The AMD RX Vega is DOA - 3DMark TimeSpy Benchmark

>In its current state, the RX Vega is not faster than the 1080 Ti. This is a performance level that is to be expected with a core count of 4096 and clock rates that are aiming to be around 1500 MHz. The RX Vega GPU is stated as being manufactured on the 14nm FinFET

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Great way to start a fucking thread with libbit and wccftech you fucking cocksucker.

>In its current state, the RX Vega is not faster than the 1080 Ti
oh wow, btfo

Is this some kind of shitposting general now?

Sort of.

Wait™ Navi :3

>linking plebbit
what the fuck is wrong with you?

Neat. I'll start the fire, I guess.

1% IPC uplift? Sasuga Intel.

We already had a thread for this rumormill bullshit.

It was thorougly discredited. Now fuck off.

>In its current state, the RX Vega is not faster than the GTX 1080 and certainly not the 1080 Ti*


I don't think Vega's out yet, user.

You forgot the samefag the crying wojaks, shitposters getting lazy these days.

Stop, I don't want my posts linked to any more shitposting threads.


Can you elaborate because I'm retarded.

>Fucking 3dmark
Holy shit, at least add more links if you plan on doing quantity > quality.

reprogrammable shaders disabled.

Not him but what's wrong with leddit Red Team, Guru3d and 3dmark????

This is a GPU device ID from December/Jan, there are two newer devices already.

Who hires these retarded """""journalists""""" ?

Can you more elaborate?

Only if you tell me how long you've been browsing Sup Forums for :)

Wccf said the 500 series would be dual fan reference cards and average 1500mhz OCs

fp64 shaders aren't reprogrammed into 2xfp32 shaders depending on load

Why would anyone do that.

Because it's a engineering sample straight outta the fabs, hence its :C1 PCI ID and hardware features are disabled along with much lower clockspeed

It's a leaked engineering sample, that's why.


>1200 MHz

>9.8 TFLOPs

yep checks out looks legit

Because chips don't come perfect out of the oven, that's it takes at least 6 months to come on shelves after they're first made, usually it's well over 8 months


You have to go back.

So long as it makes nvidia look good

AMD trying to figure out how much they have to cut down the Vega 10 chips so that gap between a 580 and Vegas lowest card is not too large

No, read the damn thread.

>guru3d is now shill site
/r/amd wants you back


AMD is a mess. I want ATI back

>fury will blow nvidia
>poolaris will blow nvidia
>vega will blow nvidia
>navi will blow nvidia

AMDdrones are so funny

As valid as woodscrews.

>replying to bait thread
>not hiding it

you're the cancer that's killing Sup Forums

Kek. Are you retarded? Guru3D has always been a shill site from both sides; it just depends on what content you post.

>AMD is a mess. I want ATI back
Ye, because HD2000 was not a major fuckup.

If they regurgitate what some other retards say without doing any research they're no better than "make-shit-up-wccftech"

if it cheap
Sound like dream card for crypto, gamer can btfo

>if it cheap
Nah. ~530mm^2 die and 2 stacks of HBM2 with interposer are not cheap.

Why don't they just give up on their GPU division and start working on the CPU division or vice versa?

Because heterogeneous compute, that's fucking why.

Maybe only console and APU

>what are fucking HPC (especially ML part) markets
Sup Forumseddit pls go.

What matters is how much it will sell for.

$400+ = Vega sucks
$300-$350 = great buy

AMD has had the best mid range cards since the 200 series, only place they tend to lag behind is the high end, they have 1/10th of nvidia and Intel's R&D budgets

It's $550 at very least.

1080 performance at $400 is pretty solid

>I hate people who don't like what I like

AMD make very good APU, Nvidia doesn't have x86 licence, Intel igpu suck and look how powerful is the new Xbone so what is the problem?

>only place they tend to lag behind is the high end
Only due to Fiji being a flop because gluing two Tongas together without changing frontend was a bad idea.

Yes they do, and Raven Ridge will be fantastic. I literally said 'heterogeneous compute'. APUs are that.

Was probably the only way to get it out at a decent pace, look at how much performance it can get with better drivers and things like DX12/Vulkan

>Price → Ryzen:Intel = VEGA:NVIDIA

It still heavily lacks geometry throughtput. Vega is about to fix that, though.
Well if $329 CPU beats $1100 one, then Vega10 is going to fight Titan Xp or 1080ti?

>Price → Ryzen:Intel = VEGA:NVIDIA

That's what i fucking said. $329 CPU competes with $1100 one.

is that the kid that got robbed by his older brother?

No it means Intel's top was $1050 while AMD's was $499.
Top vega will be less than $600

I'd say it'll be $550 like 290x back then.

40 cores on new chip > 44cores on old chip

But it was still as fast as a stock 980ti with the massive bottlenecks so it wasn't all that bad.

And Nano was the king of SFF cards.

At higher clocks though.

100mhz isn't really that much of a bump.

Spread over 40 cores? Oh it quite is in MT tests.

It's still less cores than Naples, while running the same clocks. Skylake-EX/EP looks very weak.

>1080 performance at $400 is pretty solid

The instant Vega is out, Nvidia will drop the 1080 price to $400.

>Remember, AMD usually follows the policy of underpromising and overdelivering


Nope. Vega could be 1080ti for $300 and people would still buy a 1080 at current prices. It's the nature of the market

That means that Vega at $400 is a bad buy.

It needs to be less than that, if these perf numbers are real.

And reveal to everyone who bought the 1080 just how hard they've been jewed? Doubtful.


Even assuming that happens I'm not gonna see that pricedrop for a few months, maybe on Fools Edition cards, but aftermarket? Doubt it

>It needs to be less than that, if these perf numbers are real.
They are not. Can you read the fucking thread?

>Thread bashing AMD
>everyone flocks in to defend AMD with their last dying breath
>make thread bashing Intel
>and people still claim there are paid Intel shills here

reminder that 1080 is a year old card drone
price fixing is normal

>everyone flocks in to defend AMD with their last dying breath

>release TitanX
>release 1080ti with slightly more performance
>release TitanXp with slighty more performance
Nvidiots are used to feel that way

Oh, they're real all right, but they have nothing to do with retail numbers.

Did no one watch that event during Winter? These are the same cards with that extended PCB with USB debug port.

exactly, just like ryzen. People still buys tonnes of quadcores even though they are obsolete.

And it's all GP102. NVIDIA basically sells one card three times.

You don't understand. AMDrones do it for free. It's a cult culture.

That's perfectly normal, Fiji had 4 cards.


>3 posts is now "with their last dying breath"
>Being this desperate
The last user isn't wrong, though.

>Release Titan X
>Release cheaper card with better performance
>Improve silicon yields by 15%
>Oh shit we can release the Titan X again
It's pretty easy to do this when your competitor is a drooling retard and can't into high end

It is shitposting general.

Ah yeah, forgot that Nvidiots/Intelfags are regular plebitors and use wccftech as sources, what was I thinking.

>I-It's not their last dring breath
>I-Into the trash it goes
>H-Ha fucking s-shitposter

>two minutes after thread is posted
>amdchan posting

This thread was linked from the previous one.

>3 posts is now considered "to their dying breath"
Oh goy, what year is it?

So what's your excuse for using wccftech and linking to libbit? Do you think you're on youtube you underage shit?

Thats a post mocking all the "AMD BTFO" threads we see around any CPU/GPU launch from shitposters

>user being this mad
Taking this shitposting general into the next level, eh?