How you liking them cores Sup Forums? Actually putting them to use? I recently got around to ripping all the new movies and anime series I bought a while ago. Feels pretty good maxing out 16 threads to 100% while keeping it under 60C. All on a $30 single tower cooler.
Overall let's discuss Ryzen more in depth. Post your chip and motherboard. Questions, concerns, etc, post it here.
As I forget to do the thing I just said. I have a stock clocked r7-1700X sitting on an Asus ROG Crosshar X370 motherboard.
Kayden Peterson
Yeah, my premiere render times have reduced by 20 minutes. Feels good.
From x4 640 to 1600.
Caleb Barnes
Ab350 asrock pro4, haven't even got around to over clocking yet
Jose Jones
Have you taken a look at the BIOS of the specific motherboard? I only went overkill and bought the ROG board because it had the ability to manually set V-core and also had load line calibration to avoid droop or boost. You overclocked?
Logan Gray
1700X @ 3.9Ghz in Windows because I don't want to push the vcore over 1.3 volts but I was able to get 4Ghz at 1.325 but didn't do any further testing ASRock X370 GAYMEN K4 for the motherboard, to bad this model doesn't have a seperate BCLK
I have never used ASRock before but it has been a pleasure so far. I am never going back to Gigaturd or ANUS ever again at this rate
Linux support has been great for me except for the ALC1220 Audio which I have to run the 4.11 rc kernel's to get it working correctly been using it primarily as a build box because I can emerge world with ~1200 packages in about 3 hours I was using a A8-6500 that I pulled from the garbage so it has been heaven so far.
Brody King
that is a large jump forward. A8 to 1700X. I can understand the hate on Gigashit because they're just that, SHIT. Why the hate on Asus though? I mean I had the Asrock 990FX Extreme9 when I was running my FX-9370 @ 5.4ghz and it did an admirable job.
What's the big deal of a separate BCLK? Seems everyone wants that.
Also PSA for anyone looking at the Gigabyte Aurous Gaming K5 (note the K5, not the gaming 5). This board has no ability to manually set voltage for the core, SOC, or anything. Plus there is no LLC to properly control the voltage. It forces you to rely on voltage offsets, and as such, you're at the mercy of the voltage controller to not overvolt and kill your chip.
Julian Roberts
The gaming 5 and k7 also don't have llc. The whole gigabyte x370 line up is pure shit.
Ryan Russell
My board that the A8 was on was a complete nightmare and anything but the highest end Asus boards are trash, or at least they were at launch. I waited 4 weeks for a Asus prime AM4 board until I ordered this ASRock one, which shipped the next day after my order...
Apparently anything but the highest end Asus boards have pretty terrible memory support (worse then the norm) My ASRock board worked oob with my 2600MHz XMP profile, no fuss on the default bios. Also ASRock killed it on the power delivery on this board; iirc it is a 8+4 Phase on a $140 board
The seperate BCLK is useful for memory overclocking and from what I have seen is much more stable than the normal BCLK. I don't know if this is true but it is something I have noticed when people post CPU-Z screenshots with boards without the seperate BCLK.
Bentley Scott
There's a fucking hospital research center that's going all in on Ryzen because it's a really cheap solution for their needs. The catch was they had to assemble the parts themselves.
Oliver Lee
the board looked really nice though.Even without the 1337 hardcore LEDs it was a very pretty piece of hardware. But once fired up, huge disappointment. Like a Ferrari that you find out has a 4 cylinder motor.
Brandon Reed
>assemble the parts themselves
you mean pay some guy who is decent with computers like $500-$1000 to build their fleet of PCs? Amazing to see how many places are looking at Ryzen (and soon to be Naples) as viable alternatives.
My buddy was bitching about the price of the i7-6900k and lga-2011 motherboard. Really anti-AMD because of their flop that was the FX series. Convinced him to give the r7-1700 a try and said I'd pay for the gas to get back and forth to Microcenter if it's absolute shit. His first question when looking at the price of the 1700 was "what's wrong with this processor? Why is it so cheap?" We never made the return trip to microcenter needless to say.
Noah Brown
Samurai Champloo is 24fps you mong.
