r8 my clock
R8 my clock
A thread died for this.
This poor kid will never live his early teenage retardation live him down it's so tragic I mean all of us did stupid shit when we were young we just weren't given a platform in the media to showcase our autistic habits
didn't he and his family go back to the desert though why don't you just let this go ffs I know the internet doesn't forget but you don't have to promulgate this
What's with all the wires?
rate mine
fuck off clock boy
>Google image search for PCB pictures in the background
When will the media finally be held accountable for thier lyingpropaganda? Such as how they forced this retards story on us.
that feel when i literally made cpu in verlilog on xlinix spartan asic
and sandy hook etc
How his new life at MIT going?
spergs are still mad about this lol
I don't think he's old enough yet
because they gamed the system and everyone fell for it
also probably a lot of us argued in his favor at first before the pictures of the 'homemade clock' emerged and we all realized he was just a little shithead instead of actually some nice smart kid being fucked over by racism
Tough day at middle school huh?
He wont last a week
This is why this kid pisses some people off
You didn't make that chip you little lying shit it's already manufactured
fuck you i could and i am daily masturbating to RISC-V and J2
Oh shit I have a Spartan board too. I haven't touched it since college.
Oh good, an Ahmed thread.
I thought they didn't have an age restriction on genius
Yeah the poor kid got a scholarship because of this publicity stunt.
>Ahmed's on the botnet.
>Doesn't even disable fuckhuge search box on the taskbar
As-salamu alaykum
Those kids didn't 'invent' shit, it's all hypotheses with no practical method of implementation whatsoever.
At least Ahmed built a physical clock. Doesn't take a genius to say shit like 'dude just make a virus that targets cancer cells to procreate' otherwise all the stoners I've met in my life should've been employed in NASA, WHO, the World Bank or the UN Security Council.
Go to bed, Ahmed.
Except they did. Why are you just making things up?
You don't read much do you
Botnet link
1/10 heteronormative
Just read his report and found it more retarded than I initially thought. Firstly, it wasn't truly tested for what he claims it may be capable of doing. Secondly and by far the stupidest of his plans is to use a heavy metal based (CdSe) Quantum Dot probe to penetrate to Blood Brain Barrier.
Thank you for wasting my time and proving my point you utter FUCKTARD. What the fuck are you doing on the Sup Forums board? Are you some brainlet webdev?
Nice cock you have there ahmed mind if I fondle it - Allach Ackbar Obama Muhammed Jihad
>making shit work in software
>not making it in hardware
>not designing your own GPUs, CPUs, or even random ass chips
>emulating shit
>not remaking that chip and making it faster
FPGAs and their masters are truely the strongest race... will you consumerist plebs ever buy one and get in to programming one. or will you perish like a dog?
but seriously, why do i never see FPGA or more electrical engineering threads on Sup Forums or /diy/ wtf guys
he didn't build shit, you dumb faggot. he took apart an existing clock and put it in a suitcase.
>be worthless shitskin
>can't achieve anything in native country
>immigrate to white country
>still incapable of achieving anything
>cry racism
>get treated like a god
why are whites so retarded?
If anyone thinks the general public will remember this kid even two years down the line you're deluding yourself. Now don't get me wrong the people involved are at fault for making assumptions but this was nothing but legit libtard propaganda.
I also guarantee as a fucking kid he had no idea what he was getting himself into but his parent's must've definitely told him to just go along with it. Anyone involved was doing it as a feelgood publicity stunt and NO ONE gave a shit. Even the fucking uni he got a scholarship knew he fucking took apart a walmart clock. They're not retarded. But if even one person applied to the college because of the media hype and because they're so 'progressive' they easily made their fucking money back.
Wow you really convinced me with your non-argument and apparent brain deficiencies, you Sup Forumstard brainlet!
Literally anyone can build a clock, I can teach a 4 year old to do it. The fact that you think it is so inconceivable to do that you assume he would actually cheat on his SCHOOL PROJECT (capital letters for emphasis because you are a brainlet) just shows how out of place you are on Sup Forums, the Technology board.
Now if you are done drooling on your keyboard waiting for my response which you will most likely discard in favor of a strawman, I'm sure there's some filters that have just gone up for sale on Alex Jones' website, you should leave us and go buy them before cletus and billy bob buy them all up.
Heres your (You)
There are no genitals on those figures
it's pretty well known that the whole outrage bullshit show and milking it for all its worth was orchestrated by his father.
I can't believe how dumb people are to fall for the medias story.
Ever been to school hicks? News flash there is structure and shit, this kid was in high school iirc, you don't pull out mechanics and shit, bomb or not, in the middle of some other class.
he literally took apart a clock and put it in a suitcase, you brain dead faggot. why is this so incomprehensible to you?
