I'm just making a copy, I'm not hurting anyone
Why is printing your own money illegal?
because the government decided that you are not allowed to print your own money.
But it's wrong right? Just like "stealing" copies of software isn't legal, even though it doesn't do any harm?
If you were allowed to do this, what would be the point of getting money?
Why would you ever work? Why would you want money for your product? What would money be worth? What do you think you could produce to replace worthless money?
>I don't understand economics or file sharing
totally different things.
The government also decided that making a copy of copyrighted material is illegal.
Oh yeah, downloading a crappy movie for free is the same as getting something for free that can either buy me a car, a house or food.
Why didn't I think of using my collection of shitty movie rips and music to get a new laptop
money is unique, each bill has a unique serial.
It's a federal crime.
Printing money is the right reserved to the state and always has been in the case of centralized governments.
If you were allowed to pirate software, why would anyone make software?
> downloading a movie that cost the producers millions of dollars to make
Not in bank
You mean the Federal Reserve?
>supporting rich hollywood jews trying to corrupt our society even further
I wish they would all die desu
In the case of the US, yes, and the treasury have the right to mint currency. It might be different for other governments.
> supporting the government instead
If you truly hate Jews so much then stop watching their movies
It's actually not illegal in my shithole country. kek
What country?
There's nothing inherently wrong with it. If it was possible, everyone would immediately move to another form of money that isn't easily printed.
I don't hate jews
I just hate (((((((((Jews)))))))))
You can print as many copies of your bitcoin wallet as you like.
You question may seem trivial but it requires a lot of deep knowledge about economical finance and economics in general. I could never be bothered to give such explanation to you because I'm high. I'll just say that printing your money i.e. creating a currency of your own can be done and in a grand scale is called dollarisation. It's been proven to be a very bad solution in most cases. If you mean printing the current of some country which may or may not necessarily be yours, that is forbidden for a number of extremely good reasons. Yes, you may counter those reasons saying that the whole system is fallacious, and thus going against its rule may be a correct thing to do. I'll leave such a moral dilemma to you. It you wish to know more read about the history of currency first and then you have basic mathematical knowledge you can try and look at models in order to better understand the chore mechanism of finance. My two cents are that it is fucked beyond repair, growing more and more complex and quick. I wonder if our technology can allow us to efficiently keep track of the billions and billions of dollars traded each month worldwide. Chaos is a bitch but it is obvious that there can be found a pattern and we simply don't have the language to express such abstract structures. Rambling over cheers
Dude, if you are a sovereign citizen, you don't need to comply with the law.
Are you actually retarded or just fucking around?
One with a high inflation rate and lots of crime probably.
Please stop calling names and add something worthwhile to the discussion.
That's what would happen if people stopped respecting piracy laws.
Currency is a concept universally agreed to be used in exchange for goods and services. When you trade currency to someone else, they expect you have earned that currency by trading something or performing a task for someone else. Printing currency is betraying that expectation by generating an implied value out of nothing, thus using said printed currency in exchange for something is fraudulent because the printed currency holds no value once it is revealed to be fake.
>I'm just making a copy, I'm not hurting anyone
And this lads is the problem of our world.
Somehow if the counterfeiting is made by (((central banks))) doesn't count.
>piracy laws
Nigger, that's what happens when there's more money printed. More money means higher inflation. Are you fucking 11?
Unless your scanner and printer were made 20 years ago, you can't print your own money.
i always thought of adding that 'constellation' as a water mark to papers I am printing..
you're actually saving the government time and money by printing currency since they don't have to manufacture it. we should all print our own currency to help the country.
each bill has a serial number
and it's not your property
Its illegal because the goverment wants to have control over their currency and decreed it so.
I think your trying to argue if there is something morally/ethically wrong?
Depends how you want to argue it, its up in the air how you want to interpret the action and the consequences that come from it.
Theres a big difference between morality/ethics and legality.
>Why is printing your own money illegal?
cause that's where the rulers get their power and you're not suppose to have any
Because pirating software does not devalue the software, but printing money devalues the money. Are you fucking stupid?
because printing more money makes all the other money worth less you fucking mongoloid
>it's an antipirate bait thread
paper, tree, oxygen, less air for people, get it?
