 2013 rollup plus latest security rollup (april). Also get IE 11, it adds a platform update in addition to browser. Install SP1 first before any other updates
Install ltsb instead.
microsoft toolkit?
into the filter you go
some motherboards don't have this feature
>uefi isn't needed anyway unless your wanting a boot drive that's over 2TB. that's really the only selling point of uefi. now far as data drive reg or uefi it don't mater, both will work for large drives. you could get a 10tb single data drive and your reg bios will still work. (obviously you'd need to format it GPT style in disk management to use all 10tb as single volume)
Windows 7 activation with daz prefers MBR
there's a UEFI method but that requires fucking around with the shit that's available as options in daz
>being this new
why would anyone want Internet Explorer 11? Internet Explorer is dead. If you're that much of a sucker to use Window's bundled web browser, Edge is 100 times better.
I plan to stick with win 7. it just werks man.
Pretty much this desu senpai
This. The updates are as bad as getting win 10 at this point. Fuck uncle prajeet, he don't know shit about my needs or wants