>the best search algorithm in the world
The best search algorithm in the world
>asking questions instead of using keywords
>asking inane questions
Keywords are promoted, and filler words and prepositions are demoted unless they found in the exact order of the search.
So Google read your search as "as" and "galaxy" - "is" and "a" are ignored.
Isn't that a problem many search engines have? People just asking retarded questions instead of using keywords. I heard that they want to adept to retards like OP.
You're just trying to get people to type "is my ass a galaxy" into Google, aren't you?
>t. Google shill
I don't understand
>"Why is calling OP a fag or faggot acceptable?" - reddit
>why do they hurt my feelings!?
you gotta use quotes, like zis:
"is my ass a galaxy"
Because this isn't Reddit. Fuck off.
Google is behaving correctly in this instance. Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer. If you put garbage into the machine, it can't be expected to return anything but garbage.
Ask stupid questions, get stupid answers
Someone post the webm
>still using Google
>it's not able to answer a completely retarded question with no answer
Wow. Is that the future we've been talking about? It sucks.
>turn off safe search
>warning this might show nsfw results
>put in nonsensical somewhat dodgy search term
>porn comes up
the fuck do you expect?
Try actually doing it.
You didn't say please.
Ever since I started a website I have grown to hate Google.
I rank for random shit. But I dont rank for my domain name because a female soccer team used my domain name in their blog titles.
>Advertising company
Im also afraid to talk about certain things on my website out of fear of getting hit by a mature content filter, despite that its not about that at all.
>calling people normies
Double quotes and year restraints don't work properly anymore either.
Searching in question form is usually more effective than searching for a list of relevant keywords nowadays, because it sends you straight to the results that so many other people who asked the exact same question found to be most useful.
I used to be a master of searching with exactly the right keywords and operators to find what I wanted, but now it only makes things more complicated unless I'm looking for something really obscure.
i doubt thiis is a question that many asked
>is my ass a galaxy?
No, but your mom's is.
It's smart enough not to dignify your question with a proper response.
samsung probably paid for that. usually it has an option to search for what you wanted anyway but sometimes it does not.
It's 2014 so long before Dump and "le dae SJW" memes.
phone fag
I've never once searched using question format, and probably never will. The concept of typing "how do I ..... ?" into a search field makes me vomit. I never enter articles or other miscellaneous prepositions (the, to, an, etc.). Just shits up the search with even more garbage.
The exception to that is google auto fillout, where I do sometimes select what other people seem to commonly use because I am specifically looking for search results that reflect that factor.
It does piss me off to no fucking end that when I input certain words, the search engine automatically expands my vocabulary selection to include other forms of words I entered. there really needs to be a "literal" toggle on all search engines that disable that so-called "smart" feature. It really fucks up the results and returns an enormous amount of garbage that you then have to wade through.
It's a self-defeating loop, too: because the search engine returned so much garbage, you end up clicking through on some of the hits before you find out they are garbage ... and the algorithms then interpret those click-throughs as "valid" results and keep throwing them to the top of the search hits, even though they are utterly garbage & irrelevant.
Once again, people who take the time to educate themselves on how to do something right get punished by retarded assholes trying to pander to moron normies who are too stupid to be running around unescorted ion the Internet. But, that's how the y get rich ... consuming vast amounts of someone else's time to separate imbeciles from their money.