How much do I need to know about coding to learn ethical hacking?
How much do I need to know about coding to learn ethical hacking?
learn you a haskell before hacking a gibson
install gentoo
Bump for interest.
Perhaps he wants to be like the big eyed mr.robot dude.
I'd suggest ohpee to search for a cybersecurity career in a respectable uni and check its program.
Isn't a cybersecurity degree a meme?
Like, literally doing hacking? Well, a fucking lot, it's a pretty obvious thing. To hack something, you need to know all the in and outs of that thing, so you need to know how to read programming languages, and to do that you need to know the language as the back of your hand.
^Has no idea what he's talking about
Literally none. You don't need to know how to identify $badPractice in code, you just need to know what the signs of $badPractice are and WHY it's bad practice.
Like you don't need to know how to write a system to store unsalted passwords but you need to know how to identify one in the wild.
At my uni it's just slightly different than a CS degree. At least they don't treat it like a meme.
Hacking also requires a lot of creativity and analytical thinking. It's not only good coding skills that are necessary.
Hacking violates the NAP therefore it is unethical and socialist.
fuck the NAP
Depends. Are you reading kernel code to look for exploits?
Or are you using existing tools to pen test networks?
There is no real answer
More than you can afford pal
I'm just pentesting away
0. Know how computers work (users, file ownership, elevation)
1. Know tcp/ip
2. Learn common industry practices
3. Learn the Software tools involved
4. Keep up with the news on new exploits
5. Should probably learn how to script for automations sake
6. Remember that network testing is all but useless if I can just walk in and steal the data physically
But you won't steal the data physically because you are a weakling.
lol moralfags
>implying looking like a week it guy won't make it easier to get in
You should know a few languages, some web dev stuff and some basic algorithm analysis /design stuff
only if u want to make your own or tweek existing tools or exploits, also for scripting for automation
with coding u can create 0-days tho if u get that good, and if u nderstand systems and apps