>Because pirating software does not devalue the software, but printing money devalues the money. Are you fucking stupid?
seriously, is OP a bad troll? paper only has value because we gave it value, and that depends on a strictly controlled and limited supply, the actual physical "document" you'd be copying has no inherent value in and of itself, unlike software.
human "wealth" is an entirely artificial system that we created to make sure people didn't just stand around all day smelling flowers and building log cabins. it is not a tangible, material product unless you're talking about precious metals like gold which has practical uses outside of simply being a trade medium, but suffice to say if you could figure out how to print gold this would be a different conversation. unlike paper money, a piece of software has intrinsic worth for providing a service, which is not devauled based on duplication.
A question: In the future, how are we supposed to earn more money, if we keep losing jobs to machines and poo-in-the-loos? Traditional working is slowly losing it's meaning.
what value would it have when any shitstick could print something with a big number on it and have whatever they wanted
Moneys value is in the scarcity of it.
It is a number on a screen we trust is somewhat constant so you can buy and sell goods.
Creating more with no regulations breaks the entire system.
Sharing culture with friends is necessary for culture to survive.
Sure some people would like to profit from this and even though piracy has been a thing since the 80's, they still seem to make an increasing amount of profit in spite of that.
Sharing is a necessity for culture to thrive.
Making unregulated copies doesn't hurt the article, it makes more people aware, gets it out to other markets etc.
But I understand why they are upset with file sharing.
Because they know that they have a product they cannot make anywhere near as good.
Let's forget the price, because that is irrelevant to most people.
Unregulated file sharing provides:
Access to content everywhere with internet.
Access to content regardless of who made it.
Access to content instantly and with low server costs.
High quality.
Agency as to how, when and where you watch it.
You can buy the product without giving your name and address.
The sites that require a login does not seek any "real" info about you, just enough so they can sell you stuff.
The closest alternative we have is streaming sites.
But they don't come anywhere near the quality, quantity or convenience of the unregulated file sharing options.
How the hell is this not something they have been trying to fix?
I could understand if it just took them a bit to make the solutions, but then they would just be behind. Like 5 years, 10 years or even 15 years behind, but they are not.
Watching a movie was easier 15 years ago using unregulated file sharing than it is today to get the regulated copy.
How the fuck is that my fault?
What happens when when a lot of people pirate media?
Media value drops
becoz govt decided money printing=criminal offense
and piracy(only download) is a civil offense
suck it up.
The part about paper having no intrinsic value is true, but the same is true of software. Ultimately, each items "value" is decided by a combination of cultural/societal norms and personal views (also the very human need to organize the world and to value things according to their usefulness/desirability).
actually, you could print your own money, it would just be worthless, and you might get in trouble. the difference between printing money and pirating shit is obvious, but let me try and explain it:
pirating: just making a copy, and value is purely individual, as in you can share something and it doesn't matter if anyone else is interested or decides to download it.
printing money: also making a copy, but value is not determined individually; people agree that cash has value, it's an unspoken contract between people that money can be exchanged for goods and services. if you could get people to place value in your own printed money (without deception/coercion of course), then it would be fine.
both are technically illegal, but i don't see any reason why they should be, other than the state wants to have as much control over people as possible, so they artificially limit the kinds of behavior that are considered acceptable.
It is funny thinking the opposite way.
What gives the software developer a right to copy their software over and over to sell to people? Why can they copy an asset?
You're right, you are not hurting anyone when you do it for personal use only. Zero harm as long as you don't use it commercially (in a transaction). So go ahead and print all the money you want son.
Software isn't currency.
It's not illegal to print your own money.
It's illegal to copy someone else's currency without permission.
If you want to make up 4chanbucks and print a ton of'em then go ahead. In this day and age it's probably wiser to start your own crypto-currency. That's easy enough, check bitcoin or litecoin's code out of git and change a few parameters..
You are hurting the value of your currency aka speeding up inflation which results in everyone being poorer.
8/8 good bait
>But it's wrong right?
>Just like "stealing" copies of software isn't legal, even though it doesn't do any harm?
Except of course if you are some jewish bank. In that case its ok