>Use compressed air duster to clean my computer after 2 years
>CPU max literally dropped by 20C
>GPU sound no longer reminds me vacuum cleaner
>for some reason computer feels snappier
feels good
>Use compressed air duster to clean my computer after 2 years
>CPU max literally dropped by 20C
>GPU sound no longer reminds me vacuum cleaner
>for some reason computer feels snappier
feels good
>im addicted to sugar pills
I had a friend who's computer was so dusty inside that whenever he started a game it crashed almost immediately.
Blast it with air and it worked perfectly.
Never underestimate vacuuming and dusting.
>not being part of the positive pressure master race
>for some reason computer feels snappier
Probably because your CPU is not throttling due to overheating.
>for some reason computer feels snappier
>for some reason
Huh. Maybe cleaning shit and gunk off of components helps improve airflow and cooling, you slob.
also had a laptop that id play minecraft on, fans would hit max and fps would drop while playing, blasted with air and no more throttling
>open up case
>take it outside
>have at it with a leaf blower
Keep your canned air.
>cleaning computer
>after 2 years
Never own another piece of hardware ever again.
Cool desu senpai
What type of air filter do you use for that?
I use my shops air compressor, set at 120psi, using a 1/8s inch nozzle air gun, held about 2 feet away.
Works great.
>leaf blowers are for my neighbors when they encroach on my sidewalk.
>dust/blow out the inside of my PC maybe once every 8 months.
>every time I pull the PC out from the side of the desk and start to open it, I always envision what Holocaust tier mess awaits me inside
>swearing to myself the entire time I'll start dusting every single week
>open it up, less than a few sprinkles of dust everywhere. Takes less than 5 minutes to make spotless again
>run my fractal R5 dust filters under some water, pop them back in, do it all again in another 8-10 months.
It's probably because the only case fans I have in the entire PC is a single exhaust fan. No air being pulled into the case makes for little dust.
>What type of air filter do you use for that?
I use these.
But any will do.
The point is all air gets filtered, unlike with negative pressure designs where dusty air gets sucked in through any holes.
You must live in some kind of dirt-hole.
>tfw Define R4 has air intake filters
>tfw no need to do anything else but dust off said filters now and then
How much does can of compressed air last?
I want to clear my pc with it, but I'm having trouble with idea of buying a fucking air in a can.
>literally dropped 20c
>use powerful air compressor to clean every little corner inside the case
>nothing changes
Only oiling the fans makes this thing quieter, but all my actual fans are those sealed rifle bearings, so i don't think oiling them works. Would like to test one of those magnetic Corsair fans.
I use a dry unused paintbrush to clean off my electronics
if you don't like that, just go to harbor freight and buy a cheap air compressor and inline filter. Like $30 and you can dust your computer forever
How often should you clean your PC? I do it once a year
>use makeup brush to clean my filters every time I see a little dust halo.
>ivy build still benches the same as it did in 2012
>for some reason keeping your equipment cleaned and maintained makes it last forever.
It varies, how much dust accumulates where you live? Do you have dust filters? Positive air pressure in your case?