One of the biggest tech conglomerates in the world rarely gets discussed here

One of the biggest tech conglomerates in the world rarely gets discussed here.

What does Sup Forums think of GE?

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Their jet engines for the block 50 F-16s are nice

I think that's general dynamics

Sup Forums is for discussion of consumer electronics, linux desktop environments, and anime generals. By no means do we actually discuss (((real))) technology here

They do their job without outspoken political agendas like software or psuedopolitical brand "competition" like hardware, and they don't resort to "the publics got our back!" whenever they need to alter something like yuppietech
That's why nobody discusses them, because they're doing things right

>One of the biggest tech conglomerates in the world

I always thought this logo was from some sort of corn flakes brand.

Nope, the F110. Fuck Pratt-Whitney

general electric? more like general excrement!

Nice generators they make.

I think my gas range is a GE
can't say I'm dissatisfied with i t

How many jews per hour can you gas with it?

I've found most GE products to be of just "decent" quality. Not the best, but not horrible by any means. Straight down the middle.

ruined by jack welch

Nowhere near as famous, influential or profitable as Apple.

>owns NBC
>no political agenda

Comcast bought NBC from them a while ago.

>Fuck Pratt-Whitney

jelly of that green power cuck?

shut the fuck up

I bet you're a dumb anime watching NEET

They have network cables. That's the only computer related I know of.

I'm a workaholic senior systems engineer

I worked as a contractor for GE. We had a "revolutionary" product (ergo not really a revolution, but still innovative), but that part of GE was sold to a competitor in a high-profile deal, and the new buyer cancelled the product and replaced it with one of their own for the client.

Nice place to work at though, I really liked it, even if the last few months were more used to buy chink shit and look up reviews of various stuff.

they make the nuke platform i want to be on, so theyre pretty cool i guess

They're the American Zaibatsu/Keiretsu

They do everything but they aren't the best at anything. An odd company for sure.

It's a corporate behemoth. They do some pretty cool and important stuff but nothing groundbreaking.

We could just as well be discussing Ford or Globalfoundries for that matter

They are shit ovens designed and built by Mexicans. Good luck getting a bill of materials for replacement parts. I had my igniter fail for the second time last week.

It was started by that fucking thief edison

The original patent troll that forced young inventors moving to west coast