
Will this be able to kill off Twitter?


Why not?

Why would I want to use this over any other GNUSocial instance? Why would I want to use anything that tries to imitate Twitter?

Because nobody uses GNUSocial and that pretty much defeats the purpose of a social network.

It's like gab, but for leftist.

Gab is neither decentralized nor open source.

Looked at the github page and it looks pretty cool.
Now if someone made a good desktop client for it that would be great.

Sup Forums instance when?

Do it.

>Using mu-male tribalist words like Leftist

Because platforms like Twitter need an etablished critical mass of vocal coloureds to create content

What is that critical mass then?

Nah all kinda of famoues ppl use twizzler so yeah. And Mastodon's not catchy, band is meh

Anything will kill of Twitter now.

Interesting to see how susceptible to attacks these networks will be.

Because it needs people to use it

You still can't delete accounts on Mastodon yet.

GNUsocial has no tracking, is decentralized, and is free software. It's also full of fellow autists. Mastodon is also all of those things, but it's written like absolute shit and the dev ignores criticism.

The guy writing Mastodon is trying to trademark the name because some japs made their own instance using Mastodon that allowed loli. Most mastodon instances also block every other GNUsocial instance by default because, and I quote, "free speech". Let that sink in.

>Most mastodon instances also block every other GNUsocial instance by default because, and I quote, "free speech". Let that sink in.
No, it's because your neckbeard toaster servers can't handle the load.


>vocal coloreds
>not vocal Whites

>ponyfags are banned
>somehow bad

What is that instanse named?

Already has better mobile apps than Twitter.

>"some group" are banned
>somehow bad
You sure look stupid now.

ponyfags are banned from posting to Sup Forums but I don't see anyone complaining.