What cool shit has Sup Forums done with their Raspberry Pi?
Pics preferred but not required.
What cool shit has Sup Forums done with their Raspberry Pi?
Pics preferred but not required.
I just installed OSMC with Exodus and use it to stream any tv show I can think of on my living room tv
I got mine talking RS232 to an Arduino via the GPIO pins. Needed to use a logic level converter to step down the voltage. I then was able to show the value of a potentiometer in a terminal via ssh to the pi.
Absolutely useless exersize but was pretty fun anyway.
I spent two days getting openvpn to work. When it finally worked, I connected to it from my PC and it would snow connected but actually just use the normal home wifi directly.
In the end I just opened another port for remote desktop. It's slow as fuck ofc. Also having open ports on a router is unsafe
How much did you pay for yours? I just checked and they're still >$30 on amazon in the US.
image hosting and an ircd that only has me and my bot
I'd use it for vpn too but I have a dedicated server so whatever
you could set up rutorrent/iodine/an ftpd/a git repo/a mailserver/etc
Selling it as small retro gaming console $$
I posted this last thread, but I have a pi zero inside a small enclosure with a few flash drives, a portable battery, and use it to leech the local coffee shop's fibre wifi for downloading torrents or mega links.
There's a spot in the bathroom ceiling that lifts up and I stash it up there. It lasts for about twelve or so hours on the battery. I use the transmission web ui to load torrents and ssh/megatools to download mega.nz links.
I have about 512gb of storage via the flash drives in there with it, and I typically fill it all up. I'll plant it near the end of the day one day, then go pick it up around lunch time the next day. Their wifi password doesn't change and they leave it on all night, just using consumer router and shit, so there's no kind of monitoring.
It's really more of a novelty, but it makes me feel like I'm hacking the planet.
I made a hidden camera on my sleeve that I use for creepshot threads on Sup Forums
Good idea, torrenting gets you in a lot of shit here, time to hit some hipster cafes.
My Pi Zero that was running PiHole stopped working right last night. Scrapped it instead of fixing it cause it wasn't worth the effort, and now I'm running it as a print server for this LaserJet I stole from work.
The Pi 3 is set up with Retro Pi and Kodi. Also have an external HDD attached so I can torrent straight to it. I'm subscribed to AirVPN, so I just use their CLI client with it too.
I'm not? how do you think people get those pictures so easily?
Made my normal TV into a smart tv to stream YouTube and stuff. That's the brightest I could come up with.
If have pics if I still worked at this place.
I used a Rapberry Pi Zero as the NC for a small 4 axis gantry robot. And the RPI0 was controlled via a ThinkPad R30, where the programs were all stored.
Basically with a small IR camera it would view a part on a conveyor belt, pick it up and rotate it to a correct position.
The machine the conveyor fed was loaded by a robotic arm but the arm was really bad at picking up parts correctly.
So there was always a temp watching the belt, lining up parts.
4 days, 1900$ later, we fired a temp and replaced him with a robot the size of a briefcase.
I can't go into explicit detail on what it used, because its 50% I can't remember and 50% boss told me to not talk about it. It works on Pascal and Lua, the camera software was basically ripped from the Fanuc irmate software, and the actual design of it was a simple set of extruded aluminum tracks and screw based movement (think of CD drives moving the laser head)
Little grabber would center over a part, rotate, descend and grab, lift, rotate to the correct position and put it back down. Did this all in about 3 seconds before the next machine cycle when the belt moved again.
When i got fired they wanted me to train someone else how to use it, I told them to fuck off, last I heard the Fanuc service tech spent 2 weeks there learning how to use it, good money for him I guess.
It was a good use of my 5$ mini computer.
Why does my RPi3 use 100% cpu to play the connect 4 game on rasbian?
Glad you got what you deserved you piece of shit.
>make a robot that replaces a guy who makes 10$/hr
>drastically increases production rate
>lowers amount of robot arm crashes
Not a hint of remorse
Only reason I left on shit terms is because they fired the important people who made shit work and left my entire shift to one really angry polish guy. 2Nd shift had 3 operators for 3 machines, one person cannot run all 3 without problems, but they did anyway because captain Poland said he could.