Why would you waste your time encoding a series with plenty of good encodes by people who know what they're doing?
Gabriel Phillips
I own the series and ripped the discs myself. I just clicked the HQ preset and added to queue for the first one. Forgot to set the FPS for the first one. I set everything after to follow the same FPS as source. And why would I get the series from a source that I didn't do myself? That's part of the fun in buying and ripping your own stuff.
Easton Williams
ah ok. I only have 32GB of low latency 2400mhz so setting my ram wasn't an issue. Even on the gigabyte board.
Christopher Russell
>I own the series Which set? Original Funi, re-released without the DNR, or JP?
Daniel Gutierrez
what the hell happened here
Aiden Lewis
Um you tell me. It English Dubbed but I think I can have it in JP if I like. When ripping, Japanese audio was an option.
Sebastian Baker
also the max 20.67x multiplier on memory
Juan Barnes
fuck meant to quote
Sebastian Reyes
is that hwmonitor? Maybe some sort of bad reading? What motherboard? I don't think the 1700 can dial down that low per core, can it? Mine only drops as low as 2.2ghz when idling. I know HWmonitor shows as high as 2.8v maximum for Vcore but actual voltage is less than 1.3v
Samuel Miller
What size is the total ripped set? Bad one is 125GB. New one is 115GB.
Zachary Jenkins
my rip is 84.5GB. That's just the episodes though with none of the special add ons. 115GB sounds about right though with everything total.
Gavin Lewis
it's hwinfo, I think if it showed inaccurate readings it would do so consistently
Adrian Rivera
Do the episodes start at 00037.m2ts or 00032.m2ts?
Cameron Russell
Well your Minimum clock rate could have simply been how low your 1700 reaches at idle. Your Bus clock, multiplier, and core clock all correlate. While the CPU is at idle, it'll dial down the bus clock while keeping the multiplier unchanged, reducing overall clock.
The CPU Core voltage maximum could have been a simple voltage spike. Like I said, mine showed 2.8v at one point. As for your RAM, that's really weird. Never seen RAM downclock.
I'm still leaning towards HW-info not liking Ryzen/AM4.
Benjamin Jackson
I can't even change bclk manually, so why would it change for power saving? Is a 18mhz bclk even stable at all?
Benjamin Barnes
See pic. Mine seems to say 00028.mpls
why does this matter?
Austin Gutierrez
Because that's how Ryzen seems to dial back its clock speed to do power saving at all. Looking at CPU-Z for Ryzen, what is different is the multiplier. If you ever noticed an intel chip in CPU-Z it shows the multiplier as 2 values. I.e. 5-35. This means the CPU multiplier changes via Intel's speed stepping utility. I think Ryzen keeps the multiplier the same, and dials Bclk up and down accordingly.
Pic is my stock 1700X.
Luis Russell
>buy a 6700k for main computer >super fast rendering >end up do all my rendering on my old lynnfield xeon in the basement because i'm not a professional content creator and prefer silence over speed >I don't play graphically intensive games anymore
Maybe I should by ryzen for my server instead.
Hunter Moore
>Hospital research center >Desktop consumer parts
Jordan Collins
>and said I'd pay for the gas to get back and forth to Microcenter
So you admit to spending money to shill AMD products for free over something that should not be your concern at all?
At least you shills are finally outing yourself.
Michael Jackson
James Price
mpls is the playlist. You don't know how a file manager works?
But that looks like the good one. Bad one had episodes in the 4.7GB range. The bad one was worse than the DVDs. That's why it matters.
Just grab the NinjaPanda 720p.
Asher Jones
how the hell did they do a 4.7GB file size and make them look worse than the regular DVDs?
And yea I see now. I was looking in the wrong pane. m2ts was in the bottom window. Pic related shows 00032.m2ts as one that was skipped.
Thomas Campbell
>how the hell did they do a 4.7GB file size and make them look worse than the regular DVDs?
It's an upscale so the base is the same as the DVD. Add a ton of digital noise reduction and you now have less detail. Source had a ton of grain as an effect. The original Funi BD release apparently got rid of it all.
