Used/Second-hand PC Parts

Do you guys ever buy them? Where do you buy them from? Have you had good experiences with buying from the second-hand market?

Yes. Modern components are durable enough to outlast people's upgrade cycles. Reddit and eBay are the two best places, but Reddit is better.


does /r/hardwareswap have enough volume to sustain a fluid second-hand market? (and is /r/hardwareswap what you're referring to)?

Yep. My current secondary system includes a GTX 560 bought for $25 off craigslist, and a mobo+cpu+ram set bought from a Sup Forumsent for $30 + shipping. Works great.

Tell people you will take their old computer shit when they upgrade. You can check the dumpsters at universities, apartment complexes, and businesses for tossed equipment. People should pay you to take their shit 2bh.

RAM, processors, SSDs are often pretty good bet when buying used.
GPUs and power supplies and even hard drives can be sketchy depending how hard of a life they have had.

im just worried that retards are going to scam on craigslist. not too easy to test a gpu when you meet someone in a parking lot.
>bristol ct
what's good ct fag

awesome. i need to look into this more for my next round of upgrades. also are there b/s/t threads on here or how'd you get it from the Sup Forumsent

I forget the exact thread, but after I posted the specs of the sorry piece of shit I was using at the time the Sup Forumsent took pity on me and offered to sell his old set.

Absolutely. It's mainly hobbyists, people who upgrade often, people who buy/sell for fun, or people trying to make money on the side. I've built several pcs throughout the years with used parts from there.

I bought an old laptop that I owned 10 years for nostalgia reasons (it was $50 and I had that sitting in my PayPal account anyways). It came with an SD card in it that had pictures of this black family on it and the computer came with a flyer for some church.

I don't think computer parts sees much in the scam department. It's a very nerdy section. Most trades are out of people's houses.
And if a public meeting you can say you have a rather portable desktop and ask if you can meet somewhere with a plug so you can check it out. If they say yes you pretty well know it's good without needing to check.
I have a pretty portable Dell which I use to check out hard drives. I haven't had issue with McDonalds letting me set up in off-hours.

things that make you go "hmmmm"

what did he sell you?

MSI H61M-E33 (B3)
Core i3-2100
8GB (2x4GB) Adata XPG DDR3-1600

shit, what were you using before if that was an upgrade?

When I do it's a hand-me-down from a friend that I give them a bit of money for.

That said, last year I had a shitty PC that I still needed working have its onboard video fail, and its only PCI-E port was x1 and no AGP, so I bought a legacy PCI video card for it on eBay. PCI-E x1 video cards apparently exist, but they cost more and I didn't want to spend more than I really had to on this thing. Anyway, I had zero problems with buying on eBay, for what my sample size of one is worth.

Athlon 64 3200+ on an Abit AN-M2HD.

Was horrible. Even with the 560 it couldn't do games as old as GTA San Andreas. Couldn't even do 720p Youtube.

got a z77 mobo, 16gb ddr3, and a 3570k for a grand total of $140 from craigslist a few months ago. feels good, man.

god,the sole processor is worth $20 in my country

That's a Sandy i3. It's better than a LOT of things.