Previous thread: What are you working on, Sup Forums?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Lisp is the most powerful programming language.
keep posting this every day until it becomes true
First for C++ goddess
Behold! The true power of C with Classes.
She's pretty funny-lookinh.
be wary of r/rust
I am surprised that Swift is slow, thought it is on par with golang
(Copypasta from old thread because autosage)
I appreciate that you try to help my, but this doesn't seem to be working either. Btw I have switched to clang (hoping it has better error messages) and compile with -std=c++1z.
:11:91: error: expected expression
:14:92: error: expected expression
:18:34: error: no matching member function for call to 'print'
int main() { motherfucker().print(); }
:12:10: note: candidate template ignored: couldn't infer template argument ''
void print() { std::cout
I installed my cock cage but it's still not compiling.
Rust can't implement traverse_
For fuck's sake, user. Stop calling your underwear "cock's cage".
And put that pathetic excuse for a boner away, it's embarrassing
It takes exactly 15 secs to open 3.45 MB jpg.
Please refrain from posting it.
What an awfully laid-out infograph. It's borderline impossible to read those damn names.
Language quality and language speed do not correlate at all, C baby. Otherwise, we'd all be using ASM.
SHITKELL can't implement a kernel
Hey guys I'm kinda bored and I'm thinking of reading either SICP or CLRS, which would you find more fun and/or practical? I'm confident regarding my math background and I have half a year experience is a junior developer so I think I can tackle them.
>Language quality
Oh, in that criteria trashkell would come last
>Degrading the guy who just said he's wearing a chastity cage
He's just going to boner up more.
SICP for both fun and practicality.
That's not an operating system
SICP is still a good read.
Read both eventually.
It lists 3 operating systems, all of which have kernels, one would assume.
>What are you working on, Sup Forums?
Right now I am trying some iudeas for a form of autocorrect.
Right now I try to get a function running that goes from a string to a float.
Then compare two floats as a measure of similarity.
(Yes - I am aware that there already is code for that on the internet)
>moving the goalposts
None of them are operating systems
Is there a point in reading CLRS if I passed the very extensive algorithms & data structures course at my uni
ive been writing python stuff for years but i want to get into real high performance programming
>also currently falling for "make your own video games" meme
i'm currently working through the official C++ tutorials, does anyone have any tips or resources for game development in C++?
i am already very familiar with all the basics of general programming so i'm looking for something more advanced than "hello world"
I don't see any formal proofs in those links
I don't see any formal proofs in this post
Yeah, I agree, but probably for the exact opposite reason as you. C is useless for writing anything other than FizzBuzz, 99 bottles, and Hello World. Haskell is useless for anything other than re-implementing the mathematics field's favorite functions which already exist in other languages, then jerking your ego off about how you did it the "correct" "clean" Haskell way.
Good alternatives to Haskell : Ocaml, Clojure, most other functional languages.
Good alternatives to C : Anything that people ever consider "an alternative to C" is usually significantly better than C as well. Fortran, LLVM IR, etc.
If my husband borrows my clothes, will he really become a better programmer? He keeps asking me to let him.
Java is and always will be the best statically typed language in existence.
>Written in C
>Dead link
>Written in C
AHAHAHAHAHAHA SHITKELL cucks why do they even try
Ask your boyfriend if he's down for a threesome I'd say.
>Good alternatives to Haskell : Ocaml, Clojure, most other functional languages.
Sad. You know little of the differences between these languages.
If you first put that excuse for a language (I'm looking at you Rust) away
oh wait try this:
struct motherfucker
void print() { std::cout
Why would I use it over Haskell?
Yes, Haskell can be compiled to C, and there are macros and other things you can use to do inline C.
>Fortran, LLVM IR
Is it true that you have to lock up your genitals in order to use Rust?
>c++ (it's more like c with operator overloading but still a good resource)
Why do you always lack arguments, drumpfkin C brainlet? Move out of my way. Patrician coming through.
Is this true? How can we fix this?
Hey at least it's not trashkell
If you're not good enough to understand Haskell, OCaml is at least better than many other possible alternatives.
Buy a strapon and fuck him/. That's what he want.
Way easier. Syntax makes more sense. No optional pythonic ass-pain. Syntactic sugar doesn't clutter up your thought process. Less time thinking about the "right" way of doing things, more time doing things. If you think about a problem procedurally, you can solve it procedurally.