(Spoiler, he couldn't do it)
Got a better job anyway
coolest thing I did was overvolting it until it stated melting
I tossed it into a wood chipper. The bits that came out were shinier than expected.
Used it with a SDR dongle for a while to track & map overhead planes, the novelty wore off pretty quick though.
Thinking about putting RISC OS on there and messing around, maybe try working on some of those bounties they have going.
pics of your setup? what do you use? (besides the pi)
I was using mine as a home server, but it didn't have the network speed or CPU power I wanted.
Teach me plz
I use mine as a Plex client running on RasPlex, works perfectly.
I just use it as a game console.
I'm going to do this with mine. Hook up a 2tb HDD for storage.
how do you issue it commands for downloading stuff remotely?
relay controller for lights, water and feed system for 200 medical cannabis plants
raspbian isn't really used for gaming or video, games run a lot better on an OS geared for it.
I'm not the most tech literate guy, just pointing out things I've noticed.
I just run NoTrack on Minibian.
If you're talking about RetroPie or OSMC, those are both Raspbian.
LibreELEC and (maybe) Lakka are built from the ground up.
That's actually really smart
Why not LibreELEC with a Plex plugin for Kodi? Then you're not limited just to Plex.
What a nice ass...
I made a robot that identifies people based on skin colour then culls the undesirables
How good is a Pi 3 as a web server for dynamic content?
Probably SSH over the internet I'd guess
I created a car audio station using Volumio.
I added a wireless router with a 3G dongle so that I could control it on my phone by connecting the wireless network and so that when I parked my car at home the router would automatically connect to my home network and sync any new media from my home server onto the Pi.
Although I could control the audio with my phone I also added in some physical buttons to change songs for ease of use when driving.
I added a powered USB hub so I could connect a hard drive and so that when I had friends in the car on road trips they could all charge their phones.
The pic is of when I started the project.
development server / desktop
massive xternally powered hard drive
scheduled backups
disaster recovery
Pic related.
I powered it all using a custom built relay panel which included a remote control (mainly used for lighting).
is Pi zero small enough to fit inside an electrical outlet? you could unscrew the cover, place it inside and hook it up to the power and leave it there. You could use it as a VPN of sorts.
I want to do a pi0drone with one but im not sure how and if i can put a camera on it to record/stream
Why though? I don't understand the point of it all. Your phone can already do everything you just listed. What is the point of going through all that effort for something redundant?
Planning to host a site on it using no-ip as my dns
use afraid.org, it's miles better
Domains are dirt cheap lol
Or I could just not spend any money and use a subdomain of my choosing from the hundreds afraid.org has available. Why would I spend money on a site not meant to be very serious
Just eat one less chocolate bar a year.
Or just not spend money because I'm not autistic about 4 extra characters in my domain name.
Why is that chocolate bar so fucking important to you, retard?
The main reason was be able to hold all of my songs without needing to stream them online.
I'm always going on road trips with mates and I'm constantly in places with no internet access so my car gets turned into the groups media player.
Also having the ability to create a playlist on the fly without being stuck in the car was a bonus.
In the end though it was mainly just done because I wanted a new project to work on.
>be a good goy and spend your money
no thanks
why is his choice in domain name so important to you. retard?
I have a domain I just need a host
>small enough
of course
It's one fucking chocolate bar for crying out loud!
got one of those cases and the pi zero for $5 off cana, going to install PiHole and enjoy no ads, speedier internet.
Kill yourself, you dumb fucking shit stain.
What the hell is so important about that one chocolate bar, user? I seriously cannot fathom why you need that chocolate bar so fucking much.
>wireless router
you can just hook a wifi dongle to the pi and broadcast an SSID and connect to it directly..
that's what I do
I have a pi zero with phat dac connected for perfect audio in my car + a 4tb hard drive
it broadcasts a wifi that I connect to and control it through an interface
This thread is full of Autistic people.
If the task can be done by a PC, then use a PC even a $200 netbook.
The point of the Raspberry Pi that makes it awesome is the GPIO pins and the ability to connect it to the real world.
Codesys is pretty amazing for giving you an industrial controller like a PLC for less than $100
Anyone found stock of the Pi Zero W? They're all sold out where I live.
Also interested to know if anyone has tried the BBB, I like the idea of retaining variables.