Aiden Watson
>tfw just bought the R5 1600
I'm upgrading from an P2 X4 955. This shit gon' be fast as fuck.
Jack Myers
ah I see. Thanks for the info user! And now that you mentioned the series being in 24FPS, I just noticed that all of my episodes in my queue have the 30FPS preset :(. I only did the "same as source" option for Samurai Jack episodes. Time to clear the queue and start again!
Re-doing my almost 3TB collection of stuff is going to take forever. Fuck. At least it'll all be properly encoded this time now that I'm no longer a handbrake novice like I was when I started my collection. nice user! The Phenom 2 was really a good chip. What motherboard did you pair with it? How much RAM/brand of RAM/specs? As someone with 32GB of 2400mhz RAM across 4 sticks, I can say that the difference in FPS in games and overall performance of the system is marginally less than faster RAM. So don't sweat it if you can only swing 2666-2800mhz on a kit.
Isaac Myers
What kind of motherboard would you guys suggest for overclocking a 1700 to 3.9? I'm seriously considering the 1700 because my 8350 is showing its age in most of the things I do and I was planning on getting into streaming / youtube a bit because my friends have said they really enjoy watching me. I've heard about the different power deliveries like 4+3 and 6+3 but I can't say looking at the motherboard on amazon or newegg really gives me much incite to that, and I assume 6+3 would just be better because of the extra VRMs to handle it.
Mason Carter
How many Asian BDs/DVDs do you have?
Carter Peterson
Honestly all the AM4 motherboards have more than capable VRM sections to handle Ryzen chips. 3.9ghz is higher end clock and that comes down to silicon lottery really. Also why not consider a 1600? It's been shown that for gaming the 8 thread, 12 thread, and 16 thread CPU's all perform the same for gaming. The multi-core chips having overall higher FPS lows of course.
TL,DR a cheaper r5-1600 may do the trick rather than the 1700. And any motherboard should also do fine. What seems popular is the MSI Mortar B350, ASrock PRO 4.
Landon Turner
not too many. Most of my stuff is normal stuff. Some martial arts movies and Anime series/movies. Marvel movies, etc.
Oliver Rodriguez
>you mean pay some guy who is decent with computers like $500-$1000 to build their fleet of PCs? No, it was 3 guys and the guy who shilled for Ryzen that assembled it.
Jeremiah Perry
I assume that the 6 core ones would have slower encoding times and possibly lower streaming framerates, but I can't say I've seen too many people using them for those purposes as the people really popular / making money from it have whatever the 5k series intel i7 6 core was (5820k?) and some, like TB run dual titan x's
Dominic Sanchez
Ah, ok. But seriously, for the most part it's a waste of time for you to be encoding anything in Handbrake. You're better off torrenting a proper encode. Especially for anime since pretty much everything is at least a 720 upscale, so returning it to 720 can be done with pretty much no detail loss netting a huge space savings.
streaming while playing a game on a 6c/12t won't be a problem at all. The 5820k you mentioned is also 6c/12t. Only thing you'd be losing is the extra 4 threads of the 1700 which would help with encoding a bit yes. Encoding programs like handbrake don't scale well beyond 8 threads to be honest. saving every last bit of space possible isn't my main goal, just to shrink it below stupid levels. I.e. my un-encoded rips of the entire Avatar: Last Airbender and Legend of korra series are almost 145GB together. That's nuts. As for torrenting, my ISP would jump on my ass. Really don't feel like receiving a cease and desist letter from Verizon for "pirating" a movie/ series I already own. That or have to sign up for/pay for an anime torrenting site or VPN also for a series/movie I already own.
Mostly I really enjoy ripping and encoding my own stuff. I don't know why.
Joseph Stewart
These two are me, I've also been hearing about dual rank ram lately for Ryzen, and I was curious how it works / what kind of speeds you could expect from it compared to say 3200mhz ram which seems to be available on most boards now
Luke Johnson
Download MeGUI, join Doom9, and learn to do it right then.
Ayden King
dual rank vs single rank really isn't about how high the RAM will OC, but dual rank has shown to be more agreeable with Ryzen systems and getting the RAM to run at its advertised speed.