Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about? The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.
Remember the following: >Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before. >Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers >This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.
This. RED is clearly the new WCD and every other site is just a worthless copy of WFL. End of story.
Ryan Smith
kill yourself permavirgin
Alexander Nelson
executed, excommunication is too good for them
Brody Perry
fucking die. die, die, die with festering boils on every moist surface on your body, fucking die and taking your curry little weeb tracker with you
Angel Howard
RED isn't even the shadow of WCD. I'd honestly vote for APL before RED. RED's staff is the most incompetent stack of shit I've ever seen
Robert Jones
please execute the following user
Nathaniel Bennett
I want both of them burned to the ground.
Ian Cox
not defending red but how could you overlook that "hacking" fiasco on apollo early on and the fact that the sysop was (is he still gone?) for a long ass time, leaving the irc dead
Adam Barnes
Anyone have any experience with Feral Hosting seedboxes? I currently use Whatbox's maximum storage plan, but I often run out of space. Alternatively, what's a decent high storage space seedbox?
Oliver Thomas
will GGN implode after this?
James Sullivan
>all that western kusoge
Jonathan Nguyen
Anthony Rogers
Christopher Morgan, senpai
Gavin Barnes
>The 6 hour FL has now been removed. >The 6 hour FL has now been removed. >The 6 hour FL has now been removed. >The 6 hour FL has now been removed. >The 6 hour FL has now been removed.
RIP in peace GGn
Oliver Turner
he's assassinating a site and a sysop? that's commitment!
Carter Morales
Remove this.
Ryan Butler
Jaxon Bailey
I'm probably the only one ITT who's had sex.
Lucas Clark
How many months are you guys to pic related?
Jaxon Thomas
thanks, i've been meaning to check out the rest of Satoshi Kon's movies. Perfect Blue was damn fine
Dominic Hernandez
Logan Gonzalez
wheir iz AB scrbbed datasbase?
Michael Richardson
With all the money I saved thanks to feral's free seedbox I had sex with three Russian paygirls since the death of WCD.
Juan Carter
Levi Martin
Leo Lee
Noah Powell
2 years fml
Chase Bell
F i kinda hate myself for not ever setting up autodl to get some absurd buffer and get those achievement points
Adrian Evans
1000 shitposts + 500 snatches will still get you to PU user
John Sanders
Is there any tracker with an economy and user classes as messed up as GGn right now?
Benjamin Rivera
Luis Brown
t. insane pooploop spammer
Levi Williams
so where is the news? Haven't been here for a few threads
Jacob James
Ian Long
Landon Foster
>shared seedboxes
That seems...possibly insecure. And I can't tell if they have a VPN service
David Ross
i dont have enough autism for the shitposts. however im already Gamer and have been for months, im just terribly lazy.
Jackson Brown
>have a shit connection >never bothered downloading freeleech i don't want for buffer >seed my shit >have a decent amount of buffer i don't get it
Leo Campbell
they have dedi options dumbass
Elijah Harris
Meanwhile, on UGC...
Thomas Cooper
Gabriel Rodriguez
Where does UGC recruit?
Alexander Bennett
Yo mamas house
Jonathan Adams
Take that back
Cameron Rivera
i dont even care enough about games for ugc, plus as far as i know they dont really have anything worthwhile in their invite section. i just hope this whole 6hr fl thing doesnt ruin the seeders on "indie" games. may have to hop on ugc
Bentley Robinson
UGC tier 1 GGn tier masochist
Brayden Ortiz
Call me when UGC has an invite section as good as GGn's
Easton Garcia
S-Sorry, 'twas just a joke
Aiden Taylor
UGC doesn't even run gazelle. That's why it will forever be shit. GGn can't be dethroned you little babies it's hands down the best gaming tracker you little babies
Landon Morris
>GGn invite section >good O I'm laughin
Xavier Ward
Is there a number I can reach you at?
Lincoln Perry
i sorta agree but saying "you little babies" twice (two times) makes you sound like a tremendous fag
Joseph Harris
rest in peace in peace?
Ethan Rivera
Stop being a baby you little bitch. I'm laughing so hard at you guys who thought GGn would crumble because of this 6 hour FL thing and it's still on top. UGC = shit GGn = king
Connor Brooks
back off you little baby
Brandon Sanchez
im not being a baby you nigger whore i agree with your sentiment you just sound like a fag
Cooper Powell
>it's still on top it can't crumble in 1 hour after they removed the fl. give it time
Luis Clark
Jackson Campbell
Don't worry about who the fuck I am, I'm right in the middle of your shit so what the fuck?
Brayden Brown
ahh, is that the scent of dead torrents?
Samuel Sanchez
I, for one, welcome the 0 1 0 era on GGn
Isaiah Martinez
fuck off ya we'll see about that
Jackson Rivera
lmao this is shopped
Adrian Sullivan
won't happen. users got a lot of upload already to keep the new stuff seeded. it'll just be harder for neons
Carter White
RIP in peace GGn
It's already happening
Samuel Cruz
I see other trackers are starting to embrace the 0 1 0 path to enlightenment.
Zachary Taylor
>GGn wanted to fix their seeder issue >now they don't have seeders so what did they accomplish?
Caleb Long
... it's shopped... literally fake news fuck off
Jace Ross
I-is this spaghetti's masterplan?
Brandon Gutierrez
can't have seeder issues if you don't have seeders
Liam Wood
t. flamed already regretting this decision
Luis Gonzalez
I thought AB was finished?
Dylan Lee
The less snatches the better site.
Oliver Butler
this desu
Charles Nguyen
i'm not affiliated with any tracker you guys are just dumbbbbb GGn isn't finished and never will be
Kayden Bell
t. 0 1 0 are good for the economy guy
Liam Sanchez
If you don't have an economy, it can't be a bad economy.
Adrian Ward
>can't have seeder issues if you don't have seeders
Andrew Diaz
How to sign up for Apollo?
Julian Williams
find a loo and poo in it
Sebastian Hall #recruitment
Jaxon Evans
Liam Morales
don't forget to tell them that ptg recommended you
Connor Watson
Holy shit they're all like that, y'all weren't just meming. GGN STAFF ON SUICIDE WATCH!
Angel Robinson
>still no GiTS release
Brody Thomas
Owen Harris
Ethan Adams
you have to go back
Lucas Robinson
t. GGn staff
Jonathan Ross
AHD recruitment on RED starting April 25th, 2018
Cameron Brooks
Could you guys explain to me why you download porn? I like variety and rarely watch the same scene twice so it seems kind of useless
Matthew Nguyen
>Could you guys explain to me why you download porn? >I like variety you answered your own damn question