why do Apple products "just werk" ?
Why do Apple products "just werk" ?
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because they pay copywriting geniuses to create easily internalized slogans
Because they made a walled garden and have absolutely obscene amounts of money to pour into fleshing out their ecosystem. Honestly, they should "just work" even better considering all the money they have.
what does a slogan have to do with anything?
their products work because the control both the software and hardware.
Windows has to work on tons of hardware while macbooks have like 12 variations and thats it
Honestly, they kinda don't. Being a plebeian wage slave working at a phone store, I actually see a lot of iPhones come in for warranty exchanges and repairs.
It's almost beating out the old Galaxy S4 and S5.
What I don't understand is that Windows DOES work on a ton of software, and I can reinstall the OS and the drivers easily.
Why can't I do this on Lagdroid?
> They have their own programming language (Objective C and Swift) that compiles to machine code instead of VM code
> They have their own IDE
> They have their own x86 OS
> They have their own ARM OS
> Non shitty developers like Microsoft, source code is decent
> UIKit basically doesn't have a competidor, it's amazing
When you become an iOS/MacOS developer you will see what I mean
Because Apple is in control of their entire ecosystem. From software to hardware.
Because Android phones have different processors and architectures, so the OS and drivers are fundamentally different for every phone.
>have different processors and architectures
Uhhh, aren't they all using ARM cpu's, and more specifically, Snapdragon cpu's. How's that any different from Intel/AMD/Nvidia?
Because it's easier to make everything work properly when you have a smaller set of hardware, software, and features.
My rock has even less features, but all its features work flawlessly and it never crashes. Apple products "just werk" for the same reason rocks "just werk".
He's an idiot. The real reason is that the ARM architecture doesn't have a BIOS. This page explains things in a bit more detail:
Yeah, BSD code is pretty decent
>Why can't I do this on Lagdroid?
You can if your phone has an unlocked bootloader. It's called installing a custom ROM.
However if your phone isn't rooted and you don't want to install a *different* ROM, it's pointless to re-flash the same ROM again. The /system partition is read-only, and everything you ever modify is in /data and /cache. Factory reset formats these partitions and gives you effectively a fresh OS install.
>connect iToy to PC
>try to drag and drop files onto it
>the files don't move
>iToy asks me where iTunes is
It didn't werk
Extremely tight integration of HW & SW. They also buy premium components and don't use cheapest chink shit like others do.
All I'm saying is that it should be EASY to do a fresh OS install of Android on ANY phone to clear out all the carrier bloatware. Also it should get updates directly from Google.
>manufactures load bloat onto pc
>user can download iso from MS/Torrents
>user can do a fresh install of OS without bloat
>user is able to download and install drivers
>user also has system upgrades
>all while supporting tons of different hardware
Android Phones:
>no root access
>some phones cannot be rooted
>can't download iso of your OS
>can't download any drivers
>if you do happen to root, some apps like banking/snapchat won't work
>some apps require botnet gapps to work
>if you manage to unlock bootloader, you're stuck with some buggy pajeet rom
>rom will be buggy and stuff like the camera, nfc, gps, etc won't work correctly
tl;dr android/arm a shit
Because apple products are made for people who has sever brain damage, everything should be as simple as possible.
12 variations that they built themselves, on their own proprietary systems. Recently though, I heard they started using samsung hardware in their phones.
Aside, apple doesn't 'just werk', when it breaks it breaks hard.
You're an idiot.
I'm not the one using devices built for impaired and low functioning individuals.
Im never on this board but i have say i fucking love that cat.
>Aplel memes
Kys niggerfagot.
Better a gay nigger than an iBabby.
They're just tools. And I like 'em.
Go use Winlel.
Yeah, but when shit does hit the fan Apple Support is unrivaled.
I fooched my screen on my iPhone and was in and out of the Apple Store within an hour with a new screen. I used to abuse the service system by claiming poor battery life and getting a new iPod Touch every few months when I was younger.