First of all it wasn't a school project so I can already tell you know fucking nothing. Second, Ahmed has been even quoted saying he took it in to "impress his teachers". Upon seeing the clock his engineering teacher said "Hey shit, thats cool but that looks like a bomb. Keep it in your backpack". He said fuck that and took it out in another class and it escalated. (Like it would with any student regardless of race)
He also was from a family of shit eating subhumans who wanted to capitalize (15 million dollar lawsuit) from a small mistake made by a teacher who has no idea about electronics. Though, who wouldn't if given such a clear cut opportunity full of race baiting. They just saw something that looked like a stereotypical bomb and said "fuck that might be a bomb, better do my duty as a human who wants to protect humans from a might be bomb." It's sort of like how you always assume a gun is loaded.
They left to the desert because they realized no one with half a brain was believing their shit and giving them freebies anymore.
Haha how can someone project so hard
Even my old Sony 3lcd projectors don't go as hard as this
Actually, Ahmed received a full-rode scholarship and in the lawsuit they won court fees and other bonuses. I say they made it out pretty fucking well. Kid got to meet a bunch of celebs and shit trying to get into the spotlight with this kid and his 15 minutes.
I created more advanced technology than him when I was his age. Why didn't I get to meet the president?
>inb4 autistic
Because you didn't complain that you were oppressed and then bitch about it to CNN. Too bad. Do it with your kids when there's a lull in the news and maybe your kid will get too.
You Sup Forumstards are the stupidest lot on the whole internet, I'm sure stormfront is more intelligent than you.
If an African American gets shot by a cop
If a muslim boy gets falsely arrested
>White kid unloads his Full-Auto AR-15 Assault Rifle with Depleted Uranium coated Hollow-Point bullet loaded magazine into unsuspecting bystanders, is arrested by police officers which attempt to use non-lethal force and pleads guilty then receives a 20 year sentence plus tip
>Wow, okay guys first of all guns aren't the issue and anyway are we even sure this is real?? did this really happen? and if not a hoax how are we not checking if jews had control over his brainwaves? government cover up?? the media doesn't want us to know this and even if they did how are we not sure we really exist? okay, also if he was hispanic he wasn't white and obviously should be killed but still he was obviously a psycho, no white person wants to kill all nigger jews and Sup Forums as a community is proof of this
How do you retards not trip over your shoe-laces or forget how to breath? Honestly you cunts need to fuck off, you are significantly lowering this website's IQ to a point where we may fall lower than reddit.
I give it 14/88
I find it hilarious you say all that dumb shit based purely on opinion alone. Funny how the people who talk the loudest and longest are the most uneducated.
How about this, read the facts for yourself and apply some critical thinking. Ahmed wasn't a bad kid. He just got caught up in his 15 minutes of fame while his family milked it for all it was worth. Of course it wasn't a bomb and of course no cop that gets shot deserves it, that's bullshit.
As for the gun topic, I mostly agree. The gun laws in murica are retarded and I say that as a Canadian. Ours aren't very different but it sure does make a difference. Though I also agree with the fact that a large part of it is the public infrastructure in the US and how if someone isn't mentally sound they cant seek help.
So no, I haven't forgotten to breath and I haven't tripped over my shoelaces. I'm surprised you haven't though considering how quickly you jump to conclusions. I guess thinking about things for more than 5 minutes hurts so it's better to just rapidly come to a conclusion and go back to browsing.
>Ahmed wasn't a bad kid.
wasn't he previously suspended? They pushed the innocent muslim narrative but the kid was disobedient
> I say that as a Canadian
aka the people so stupid they're a bigger laughing stock than India on Sup Forums?
>Funny how the people who talk the loudest and longest are the most uneducated.
>As for the gun topic, I mostly agree. The gun laws in murica are retarded and I say that as a Canadian. Ours aren't very different but it sure does make a difference.
the irony
lol what the fuck hes just holding a soldering iron to random electronics
Almost like... it's.... a photo op...... woah
i don't think you understand how it works, which isn't surprising since you're a nobody. this isn't a stock photo shoot where they're given objects, and told to hold them regardless of how much sense it makes or doesn't. they came to his home, and asked him to show some of the things he's working on then took pictures of him. since the kid is a retard only capable of disassembling simple objects, he grabbed random shit, or most likely was given it by his dad, to try and impress the photographers and gullible retards like you.
>this simplistic reason isn't how it works
>my overly complex assumption based on no facts whatsoever other than my own personal belief that I can read Ahmed, his father and the photographers' minds is how it works
Well aren't you a modern day Sherlock Holmes.
nice reddit reply, fagtron.
I sort of agree with your opinion but that was a total cop-out fagtron. If you're gonna fucking argue bring up facts and sources.