Sounds nice.
I'm using a Hifiberry DAC+ on mine.
Where did you mount it? Have you got any pics?
>The point of the Raspberry Pi that makes it awesome is the GPIO pins and the ability to connect it to the real world.
Cool so show us your projects than.
>broadcasts a wifi
have fun with your car being hacked
Or you could just turn the PI into a pocket sized net book so you can take it anywhere
I have it set up to broadcast a public Wi-Fi network called "Traveling Guestbook"
As suggested, the login webpage is actually a guestbook. I've gotten about a hundred entries in the past few months
Happy to, but no photos.
Automated the entry to our workshop, can switch off the alarm and open the roller door from my car.
Also using it as an Ethercat controller for an Industrial servo application, I am a big fan of Codesys, A similar Servo controller from Rexroth is upwards of 2k. PLCOpen is amazing for Servo.. Boards like this are changing the world.
They can be found here, I found one.
What the hell is so important about having that paid-for domain name, user? I seriously cannot fathom why he would need that paid-for domain name so much.
PiHole sounds pretty cool. How did you like it?
You can save your family or a chocolate bar, which do you choose, fatty?
...what's family got to do with a domain name?
>inb4 omg you didn't save your family
of course I would
No he's saying a FQDN, not a subdomain like no-ip offers. Regular domains cost money. Subdomains are given out by DDNS services like no-ip.
Not him but I use it in a regular Debian container on my Proxmox server and point my router's DNS entry to it, works great. It doesn't block youtube ads for me, though. Blocking ads on youtube via hosts is becoming increasingly difficult. Nothing works for me anymore besides device-side filters like uBO.
Thanks for the info
NoTrack is better than piHole.
Why? Do you use it?
This guys channel is fucking awesome. Thanks user.
>What cool shit has Sup Forums done with their Raspberry Pi?
Running facebook page /shitpostbot9000/
to scrape random images from Sup Forums and autopost
100% automatic, unlike most """"bots""""
He said he uses Transmission. It's a torrent client which has a remote control option. Basically you put the transmission remote client on your phone or pc and you pick a .torrent or magnet link and it will redirect it to your raspberry's torrent client.
You can even schedule the downloads and such.
The pi itself is small enough, but don't forget that you need your memory as well as the transformer to bring down the voltage for it. Not sure you'd be able to pack all of that in with the wiring that's in there already.
good luck hacking even a wep password while I drive by at 20mph and you're out of range in 3 seconds..
I have a little cubby under my car stereo deck and just put it in there and ran an AUX to the stereo, nothing special
how do you like the hifiberry? I see it's more than the phat dac
when I got it I just had to buy a raspberry pi zero kit because the zero by itself wasn't available, so I got the phat dac + pi zero kit
seems to be great, quality is good and I have the RCA cables too if I want to hook it on a home sound system
how much would that cost to make?
I remember you posting the idea and everyone calling you a retard. So how long does the battery last?
I haven't done it yet, but I plan on getting a bluetooth obd2 reader and using that to log all of the information it can (primarily fuel consumption so I can track my gas millage automatically
I'd also like to get a solar panel that I could either use to charge the pi or the battery if it where to die.
It's just a dns server
I'd imagine that you leave at least one of your computers running 24/7 so you could just set up a dns server on that.
do you have enough power?
If you see a yellow lightning bolt on your screen that's because it doesn't have enough power so it's throttling the cpu so it doesn't crash.
How to create hotspot for raspberry pi zero w? Can i just blindly copy this learn.adafruit.com
I bought mine a week ago but didn't have the motivation to unpack it yet :(
Pretty much, yes.
>but its still only a half hour of typing to configure.
>half an hour of typing
God I hope not.
Raspbery Pi 3 Model B with DietPi and Pihole.
That's it.
I put mine in my pocket and then went to your mom's house and took her to pound town.
clients.google.com would be an example of an fqdn
stop using terms you dont understand
Where it belongs.
I'm using a BeagleBone to make a little robot that reacts to Twitch events. (Bits, donations, subs, follows, chat commands)
It's a neat thing. I can only do a few little lights now, because I can only afford that, I'm saving up for the bigger hardware.
Is that Marijuana son? Am I gonna have to come upstairs and beat your ass.