If you use an ad blocker then you are a millennial

If you use an ad blocker then you are a millennial.

Don't care. I'll block your shitty ads forever, boomer.

>most fish swim
>if you swim you are a fish

Paid shill

Born in 95 and proud :^)

What if you block ads without an ad blocker?

>categorizing people based on arbitrary birth year thresholds made up by pseudo scientists desperately trying to give their sorry excuse of a profession some value
into the trash it goes

But I'm.

Viewing ads makes you retarded. I don't see why I have to let some multi-national corporation use underhanded psychological techniques to manipulate me.

finally someone says it

can we also kill all psychologists? they're quacks making shit up as they go

is there a name for the phenomena of disliking something solely because of the people that use it or perception of people that use it?
blocking ads is popular amongst millennials -> I do not like millennials -> therefore I do not like ad blocking software

it's called Sup Forums.org/g/

pic related, it's you

"being a retarded cunt"

Psychology is a legit profession, but, yes, many psychologists will interpret their own way.

No, I'm German. I don't have fast internet.
'94 and I feel so old... Next year 2000s kids are going to turn 18.

but seriously, if ad's weren't the largest exploit vector for malware and had some standards of quality I wouldn't block them.
oh and

>Tfw kids born in 2000 will be allowed to post here now
>Implying they aren't posting already

No, I'm a millenial because I was born in that time period. Fuck's up with you dinosaurs and your inability to understand simple definitions?

I was born in '91, and both of you need to get off my lawn while I continue to block ads on every website I visit.

89 here

It's called being a fan hater.
You dislike something not because of the thing itself, but because of its fan base.

>top social usage

Good, advertisers love you for it.

Doesn't gmail/Youtube/Android force you to make a Google+ account?

You don't use G+?

Not per se, since it's the same account... Don't think you need to enter in anything extra for G+ itself..

Also I don't think just having an account is counted in as using it, because then it would be above youtube.

i did for like a month when it was releaesd, then no one was using it anymore

Eh, they fucked up by making it 18+ only initially and held it like that for months. Most kids missed out on the hype, and guess who drives adoption of social networks? Sure as hell ain't dear old granny and gramps. By the time kids could sign up the hype blew over and few still gave a fuck.

Fuck ads and fuck you

this tbqh senpai

I don't want to be 'reached'. I don't want to engage in an active conversation with "the world's leading customer intelligence platform". Fuck. Off.

An ad blocker isn't really an ad blocker.

It's one more anti-malware component. Blocking ads because they're advertisements is just a secondary function.


>hurr, how do we reach an audience that's actively blocking our attempts to reach them?
Fucking retarded marketers.

Well, they're probably right. But I dont get why advertising companies can't understand that we dont want to have advertising shown to us all the fucking time. You dont or didnt see ads in the newspaper on every fucking page taking up 50% of the space, they were condensed to a few pages in the middle. Why should every aspect of the internet be plastered with millions of ads?

Here's a ridiculous idea, start making good products that people will talk about through word of mouth

Go get a job, boomer.

My subconscious do not belong to corporations.

Born in 2001 and proud
I think I'm more gen z than millennial desu

Nice try, Moshe.


You're also too young to be on this site.

By expressing that sentiment on Sup Forums you are probably engaging in a conversation with the world's leading customer intelligence platforms tbqh.

Good. Fuck your ads faggot.

I'm not a millennial but I finally installed an ad blocker on my smartphone. Way too many ads on legit pages hijacking the entire page to shits like this. It made the internet damn near unusable.

If the ad industry wants to know why we're blocking their ads, it needs to look in the mirror.


I am a millennial and I do use an adblocker, Fuck ad companies and Fuck you OP

t. Forbes

Most annoying thing about hijacking ads on smartphone is that they use the fucking vibrate function. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea?

Millennials include 37 year olds with kids in high school, and actual kids in high school

Psychologists are therapists and therapists are usually great people

Browsing the web on an Android phone without an adblocker now is like using XP in 2001 without an anti-virus.

>Gen z
>Gen x
Fucking hate these useless buzzwords. Should go straight into the trash along with "internet of things", and "user engagement".

>Witness kid on a bike get hit by a car just couple weeks ago
>Call 911, he's bleeding from his head and his arm is fucked but he's conscious
>Emergency operator asks many questions like is he hurt, is he awake, what can you see, can you talk to him
>They want me to ask him how old he is, he says 15
>They want me to ask his date of birth
>Something January 2002
>Hesitate for a moment, not sure if I should tell emergency line he is answering weird shit
>Takes me like 5 seconds to realize someone born in 2002 is 15 now

In the end the kid was fine though. His arm was fucked but the head was only superficial

Who the fuck used Google +

I would use Firefox with ublock if it wasn't so damn slow in android

I just want the ad-supported internet to collapse so that only universities and web rings remain.

I tried it out for like a week or so.
Concept was okay, but was obvious that it wont get accepted by mainstream

But YouTube was bought by Google and then there were some double accounts etc for a while, not sure how this was merged eventually.

Really though literally no one uses G+. Maybe they have a G+ page and are unaware of it.

Why does gen Z have such shitty taste in tech, Sup Forums?

They didn't even add a little circle for desktop time for them.

>be me
>start tech blog
>post on facebook
>review access.log next day
>barely anyone watched it using a desktop


Also they vibrate, spam and sometimes even high pitch noises

I'm so glad I installed an adblocker on my phone, the mobile web is actually pretty decent now

Do you need to root your phone for this?

My avg hours a week in front of a TV is 0. Who the hell watches TV anymore? Ads can't be skipped so an 80 minute movie becomes a 2h movie. It's disgusting. Streaming is even more retarded.

If you think this is true you are cooked in the head mate and need to open a newspaper. Old media is just as bad as new media and is the reason why old marketers thought they could pull the same shit.


no thanks

wait you haven't rooted your phone yet?
enjoy your botnet

>Not Blocking Ads on a super-comfy proxy.
>Not filtering your DNS requests.

Ad blockers just slow down your browser by a factor of 50,000.

What do you mean? Millennials are smarter?

I have a nexus phone so there is no bloat. The botnet is real ofc

Friendly reminder that millenial started with people born in 1982

there are a surprisingly high number of people like this on Sup Forums.

>the fanbase ruined this singleplayer game for me, I used to love it but I can't play it now

A lot of newer android phones can only get root through some root application which installs its own botnet. Noone at XDA cbf making root exploits anymore.

Firefox for Android lets you install addons i.e. ublock

Good, you deserve it for ruining the economy, grandpa

Honestly better being a Millennial than a Gen Z.

ads can use the vibration motor on lagroid? LMAO

Don't forget the people who complain about new things ruining their childhood. As though the thing that they loved no longer exists.