LITERALLY clickbait operating sytems
>OS written in haskell
>"oh it's just compiled to C"
>enable_if needs a specific type name to instantiate
That's why I'm using enable_if_t (notice the _t) that comes with C++14 and is defined as
template< bool B, class T = void >
using enable_if_t = typename enable_if::type;
No, you quite clearly said "those aren't operating systems"
How can do I read data from a file in c#, where the data is seperated by a certain character?
Yes, it runs wild and goes straight into sock wearing trashkell faggots' anusholes
>If you think about a problem procedurally, you can solve it badly.
btw I just tried to compile it myself and gcc here doesn't have the _v aliases yet. it works with ::value though.
>OS written in C
>"oh it's just compiled to machine code"
In not thinking about my winform order I created a main menu and character window after I already made the world. The mainForm design is always the first screen when the program runs and I'd like to change that. I figured it would work by hiding the mainform on its class and showing the menu on its but that's giving me an error at the mainform hereprivate MainMenu startmenu = new MainMenu();
I'm sure there is a simpler way to make a different form run first
Just as a side note, are you also losing your shit when someone says he wrote a program in C and you see some inline asm?
C newbie here. How can I dinamically insert or remove new elements to a struct?
For example:
0 - Banana - 5
1 - Lemon - 6
2 - Apple - 3
And I want to add
3 - Lettuce - 2
4 - Tomato - 8
// and so on...
Fortran is great but you're a fucking idiot lmao
Okay then I stand corrected
Those are not OS written with SHITKELL, because SHITKELL can't be used to create anything
the rts and gc are written in C
the kernel (the part you asked about) is written in Haskell
for the 3rd link
I could say the same for moving TO haskell
Take homework questions elsewhere. We're busy discussing more important problems, like the best brand of programming socks.
>SHITKELL requires you to compile to C and then compile to ASM
yeah but T is void by default, which you can't instantiate.
Go ahead and show me how you write a pure function for a CLI prompt or a random number generator. Have fun writing your tokenizer by using a bloated tokenizer library instead of just using a while loop.
that's a shame, fortunately HASKELL doesn't
Funny, in Haskell everything just snaps together correctly for me. You must not be very good at using it.
kek, I literally just got this same captcha
I mean it isn't a homework question but okay.
>GC in OS
Can't make this shitk̶e̶l̶l̶ ̶ up
>I could say the same for moving TO haskell
No you couldn't. Did you even read what I said, brainlet? Those are all things that apply to Ocaml over Haskell.
Gaslighting C baby.
>you can solve it procedurally
Do you mean as in Lisp? I didn't like that desu.
It keeps happening!
>No you couldn't. Did you even read what I said, brainlet? Those are all things that apply to Ocaml over Haskell.
There is no such thing as "Hask*ll" anymore. It's the name of a dead project
putStrLn "What's your name?"
You've never written anything in Haskell worthy of putting in a portfolio, let alone worthy of getting you a job.
Is it Haskill?
not him but I wrote a http server in haskell and I used it to land a job
Can't you just use String.split or whatever C# calls it?
i can tell you aren't one of the cancerous rodents that's been spamming threads all day, because this is an actually good post
>Do you mean as in Lisp? I didn't like that desu.
No, you ape fucking retard, I mean procedurally. Some LISP dialects enable it too, but it'd be abnormal to have within LISP.
>shitlang users desperately trying to deflect from their own inadequacies by posting negative remarks about haskell
the world is full of non-surprises
This shit just doesn't work despite everything.
>putStrLn, getLine
Better luck next time, kid.
Is Hask*ll haskill?
There are two websites already. When is Sup Forums going to make the third one?
If you struggle to make Haskell work then you've probably never written anything in any language worthy of putting in a portfolio.
Good resources to learn how compilers work?
Been searching youtube but a I get a video with an Indian accent or it just teaches you how to compile.
it's merely a description of an IO action
if you were to use your own custom IO datatype and provide a "run" function, you could, in the middle, edit that IO action and change it into something else
That's impossible, Haskill is kill
Thanks for proving you know nothing about Haskell. We can all ignore you now.
That's a non-argument.
>Read source file
>Translate to machine code